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Physics - Teaching Qualification Mittelschule


Teaching Qualification: Mittelschule

Program structure

Mittelschule teaching degree: A teaching subject is combined with a combination of three didactics subjects and the subject elementary school pedagogy and didactics. In addition, the course of study is supplemented by the study of educational science.

Accordingly, the following subject combination results:

  • 1 teaching subject
  • 3 didactics subjects
  • Educational science studies

Which subject combinations you can choose when studying to become a teacher at elementary schools can be found in the lists of possible combinations.

Special features

For the physics teaching subject, there are separate courses in experimental physics and in structure of matter; exam courses in experimental physics and in didactics of physics.


The basic studies include classical physics (mechanics, electrodynamics, optics and thermodynamics) and the physical practical courses. In the third semester, the specialized didactic training and the training in structure of matter (atoms and molecules, solid state physics and particle physics) begin. The educational science studies are spread over the entire course of study. In addition, there are school internships and a company internship.

Professional prospects / competencies

The first state examination primarily qualifies students for entry into the teacher training program and later teaching at a secondary school. Since students possess not only the subject-specific fundamentals in a subject, but also subject didactic, pedagogical-psychological, methodological and interdisciplinary competencies and key qualifications, graduates have always found employment outside of school in the past. In most cases, however, an additional qualification or retraining was required. One-year courses are offered here, for example, by the employment office.

Internships, lab courses, practical courses

In accordance with the examination regulations for teaching I (LPO I), §§ 34, 36 and 38, the following teaching practices are to be completed:

  • ?Occupational internship
  • ?Orientation internship
  • ?Pedagogic-didactic teaching practice
  • ?Teaching practice accompanying studies

Disciplines involved

Not specified

Program duration / standard period of study

The length of the program depends on the progress of an individual's studies. The standard period of study, the time in which the intended program can be finished ideally is 7 semesters. The actual time taken to complete the program may vary. It is limited by the examination deadlines set out in the examination regulations.

Program scope

210 ECTS credits overall;
comprising 54 ECTS credits in the teaching subject, 12 ECTS credits in subject didactics, 70 ECTS credits in the didactics of a subject group in school type mittelschule, 35 ECTS credits in education, 10 ECTS credits in the thesis, 15 ECTS credits in the elective area, 6 ECTS credits teaching practice, and a further 8 ECTS credits in education.

Language of instruction


Program can be started

In the winter and summer term

What qualities do I need to have?

Anyone who wants to become a teacher must enjoy working with young people. Teachers must pursue the goal of contributing to the personality development of students in a committed manner. To do this, you must be interested in developing your own personality profile. This includes, among other things, the willingness to constantly develop professional, communicative and social skills. Organizational skills are just as important as the ability to learn and work independently, in groups, and with reflection. Another prerequisite for working as a teacher is the ability to deal with failure. If the students do not want to or cannot work, then the teacher must not lose motivation.

A very important prerequisite for a teaching degree in physics is that you find physics exciting. Without enthusiasm and a deep interest in scientific phenomena and problems, a physics degree is difficult to sustain. Beyond this enthusiasm, you should have a good aptitude for physics and mathematics. Physical laws are often presented with the help of mathematics. In doing so, students must acquire knowledge that goes beyond what they have learned in school. In addition, you are expected to be willing to acquire skills in computing.

Restricted admittance

No, this program does not have restricted admission based on grades.

Legal requirements for admission

The prerequisite is a general university entrance qualification, a subject-linked university entrance qualification or a professional qualification.

Application deadline(s)

None (no application is required for German students).

Information for international applicants

Registration dates and deadlines

Information about the dates for enrollment and the required documents can be found on the homepage of the Registrar's Office.

Language skills needed

Proof of foreign language qualification in English (level B2 GER) must be provided by the time of registration for the state examination if English is not chosen as a teaching subject or as part of the didactics of elementary school (LPO I § 36).

Information on German language proficiency for international students

Documents needed (to apply / register)

Information on the documents required for enrollment can be found on the homepage of the Registrar's Office.

Information on the application documents for international applicants

Contact within the faculty

Academic Counseling for Teaching Degrees

Christian Maurer



Study Programs at UR