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Latin Philology B.A.


Combined Bachelor of Arts

Program structure

Combinatorial degree programs: These programs combine either a bachelor's subject with a second major subject, or a bachelor's subject with two minor subjects.
You can choose (almost) all the subjects offered by the three philosophical faculties. In addition, second majors and minors can be chosen in business administration, economics, business information systems (only as a second major), and it may be possible to apply to take a second major or minor in further subjects.

Subject are put together in the following combinations:

  • either: 1 bachelor's subject (including the thesis) + 1 second major
  • ?or: 1 bachelor's subject (including the thesis) + 2 minor subjects

List of subjects involved

Special features

Latin is taught in small groups. We offer our students competent and individual support, as well as personal feedback and the opportunity for private consultations.
The Classics Institute provides excellent conditions for research and teaching. Faculty members have access to several libraries (library of the University of Regensburg, library of the OTH Regensburg, the Regional State library of Regensburg, the Episcopal Central library of Regensburg).

The University of Regensburg is a Campus-University which means that all faculties are located in one place. This provides short walking distances and fosters communication between different disciplines.
The buildings are surrounded by lots of green space and located on the edge of Regensburg's historic Old Town.

Regensburg is part of the World Cultural Heritage since 2006 and offers a unique environment that dates back to Roman times. Its archeological past, the famous Stone Bridge, many squares with their Italian flair, numerous cafes and pubs, the theaters and museums, all connect the past with the present. Regensburg and its University is the perfect place for encounters and exchange, for living, and in particular for studying Latin.


This program focuses on Latin language and Latin literature from the early late antiquity up to the late antiquity and even further to the present (New Latin). A particular emphasis is put on classical texts written between the 2nd century B.C. and the 2nd century A.C.; we encourage students to delve into areas they are especially interested in.
Our program is not only concerned with Latin, but also with Graeco-Roman antiquity and the classical world in a multi-disciplinary manner. As a mandatory part every student attends some courses in adjacent subjects like Greek philology, classical archaeology, ancient history, philosophy, theology and reception in literature and art.

On the one hand, our students learn the skills to translate from and to Latin and in that way achieve an active, self-contained linguistic competency as a requirement to deal with Latin texts in their subsequent professional career. On the other hand, they acquire basic knowledge about the history of Latin literature, important texts, traditions and themes, as well as associated social and cultural backgrounds. We also teach expertise and sound methodical competencies and thereby enable our students to work with ancient literature autonomously. After the program our graduates are in the position to translate, interpret, compare and contextualize ancient literature on a professional level.

Professional prospects / competencies

Our program is an excellent starting point for several different career paths. Some graduates become specialists in the private or public sector e.g. publishing, libraries, archives, museums, academia and research. Others pursue careers in the journalistic-feuilletonistic, cultural or political sector.
Beyond language skills, the combination of broad cultural education based on the timeless topicality of ancient literature (e.g. Cicero’s political theory and its relationship with current politics or Seneca’s philosophy and its influence on modern psychology) and specialist knowledge are highly valued by employers.
Key qualifications like the ability to think in an abstract, logical and precise way, to form independent and critical judgements and to grasp, analyze, interpret and explain complex concepts, as well as high-level intellectual flexibility and oratory will make Latin graduates stand out.
To ensure a smooth transition into the first job we advise our students to establish contacts with the aspired field of work as early as possible.

Internships, lab courses, practical courses

As the bachelor's degree qualifies the holder professionally, students should, as far as possible, use the lecture-free period to complete internships preparing them to achieve their professional aims. UR's internship search service helps students finding relevant internships to suit them both at home and abroad.

Disciplines involved

Individual compulsory courses in Greek philology, classical archaeology and ancient history are mandatory. Attendance of thematically related courses of related subjects is recommended (e.g. philosophy, theology, art history or other disciplines of linguistics and literary studies).

Program duration / standard period of study

The length of the program depends on the progress of an individual's studies. The standard period of study, the time in which the intended program can be finished ideally is 6 semesters. The actual time taken to complete the program may vary. It is limited by the examination deadlines set out in the examination regulations.

Program scope

180 ECTS credits overall;
comprising 90 ECTS credits in the bachelor's subject, 60 ECTS credits in the second subject and 30 ECTS credits in each minor subject

A consecutive graduate program is currently being planned.

Language of instruction

German, Latin

Program can be started

In the winter and summer semester

What qualities do I need to have?

Prospective students should enjoy the thorough analysis of authentic texts and materials and be genuinely interested in literature, in Roman culture and its heritage and continuous influence to date.

Restricted admittance

No admittance restriction based on grades

Legal requirements for admission

The requirement is a general university entrance qualification, a subject-linked university entrance qualification or a vocational qualification.

Application deadline(s)

An application is not necessary, as the program is not admission restricted.?However, the general deadlines for enrollment at the University of Regensburg must be considered.

Information for international applicants

Registration dates and deadlines

Information on the dates for enrollment can be found on the homepage of the Registrar's Office.

Language skills needed

Language skills at least at the Latinum level are expected.

The Bacherlor's degree also requires proof of knowledge of Greek; however, this qualification does not have to be available at the beginning of the program. The Institute for Classical Philology offers special courses that prepare students for taking the corresponding examination and are taken into account in the planning of studies.

Documents needed (to apply / register)

Information on the documents required for enrollment can be found on the homepage of the Registrar's Office.

Information on the application documents for international applicants.

Contact within the faculty

A personal consultation before the beginning of your studies is strongly recommended. For this purpose, the academic counselor is available; further information can be found on the homepage of the Chair of Latin.


Study Programs at UR