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Real Estate Management M.Sc.


Master of Science

Program structure

The program consists of a compulsory module of 24 credit points, two specialization modules, each for 24 credit points, an elective module of 12 credit points, a seminar or practical seminar, and a master's thesis. For the elective module, courses can be taken in the economics faculty (business administration and economics).

Special features

Semesters abroad are recommended


The University of Regensburg is the first public university in Germany to offer complete, interdisciplinary teaching and research in the field of real estate management. The Institute for Real Estate Management (IREBS) combines theory and practice in this field and aims to provide highly qualified specialists and managers who are ideally equipped for the tasks of the future in the real estate industry.

Professional prospects / competencies

Graduates have the opportunity to work as specialists in the development, financing, management and marketing of real estate. As the real estate industry grows in popularity, so does the need for such professionals.

Internships, lab courses, practical courses

Internships are recommended

Disciplines involved

Real estate investment and financing; real estate development and management; real estate and regional economics.

Program duration / standard period of study

The length of the program depends on the progress of an individual's studies. The standard period of study, the time in which the intended program can be finished ideally is 4 semesters. The actual time taken to complete the program may vary. It is limited by the examination deadlines set out in the examination regulations.

Program scope

120 ECTS credits

Language of instruction

German (some lectures possibly in English)

Program can be started

In the winter and summer semester

What qualities do I need to have?

Not specified

Restricted admittance

The master's program "Real Estate Management" does not have restricted admittance; however, you will need to pass an eligibility test in order to enroll in the program. Your eligibility is determined on the basis of the documents you submit. There is NO written or oral examination.

Legal requirements for admission

In order to be able to enroll in the master's program "Real Estate Management", students have to participate in a so-called qualification procedure, which means that they first have to apply at the Faculty of Business and Economics.

Requirements for the study program are a relevant university degree, e.g. a bachelor's degree in the respective study program (if bachelor's degree not yet completed, official grade record of examinations amounting to at least 150 credit points), subject-specific knowledge amounting to 24 credit points (of which 12 ECTS in economics and 12 ECTS in mathematics/statistics)? and a grade point average (overall grade or weighted average of individual grades) better than 2.5.

Application deadline(s)

01.05. until 01.06. for the upcoming winter semester and
01.11. until 01.12. for the upcoming summer semester

Please apply online at

Information for international applicants

Registration dates and deadlines

The deadlines for the enrollment dates are announced with the admission notice.?Information on the dates for enrollment can be found on the homepage of the Registrar's Office.

Language skills needed

English knowledge on B2 level.

Information regarding German language proficiency for international applicants

Documents needed (to apply / register)

The application has to be submitted online with the relevant university certificates (Bachelor's degree certificate or current proof of grades), a detailed curriculum vitae with certificates (all certificates referenced there incl. high school diploma) and, if applicable, a letter of motivation.

Contact within the faculty


Markus Lang? (Program Coordinator)?
University of Regensburg - Faculty of Economics
Phone: +49-941-943-3209

Homepage of the Study Advisory Service of the Faculty of Economics


Study Programs at UR