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Study Programs overview

Bachelor's degrees

The bachelor's degree is the first academic degree, and can generally be completed in six semesters. It is also a first degree qualifying the holder professionally. There are two types: the bachelor of arts (B.A.) and the bachelor of science (B.Sc.).

The bachelor of arts (B.A.) is the first degree in the humanities. Universit?t Regensburg has combinatorial programs including most of the subjects in the humanities. These programs combine either a major subject with two minors, or two majors. Click here for an explanation of the programs' structure and an overview of the subjects which can be combined (German/PDF/40 kB). In addition, there are bachelor of arts degree programs where only one subjects is studied (German-French Studies, German-Italian Studies, German-Spanish Studies, German-Polish Studies, German-Czech Studies, each with an integrated stay abroad, and the B.A. program Educational Science).??

In bachelor of science (B.Sc.) programs, on the other hand, one generally studies a single subject from the natural sciences, business or economics.??

Note: subject-specific higher education entrance qualifications (fachgebundene Hochschulreife) only allow a student to study specific subjects or programs.

The bachelor of education (B.Ed.) program is heavily based on the combinatorial teaching degree in the natural sciences for the school type Gymnasium. The subjects biology (from the winter semester 2016-17), chemistry, mathematics, and physics can be combined in the program.

The bachelor of laws (LL.B.) is the bachelor's degree in law. The interdisciplinary program "LL.B. Digital Law" gives students basic knowledge of both law and informatics.

? List of study programs at UR

Master's degrees

A master's degree is a postgraduate degree that takes about two to four semesters. You need to have completed a bachelor's degree or equivalent professional qualifications to commence your studies in a master's degree. The examination regulations set out what programs and bachelor's degrees fulfill the requirements for admission. Sometimes, a master's program builds on the contents of a bachelor's program, and so the master's program involves a deeper specialization within the chosen subject.

??List of study programs at UR

State examination (including teaching qualifications)

Some programs are concluded by taking a state examination. This includes teacher training programs, medical programs, pharmacy, and law. The standard period of study is between seven and thirteen semesters, depending on the subject. The program and examinations are uniformly managed across the state or country. The law program and teacher training programs are followed by a "Referendariat", which is legal or teaching placements to complete the training. This is then followed by the second state examination.

??List of study programs at UR

Study Programs at UR