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Democracy Studies M.A.


Master of Arts

Program structure

Master of Arts: Only a single subject is usually studied. However, individual programs can be highly interdisciplinary. This means that the contents of the program may come from different fields of study.

Special features



The main objective of the Democracy Studies program is the systematic combination of political science training and practice-oriented education. The master's program combines scientific knowledge transfer and practical application of the theoretical knowledge gained. The four areas of political science (political theory and history of ideas, Western systems of government, democracy and authoritarianism in Central and Eastern Europe, international politics) are systematically interlinked.

The master's program consists of three modules, the core, extension and profile module.

In the core module, four advanced seminars from the four sub-areas of political science must be completed. They form the academic pillar of the program and ensure that students receive a broad and at the same time intensive education in political science.

The extension module comprises two supplementary exercises from two political science subfields as well as the internship. Here, students can set their own emphasis both by choosing the subfields and by finding a desired internship.

In the profile module, a research seminar and two practical seminars must be successfully completed. These teaching components give the master's program its specific character, which clearly distinguishes it from other study programs at German universities. In the fourth semester, the master's thesis must be written and the final examinations taken.

Professional prospects / competencies

Graduates are able to work in national and international policy-related positions without a long training period. This applies particularly to activities in a nation's parliament (research assistants to members of parliament) and government (ministry officials), but also to parties (speakers in party organizations) and associations (association directors).

Internships, lab courses, practical courses

An internship of at least 8 weeks that relates to political science (e.g. with a union, foundation, party, public institution, social, international or humanitarian establishment, business, etc.) can be credited with 10 ECTS points.

Disciplines involved

No other programs are involved in the master's program

Program duration / standard period of study

The length of the program depends on the progress of an individual's studies. The standard period of study, the time in which the intended program can be finished ideally is 4 semesters. The actual time taken to complete the program may vary. It is limited by the examination deadlines set out in the examination regulations.

Program scope

120 ECTS credits

Language of instruction

German, in the elective field occasionally English

Program can be started

In the winter and summer semester

What qualities do I need to have?

Interest in political science issues with a focus on philosophical and ideological foundations of democracy, its various manifestations and defects, and challenges to democracy in the 21st century; ability to think analytically and problem-oriented; willingness to read.

Restricted admittance

No, this program does not have restricted admission.?

Legal requirements for admission

Prerequisites for admission to the master's program include a bachelor's degree in political science or a related subject with an overall grade of at least 2.5.

Applicants must demonstrate a secure knowledge of the English language (usually proof of university entrance qualification/ Abitur certificate). Foreign applicants must provide evidence of German language skills at the level of the German Language Test for University Admission of Foreign Study Applicants (DSH) or an equivalent German examination. If the proof cannot be provided at the time of enrollment, enrollment will be provisionally granted under the resolutory condition that it is submitted by the end of the first semester of study at the latest.

Application deadline(s)

Further information can be found on the homepage of the Institute of Political Science.

Information for international applicants

Registration dates and deadlines

After a successful application (aptitude test) for the master's program one can enroll. Information about the dates for enrollment and the required documents can be found on the homepage of the Registrar's Office.

Language skills needed

At the time of application: Proof of assured knowledge of English.

Applicants who are not German native speakers must include proof of German language skills at DSH level - see: Information on German language certificates for international applicants.

Documents needed (to apply / register)

The application consist of:

  • ?The completed application form
  • ?Proof of university entrance qualification (Abitur certificate or similar)
  • ?Proof of a university degree or of at least 150 credits?from a first course of study leading to a professional qualification
  • ?Applicants who have not studied political science in their bachelor's degree: Proof of political science competencies to the extent of at least three successfully completed courses in political science (e.g. by submitting a transcript of records)
  • Please merge the documents into one PDF file (max. 10 MB)
  • Please send your application for the master's program before the deadline via?e-mail to: bewerbung.demokratiewissenschaft@uni-regensburg.de
  • The applicant will be notified of admission in due time

Information on the application documents for international applicants

Contact within the faculty


Prof. Dr. Alexander Stra?ner
Philosophy/ Theology building, room 3.1.11
Phone +49941 943-3527


Study Programs at UR