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Interdisciplinary German-Russian Studies B.A.


Bachelor of Arts

Program structure

The interdisciplinary program German-Russian Studies is a bi-national modular degree program. German students do not need any prior knowledge of Russian to begin the program. There are advanced modules for students with prior knowledge. All students spend the first and second of their four years of study (8 semesters) at their home university. The students do an internship in the second year, thus gaining their first professional experience abroad. In the third year, the students attend the Kazan Federal University. The students from Kazan spend their fourth year in Regensburg. If they are successful, they receive not only a German but also a Russian Bachelor's diploma.

Special features

  • Double Degree (Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Regional Studies);
  • Interdisciplinary studies in three attractive fields: language/literature/culture, economics and law;
  • Acquisition of Russian language proficiency;
  • Acquisition of a high level of intercultural competence;
  • Intensive academic and organizational support at both universities;
  • Valuable experience abroad included in the curriculum und without loss of time;
  • Scholarship consultation;
  • Good opportunities on the labor market because of a high demand for experts in the German-Russian context.

Intercultural competence is an important skill that can only be acquired through international study stays. Therefore, experience abroad is highly regarded by employers. However, employers also appreciate special study paths far away from the mainstream. Acquiring Russian skills is such a special path, which, moreover, cannot be valued enough in the current political situation. That is why we would like to recommend our double degree bachelor’s program – Interdisciplinary German-Russian Studies. With this program you kill several birds with one stone: You receive two Bachelor’s degrees, you gain extensive experience abroad through your one-year study stay in Russia, you learn the Russian language intensively. After successful completion of your studies a diverse job market in Europe, Russia and Russian-speaking countries is open for you. The University of Regensburg is one of the best places to deal with Russia. Due to its focus on Eastern Europe, you can choose from many courses related to Russia.


Interdisciplinary German-Russian Studies is an interdisciplinary degree program consisting of courses in linguistics, literature, culture, economics and law, and of Russian language courses.

Professional prospects / competencies

The degree program qualifies students for:

  • working in companies, institutions and organizations in Europe, Russia and Russian-speaking countries;
  • working in international companies, institutions and authorities with a focus on Russia;
  • pursuing a Master's degree; the University of Regensburg offers many master's programs?with a focus on Eastern Europe.

Internships, lab courses, practical courses

The program must include either a compulsory six-week internship or participation in a regional studies tandem. The student can choose where the internship takes place. It should however, be suitable for building up the student's academic profile and personal career perspectives. The regional studies tandem consists of one-week research into a self-chosen topic in Kazan or Regensburg. This research is intensively prepared for and followed up on.

Disciplines involved

Slavic studies, law, economics, German studies, linguistics, literature and cultural studies, language practice

Program duration / standard period of study

The length of the program depends on the progress of an individual's studies. The standard period of study, the time in which the intended program can be finished ideally is 8 semesters. The actual time taken to complete the program may vary. It is limited by the examination deadlines set out in the examination regulations.

Program scope

240 ECTS

Language of instruction

German, Russian

Program can be started

Only in the winter semester

What qualities do I need to have?

Interest in Russia
Interest in intercultural communication
Interest in interdisciplinary studies

Restricted admittance

No admission restriction based on grades

Legal requirements for admission

German students:

General university entrance qualification, subject-linked university entrance qualification or vocational qualification.

Russian students with the entrance requirements valid in Russia for a Bachelor's degree program.

Application deadline(s)


Information for international applicants

Registration dates and deadlines

Information on the dates for enrollment can be found on the homepage of the Registrar's Office

Language skills needed

No language certificates are required.

Information on German language certificates for international applicants

Documents needed (to apply / register)

Information on the documents required for enrollment can be found on the homepage of the Registrar's Office.

Information on the application documents for international applicants

Contact within the faculty

Degree program coordinator
Lisa Unger-Fischer, M.A
Philosophy Theology Building, Room 1.1.16
Europaeum Office
E-Mail: idrs.kontakt@ur.de

Europaeum. Ost-West-Zentrum
of the University of Regensburg
Universit?tsstra?e 31
D-93053 Regensburg

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