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History - European Societies in Transformation M.A.


Master of Arts

Program structure

Master of Arts: Only a single subject is usually studied. However, individual programs can be highly interdisciplinary. This means that the contents of the program may come from different fields of study.

Special features

The Master of History - European Societies in Transformation (EGW) has an exclusive supervision concept: all students are assigned a mentor, intensive supervision is provided for the master's thesis according to the English model, and master's candidates are integrated into the research seminars and colloquia. The project and internship modules provide intensive preparation for professional applications of the knowledge taught. The lectures of the program are designed exclusively for you, the students in the master's program. Together with fellow students, you will mature into a team, especially through the project module and related joint activities, in which interdisciplinary career-qualifying core competencies are taught in addition to subject-specific content and scientific methods. ?


The Master of History - European Societies in Transformation (EGW) aims at a synchronous as well as diachronic comparative study of social forms, social models and social 'politics' from antiquity to the present, for which the master students are provided with appropriate methodological tools.?

Our training enables you to name central research questions of the research field EGW and to critically receive and evaluate research discourses. The four pairs of topics, equality and inequalities, spaces and borders, upheavals and crises, and orders of knowledge and values, form the core of the research field. In the course of your studies you will deal, among other things, with social differentiation, its background and consequences; with equality/inequality, its perception and legitimation; with spaces and their boundaries, their cultural-discursive construction as well as representation; with structural change and ruptures; with social insecurity and disintegration; with assertions of truth by historical actors and institutions, their functions and effects; with communities of values, their construction and deconstruction. After graduation, you will be able to situate these topics in European history, also across epochal boundaries, and will be able to analyze complex topics from the history of Europe in a methodologically sound manner.

Professional prospects / competencies

Well-founded knowledge of the development of European societies in their local, regional and global contexts can be profitably applied in very different fields of activity. The contents taught in the program, such as historical knowledge of fundamental processes of social change and their application to contemporary problems, are in demand in many professional contexts. In addition, there are competencies such as analytical thinking, researching, conceptualizing, writing, and presenting, which are acquired during the course of study. Possible career fields include:

  • ? ? Publishing and press
  • ? ? Radio and television
  • ? ? E-publishing
  • ? ? Archives and libraries
  • ? ? Museums and exhibitions
  • ? ? Universities (research and teaching)
  • ? ? Management consulting
  • ? ? (Knowledge) Management and Marketing
  • ? ? Politics and consulting
  • ? ? International Organizations
  • ? ? Continuing education and adult education
  • ? ? Public relations and cultural management

Internships, lab courses, practical courses

The Master's degree includes a four-week full-time internship in a facility typical of the profession.

Disciplines involved

The possibility of interdisciplinary work is given due to the module structure of the master's program in history.

Program duration / standard period of study

The length of the program depends on the progress of an individual's studies. The standard period of study, the time in which the intended program can be finished ideally is 4 semesters. The actual time taken to complete the program may vary. It is limited by the examination deadlines set out in the examination regulations.?

Program scope

120 ECTS

Language of instruction


Program can be started

In the winter and summer semester

What qualities do I need to have?

Profound historical interest and interest in historical research as well as the ability to think analytically and problem-oriented. Furthermore, willingness to read is a basic requirement.

Restricted admittance

No, this program does not have restricted admission. Please note, however, that you have to take part in an eligibility test.

Legal requirements for admission

A university degree qualifying for a profession or an equivalent degree with at least six semesters of standard study time (180 LP) or a comparable scope of study in the subject history or in a subject related to the humanities, culture or social sciences with an average grade of "good" (2.50) or better; in the case of foreign degrees, the conversion is carried out according to the modified Bavarian formula.

Proof of suitability for the specific course of study, which is provided by successfully completing an aptitude test in accordance with the appendix to the examination and study regulations for the master's program in EGW.

Application deadline(s)

15th July for the following winter semester

15th January for the following summer semester

Information for international applicants

Registration dates and deadlines

Information about the dates for enrollment and the required documents can be found on the homepage of the Registrar's Office.

Language skills needed

Proof of knowledge of the English language at level B2 CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). This level can alternatively be certified by another equivalent proof.

Proof of knowledge of a second foreign language at level A2 CEFR. This level can alternatively be certified by another equivalent proof.

Latinum if the master's thesis is chosen from the fields of Ancient and Medieval History.

For applicants who did not obtain their university entrance qualification or their first degree at a German-speaking educational institution, proof of German language skills at the level of the German Language Test for University Admission of Foreign Applicants (DSH-2) or an equivalent German examination.

Information on German certificates for foreign applicants can be found on the homepage of the International Office.

Information on German language certificates for international applicants

Documents needed (to apply / register)

For more information, please visit the EGW Master's program homepage.

Application documents include:

  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Proof of a university degree or equivalent degree or a list of all study and examination achievements of at least 150 LP up to the date of application
  • Proof of the required language skills
  • Proof of competences in the field of history (e.g. by submitting a "transcript of records" or another certified list of achievements) amounting to a total of at least 30 LP.

For further information on the application (possible selection interview; application with less than 30 LP from history), please refer to the aptitude procedure according to the annex to the examination and study regulations of the master's program EGW.

Information on the required enrollment documents can be found on the homepage of the Registrar's Office.

Information on application documents for international applicants.

Contact within the faculty


Karsten Barf-Fleischmann?
Phone +49941 943-5657


Study Programs at UR