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Mathematics B.Sc.


Bachelor of Science

Program structure

Bachelor of Science:

In the Bachelor Mathematics program, a minor subject is studied in addition to mathematics (amounting to approximately one-sixth of the total program).

Information on possible minor subjects in mathematics

Special features

Not specified


After a solid grounding, the study program offers the opportunity to get to know current areas of mathematics. All disciplines of modern mathematics (algebra, analysis, geometry, topology, number theory...) are represented in Regensburg. Special focus areas at the highest international level exist in Regensburg in "Applied Analysis", "Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry" and in "Geometry and Global Analysis". Exercises are held in small groups for all lectures. These are a central component of the program and serve to deepen the understanding of the lecture content.

Professional prospects / competencies

Mathematicians are not only particularly qualified for professions in which concrete mathematical problems are relevant, but also where structured, problem-oriented and creative thinking is required. They work in the following areas, among others:

  • Banks and insurance companies
  • Research and development
  • Software production, IT services
  • Electronics: telecommunications, medical technology, consumer electronics
  • Management consultancy
  • Management

Internships, lab courses, practical courses

There are no mandatory internships

Disciplines involved

Not specified

Program duration / standard period of study

The length of the program depends on the progress of an individual's studies. The standard period of study, the time in which the intended program can be finished ideally is 6 semesters. The actual time taken to complete the program may vary. It is limited by the examination deadlines set out in the examination regulations.

Program scope

180 ECTS

Language of instruction


Program can be started

It is recommended to start the study program in the winter semester. If you start your studies in the summer semester, it is strongly recommended to have a counseling interview with the faculty advisor Prof. Dr. Luise Blank (luise.blank@ur.de). There are no mathematics lectures offered for the first semester in the summer semester.

What qualities do I need to have?

Interest in mathematical problems; interest in understanding facts fundamentally; persistence; willingness to work continuously

Restricted admittance

No, this program does not have restricted admission based on grades.

Legal requirements for admission

The requirement is a general university entrance qualification, a subject-linked university entrance qualification or a vocational qualification.

Application deadline(s)

An application is not necessary, as the program is not admission restricted.

Information for international applicants

Registration dates and deadlines

Information on the dates for enrollment can be found on the homepage of the Registrar's Office.

A voluntary offer before the start of studies:

Information on how to register for the gap course in mathematics for first-year students of mathematics and physics programs (Bachelor's degree and teaching degree).

Language skills needed

No language certificates are required

Information on German language certificates for international applicants

Documents needed (to apply / register)

Information on the documents required for enrollment can be found on the homepage of the Registrar's Office.

Information on the application documents for international applicants

Contact within the faculty


Dr. Catharina Würth
Phone 0941 943-2805


Study Programs at UR