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James Kelhoffer

Fellow 03/2020 and 06/2020

James A. Kelhoffer

Raum:?SGLG 318

Tel.: +49 941 943-5971

E-Mail: james.kelhoffer@teol.uu.se


James A. Kelhoffer is the professor of New Testament Studies at Uppsala University.
Previously, he taught at Saint Louis University (Missouri, USA). His main research interests are the Synoptic Gospels and the Apostolic Fathers. James spent two years as a Humboldt Fellow in Munich researching his book Persecution, Persuasion and Power (2010), on readiness to withstand persecution as a source of legitimacy in the New Testament. Other publications include Miracle and Mission (2000), The Diet of John the Baptist (2005), Conceptions of “Gospel” and Legitimacy in Early Christianity (2014), and articles in Dead Sea Discoveries, Early Christianity, the Journal of Early Christian Studies, Vigiliae Christianae, Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, and Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft.

His current research focuses on the Second Letter of Clement, on which he is preparing a commentary and a collection of essays. James serves as an associate editor of the monograph series Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament; is on the editorial board of Sapientia Logos: A Journal of Biblical Research & Interpretation in Africa; and was recently on the editorial board of New Testament Studies. In his spare time, James enjoys jogging (slowly, and often pushing his young son in a stroller), and playing trumpet in Uppsala University’s Royal Academic Orchestra as well as in other ensembles.


  • Ph.D. New Testament and Early Christian Literature, University of Chicago, 1999
  • Dissertation: “The Authentication of Missionaries and Their Message in the Longer
  • Ending of Mark (Mark 16:9–20).” Advisor: Adela Yarbro Collins
  • M.A. New Testament and Early Christian Literature, University of Chicago, 1996
  • M.A. Theological Studies, Wheaton Graduate School (IL), 1992
  • B.A. Ancient Languages, Biblical and Theological Studies (double major), Wheaton College (IL), 1991, summa cum laude


  • Ancient: Hebrew, Greek (Classical and Koine), Latin, Syriac
  • Modern: English (mother tongue); German (spoken rather well); Swedish (spoken fluently); Danish, French, Norwegian (reading knowledge)


  • Faculty of Theology, Uppsala University, Sweden
    • 2010–Present: Professor and Chair of New Testament Studies
  • Department of Theological Studies, Saint Louis University, Missouri
    • 2007–2010: Associate Professor of New Testament and Early Christian Literature
    • 2001–2007: Assistant Professor of New Testament and Early Christian Literature
  • McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago
    • 2000–2001: Visiting Assistant Professor of New Testament
  • Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
    • 1999–2000: Visiting Assistant Professor of New Testament
    • 1998–1999: Part-time Instructor of New Testament and Biblical Greek


  • Postdoctoral fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Scholar in residence at the Protestant Theological Faculty of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t, Munich, 2007–2009
  • Alpha Sigma Nu (ΑΣΝ) Book Award in Theology, 2008, for The Diet of John the Baptist (2005). Triennial award for a book in theology or religious studies by a professor at a Jesuit university
  • Young Scholars Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Catholic Biblical Association of America, 2003
  • Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion, grant to attend the Minnesota Consortium of Theological Schools’ “Computer Camp,” on the use of technology in the classroom, 2003
  • Society of Biblical Literature, Research and Technology Grant, 2002
  • North American Patristics Society, Best First Article Prize, 2002, for “The Witness of Eusebius’ ad Marinum and Other Christian Writings to Text-Critical Debates concerning the Original Conclusion to Mark’s Gospel” (2001)
  • Society of Biblical Literature Regional Scholar Award, given annually to four junior scholars, 2002
  • Noyes-Cutter Greek Prize, University of Chicago, for best student paper translating and analyzing Hellenistic Greek, 1994 and 1996
  • Four-year graduate fellowship and stipend, University of Chicago, 1993–1997


  • Associate Editor (Mitherausgeber), monograph series Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, Mohr Siebeck, 2011–Present
  • Editorial board, New Testament Studies, Cambridge University, 2017–2019
  • Editorial board, Sapientia Logos: A Journal of Biblical Research & Interpretation in Africa, 2019–Present
  • Convener, with W. Pratscher (Vienna) F. R. Prostmeier (Freiburg), Society of New Testament Studies seminar on “Christliche Literatur des sp?ten ersten Jahrhunderts und des zweiten Jahrhunderts / Christian Literature of the Late First Century and the Second Century,” 2011–2014
  • Organizing committee, with A. Ekenberg (Uppsala), D. Hellholm (Oslo), F. John (Kiel), ?. Norderval (Oslo), E. Popkes (Kiel), D. S?nger (Kiel), and T. Vegge (Agder), for symposia in Kiel, Germany (August 2012) and on the island of Lesbos, Greece (September 2013). Over seventy contributions appeared in Sacred Meal, Communal Meal, Table Fellowship, and the Eucharist – Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (Mohr Siebeck, 2017, ca. 2200 pages)
  • Co-organizer, with Stephen P. Ahearne-Kroll and Paul A. Holloway, Women in the Religious and Intellectual Activity of the Ancient Mediterranean World: An Interdisciplinary and International Conference in Honor of Adela Yarbro Collins, The Ohio State University/Methodist Theological School in Ohio, March 15–17, 2009
  • Co-organizer, with J?rg Frey and Franz Tóth, Apokalypse-Symposium, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t, Munich, July 11–12, 2008.


  • Association internationale d’études patristiques/International Association for Patristic Studies, since 2007
  • The Catholic Biblical Association of America, since 2002
  • Chicago Society of Biblical Research, since 1999
  • Natan S?derblom S?llskap [Natan S?derblom Society], since 2012
  • The North American Patristics Society, since 1997
  • Society of Biblical Literature, since 1995
  • Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas [Society of New Testament Studies], since 2007
  • Svenska Exegetiska S?llskapet [The Swedish Exegetical Society], since 2011



  • Conceptions of “Gospel” and Legitimacy in Early Christianity. WUNT 324. Mohr Siebeck, 2014.
  • Persecution, Persuasion and Power: Readiness to Withstand Hardship as a Corroboration of Legitimacy in the New Testament. WUNT 270. Mohr Siebeck, 2010.
  • The Diet of John the Baptist: “Locusts and Wild Honey” in Synoptic and Patristic Interpretation. WUNT 176. Mohr Siebeck, 2005.
  • Miracle and Mission: The Authentication of Missionaries and Their Message in the Longer Ending of Mark. WUNT 2.112. Mohr Siebeck, 2000.

Edited Volumes

  • Die Johannesapokalypse: Kontexte – Konzepte – Rezeption, ed. Jorg Frey, James A. Kelhoffer, and Franz Toth. WUNT 287. Mohr Siebeck, 2012.
  • Women and Gender in Ancient Religions: Interdisciplinary Approaches, ed. Stephen P. Ahearne-Kroll, Paul A. Holloway, and James A. Kelhoffer. WUNT 263. FS Adela Yarbro Collins. Mohr Siebeck, 2010.

Journal Articles

  • “How Did Second Clement Originally End? A Study of 2 Clement 19–20 and the Imitation of Both First and Second Clement.” Early Christianity 9/4 (2018): 432–83.
  • ?“Eschatology, Androgynous Thinking, Encratism, and the Question of Anti-Gnosticism in 2 Clement 12 (Part Two).” Vigiliae Christianae: A Review of Early Christian Life and Languages 72/3 (2018): 353–68.
  • ?“Eschatology, Androgynous Thinking, Encratism, and the Question of Anti-Gnosticism in 2 Clement 12 (Part One).” Vigiliae Christianae: A Review of Early Christian Life and Languages 72/2 (2018): 142–64.
  • ?“A Diverse Academy Recognizes No Boundaries for Critical Inquiry and Debate: A Rejoinder to Anders Gerdmar.” Svensk exegetisk ?rsbok 82 (2017): 210–22.
  • ?“Simplistic Presentations of Biblical Authority and Christian Origins in the Service of Anti-Catholic Dogma: A Response to Anders Gerdmar.” Svensk exegetisk ?rsbok 82 (2017): 154–78.
  • ?“Second Clement and Gnosticism: The status quaestionis.” Early Christianity 8/1 (2017): 124–49.
  • ?“Pigeonholing a Prooftexter? The Citations in 2 Clement 2 and Their Alleged ‘Gnostic’ Background.” Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der ?lteren Kirche 107/2 (2016): 266–95.
  • ?“Response to Denise Kimber Buell: A Plea for Clarity in Regard to Examining Ethnicity in, Based on, or in Scholarship on the New Testament.” Svensk exegetisk ?rsbok 79 (2014): 53–59.
  • ?“Reciprocity as Salvation: Christ as Salvific Patron and the Corresponding ‘Payback’ Expected of Christ’s Earthly Clients according to the Second Letter of Clement.” New Testament Studies 59/3 (2013): 433–56.
  • “New Testament Exegesis as an Academic Discipline with Relevance for Other Disciplines.” Currents in Biblical Research 11/2 (2013): 218–33.
  • ?“Nya testamentets exegetik som akademiskt amne med relevans for andra amnen.” Svensk exegetisk ?rsbok 77 (2012): 55–70 (Revised and updated in Kelhoffer, Conceptions of “Gospel” and Legitimacy (2014), chapter 1).
  • ?“The Search for Confessors at the Council of Nicaea.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 19/4 (2011): 589–99 (Revised and updated in Kelhoffer, “Gospel” and Legitimacy, chapter 14).
  • ?“The Maccabees at Prayer: Pro- and Anti-Hasmonean Tendencies in the Prayers of First and Second Maccabees.” Early Christianity 2/2 (2011): 198–218 (Revised and updated in Kelhoffer, “Gospel” and Legitimacy, chapter 8).
  • ?“Withstanding Persecution as a Corroboration of Legitimacy in the New Testament: Reflections on the Resulting Ethical and Hermeneutical Quandary.” Dialog: A Journal of Theology 50/2 (2011): 120–32.
  • “The Gradual Disclosure of Paul’s Violence against Christians in the Acts of the Apostles as an Apology for the Standing of the Lukan Paul.” Biblical Research 54 (2009): 25–35 [appeared in 2012] (Revised and updated in Kelhoffer, “Gospel” and Legitimacy, chapter 11).
  • ?“Suffering as Defense of Paul’s Apostolic Authority in Galatians and 2 Corinthians 11.” Svensk exegetisk ?rsbok 74 (2009): 127–43 (Revised and updated in Kelhoffer, “Gospel” and Legitimacy, chapter 9).
  • ?“‘Hippolytus,’ Magic and ‘Heretical’ Miracle Workers: An Examination of Elenchos IV. 28–42 and Related Passages in Light of the Greek Magical Papyri.” Zeitschrift für Antikes
  • Christentum/Journal of Ancient Christianity 11 (2007–08): 517–48 (Revised and updated in Kelhoffer, “Gospel” and Legitimacy, chapter 13).
  • ?“Suppressing Anger in Early Christianity: Examples from the Pauline Tradition.” Greek,
  • Roman, and Byzantine Studies 47/3 (2007): 307–25 (Revised and updated in Kelhoffer, “Gospel” and Legitimacy, chapter 15).
  • ?“Early Christian Studies among the Academic Disciplines: Reflections on John the Baptist’s ‘Locusts and Wild Honey.’” Biblical Research 50 (2007): 5–17 (Revised and updated in Kelhoffer, “Gospel” and Legitimacy, chapter 2).
  • ?“Basilides’s Gospel and Exegetica (Treatises).” Vigiliae Christianae: A Review of Early Christian Life and Languages 59 (2005): 115–34 ?(Revised and updated in Kelhoffer, “Gospel” and Legitimacy, chapter 5).
  • ?“The Struggle to Define Heilsgeschichte: Paul on the Origins of the Christian Tradition.” Biblical Research 48 (2003): 45–67 [appeared in 2005] (Revised and updated in Kelhoffer, “Gospel” and Legitimacy, chapter 6).
  • ?“John the Baptist’s ‘Wild Honey’ and the Ambiguity of Certain References to ‘Honey’ in Antiquity.” Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 45/1 (2005): 59–73.
  • “Did John the Baptist Eat Like a Former Essene? Locust-Eating in the Ancient Near East and at Qumran.” Dead Sea Discoveries 11 (2004): 293–314.
  • ?“‘How Soon a Book’ Revisited: ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΟΝ as a Reference to ‘Gospel’ Materials in the First Half of the Second Century.” Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der ?lteren Kirche 95/1 (2004): 1–34 (Revised and updated in Kelhoffer, “Gospel” and Legitimacy, chapter 4).
  • ?“‘Locusts and Wild Honey’ (Mark 1:6c and Matt 3:4c): The Status Quaestionis concerning the Diet of John the Baptist.” Currents in Biblical Research 2/1 (2003): 104–27.
  • ?“The Apostle Paul and Justin Martyr on the Miraculous: A Comparison of Appeals to Authority.” Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 42/2 (2001): 163–84 [appeared in 2002] (Revised and updated in Kelhoffer, “Gospel” and Legitimacy, chapter 10).
  • “Ordinary Christians as Miracle Workers in the New Testament and the Second- and Third-Century Christian Apologists.” Biblical Research 44 (1999): 23–34 [appeared in 2001].
  • “Response to Jack Dean Kingsbury’s ‘The Significance of the Earthly Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew.’” Ex Auditu 14 (1998): 66–69. [appeared in 2001] (Revised and updated in Kelhoffer, “Gospel” and Legitimacy, chapter 3).
  • “The Witness of Eusebius’ ad Marinum and Other Christian Writings to Text-Critical Debates concerning the Original Conclusion to Mark’s Gospel.” Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der ?lteren Kirche 92/1 (2001): 78–112 (Revised and updated in Kelhoffer, “Gospel” and Legitimacy, chapter 7).

Essays in Books

  • “Second Clement.” In: The Reception of Jesus in the First Three Centuries, Volume 2: From Gospel Additions to the Four-Fold Gospel: Receptions of Jesus in Christian Literature of the Second and Third Centuries CE, ed. Chris Keith, Helen K. Bond, Christine Jacobi, and Jens Schr?ter. Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2019, 513–30.
  • “The Ecclesiology of 2 Clement 14: Ephesians, Pauline Recep.on, and the Church’s Preexistence.” In: Receptions of Paul in Early Christianity: The Person of Paul and His Writings through the Eyes of His Early Interpreters, ed. Simon Butticaz, Andreas Dettwiler, and Jens Schr?ter, in cooperation with Clarissa Paul, BZNW 234. W. de Gruyter, 2018, 377–409
  • “Faith and Righteousness in Second Clement: Probing the Purported Influence of ‘Late Judaism’ and the Beginnings of ‘Early Catholicism.’” In: Glaube: Das Verst?ndnis des Glaubens im frühen Christentum und in seiner jüdischen und hellenistisch-r?mischen Umwelt, ed. Jorg Frey, Benjamin Schliesser, and Nadine Ueberschaer. WUNT 377. Mohr Siebeck, 2017, 683–720.
  • “John the Baptist as an Abstainer from Table Fellowship and Jesus as a ‘Glutton’: (Non-)Participation in Meals as a Means for Gaining Social Capital That Can Confirm or Jeopardize a Person’s Standing in Society (Luke 7:31–35||Matt 11:16–19).” In: The Eucharist – Its Origins and Contexts, Volume 1: Old Testament, Early Judaism, New Testament, ed. David Hellholm and Dieter Sanger. WUNT 376. Mohr Siebeck, 2017, 313–29.
  • “Der Verfolger als Gottes Widersacher in der Apostelgeschichte.” In: L’adversaire de Dieu – Der Widersacher Gottes, ed. Michael Tilly, Matthias Morgenstern, Volker Henning Drecoll, and Hendrik Stoppel. WUNT 364. Mohr Siebeck, 2016, 135–45.
  • ?“En svensk oversattning av Eusebios ad Marinum I.1–II.1: Textkritik och harmonisering av bibeltexter i den tidiga kyrkan” [A Swedish Translation of Eusebius’s ad Marinum I.1–II.1: Textual Criticism and Harmonization of Biblical Texts in the Early Church]. In: Ad fontes: Festskrift till Olof Andrén p? 100-?rsdagen, ed. Carl Johan Berglund and Daniel Gustafsson. Artos Bokforlag, 2015, 243–51.
  • “If Second Clement Really Were a ‘Sermon,’ How Would We Know, and Why Would We Care? Prolegomena to Analyses of the Writing’s Genre and Community.” In: Early Christian Communities between Ideal and Reality, ed. Mark Grundeken and Joseph Verheyden. WUNT 342. Mohr Siebeck, 2015, 83–108.
  • “Hapless Disciples and Exemplary Minor Characters in the Gospel of Mark: The Exhortation to Cross-Bearing as Both Encouragement and Warning.” In: Texts and Traditions: Essays in Honour of J. Keith Elliott, ed. Peter Doble and Jeffrey Kloha. New Testament Tools, Studies and Documents 47. Brill, 2014, 95–136.
  • ?“Improvising Two Different Responses to Persecution: First Peter’s Innovations and Relationship to the Corpus Paulinum.” In: Bedr?ngnis und Identit?t. Studien zu Situation, Kommunikation und Theologie des 1. Petrusbriefs, ed. David S. du Toit. BZNW 200. W. de Gruyter, 2013, 263–80.
  • ?“The Relevance of Revelation’s Date and the Imperial Cult for John’s Appraisal of the Value of Christians’ Suffering in Revelation 1–3.” In: Die Johannesapokalypse: Kontexte – Konzepte – Rezeption, ed. J. Frey, J. A. Kelhoffer, and F. Toth. WUNT 287. Mohr Siebeck, 2012, 553–85 (Revised and updated in Kelhoffer, “Gospel” and Legitimacy, chapter 12).
  • “A Tale of Two Markan Characterizations: The Exemplary Woman Who Anointed Jesus’ Body for Burial (14:3–9) and the Silent Trio Who Fled the Empty Tomb (16:1–8).” In: Women and Gender in Ancient Religions: Interdisciplinary Approaches, ed. S. P. Ahearne-Kroll, P. Holloway, and J. A. Kelhoffer. WUNT 263. FS Adela Yarbro Collins. Mohr Siebeck, 2010, 85–98.
  • ?“‘Gospel’ as a Literary Title in Early Christianity and the Question of What Is (and Is Not) a ‘Gospel’ in Canons of Scholarly Literature.” In: Jesus in apokryphen Evangelienüberlieferungen, ed. J?rg Frey and Jens Schr?ter. WUNT 254. Mohr Siebeck, 2010, 399–422.
  • “Early Christian Ascetic Practices and Biblical Interpretation: The Witnesses of Galen and Tatian.” In: The New Testament and Early Christian Literature in Greco-Roman Context, ed. John Fotopoulos. NovTSup 122. FS David E. Aune. Brill, 2006, 439–44 (Revised and updated in Kelhoffer, “Gospel” and Legitimacy, chapter 16).

Edited Textbooks

  • Academic editor, Introducing the New Testament, Volume 3: The Catholic Epistles, Hebrews, and Revelation, by Daniel J. Scholz. Anselm Academic, 2016.
  • Academic editor, Introducing the New Testament, Volume 2: The Pauline Letters, by Daniel J. Scholz. Anselm Academic, 2013.
  • Academic editor, Introducing the New Testament, Volume 1: Jesus in the Gospels and Acts, by Daniel J. Scholz. Second Edition. St. Mary’s Press [Anselm Academic], 2013 (First Edition, 2009).

Contributions to Textbooks, Dictionaries, and Reference Works

  • “Introduction to the Gospel of Mark.” In: The Anselm Academic Study Bible, gen. ed. Carolyn Osiek. Anselm Academic, 2013, 1626–29.
  • ?“The New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature.” In: Theological Foundations: Concepts and Methods for Understanding Christian Faith, ed. J. J. Mueller et al. Second Edition. Anselm Academic, 2011, 78–96.
  • ?“Art: Late Antiquity.” In: Reader’s Guide to Judaism, ed. Michael Terry. Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000, 43–44.
  • “Egnatian Way (Via Egnatia).” In: Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, ed. David Noel Freedman et al. Eerdmans, 2000, 375–76.
  • “Euodia.” In: Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, 435.
  • “Maranatha.” In: Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, 855.

Book Reviews

  • Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century, by Judith M. Lieu. Cambridge University Press, 2015. In: Svensk exegetisk ?rsbok 81 (2016): 251–53.
  • Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity, edited by David Hellholm, Tor Vegge, Oyvind Norderval, and Christer Hellholm. BZNW 176. 3 Vols. W. de Gruyter, 2011. In: Svensk exegetisk ?rsbok 81 (2016): 241–43.
  • 2 Clement: Introduction, Text, and Commentary, by Christopher Tuckett. Oxford Apostolic Fathers. Oxford University Press, 2012. In: Expository Times 126 (2015): 540–42.
  • In the Shadow of the Incarnation: Essays on Jesus Christ in the Early Church in Honor of Brian E. Daley, S.J., edited by Peter W. Martens. University of Notre Dame Press, 2008. In: Catholic Biblical Quarterly 72/4 (2010): 870–72.
  • Greek for the Rest of Us: Mastering Bible Study without Mastering Biblical Languages, by William D. Mounce. Zondervan, 2003. In: Currents in Theology and Mission 36/2 (April 2009): 144–46.
  • Interlinear for the Rest of Us: The Reverse Interlinear for New Testament Word Studies, edited by William D. Mounce. Zondervan, 2006. In: Currents in Theology and Mission 36/2 (April 2009): 144–46.
  • The Gospel of Matthew’s Dependence on the Didache, by Alan J. P. Garrow. JSNTSup 254. T&T Clark, 2004. In: Journal of Early Christian Studies 13/3 (2005): 388–91.
  • Das Kreuz Christi bei Iren?us von Lyon, by Daniel Wanke. BZNW 99. W. de Gruyter, 2000. In: Journal of Early Christian Studies 13/1 (2005): 125–26.
  • Mark: Images of an Apostolic Interpreter, by C. Clifton Black. Studies on Personalities of the New Testament. Fortress Press, 2001. In: Review of Biblical Literature (May 24, 2003), online.
  • Vom Evangelium des Markus zum viergestaltigen Evangelium, by Theo K. Heckel. WUNT 120. Mohr Siebeck, 1999. In: Catholic Biblical Quarterly 64/2 (2002): 377–78.
  • Hearing the Whole Story: The Politics of Plot in Mark’s Gospel, by Richard A. Horsley. Westminster John Knox, 2001. In: Journal for the Study of the New Testament 24/3 (2002): 126–27.
  • Miracles in Jewish and Christian Antiquity: Imagining Truth, edited by John C. Cavadini. Notre Dame Studies in Theology 3. University of Notre Dame Press, 1999. In: Journal of Religion 81/3 (2001): 459–61.
  • A Multiform Heritage: Studies on Early Judaism and Christianity in Honor of Robert A. Kraft, edited by Benjamin G. Wright. Homage Series 24. Scholars Press, 1999. In: Catholic Biblical Quarterly 62/4 (2000): 790–92.
  • The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings, by Bart D. Ehrman. Oxford University Press, 1997. In: Teaching Theology and Religion 2/3 (1999): 187.
  • One Right Reading? A Guide to Irenaeus, by Mary Ann Donovan. Liturgical Press, 1997. In: Journal of Early Christian Studies 7/2 (1999): 303–304.
  • The Five Gospels: The Search for the Authentic Words of Jesus, by Robert W. Funk, Roy W. Hoover, and The Jesus Seminar. HarperSanFrancisco, 1997. In: Currents in Theology and Mission 26/1 (February 1999): 62–63.
  • The Real Jesus: The Misguided Quest for the Historical Jesus and the Truth of the Traditional Gospels, by Luke Timothy Johnson. HarperSanFrancisco, 1997. In: Currents in Theology and Mission 26/1 (February 1999): 62–63.
  • Apocalyptic Eschatology in the Gospel of Matthew, by David C. Sim. SNTSMS 88. Cambridge University Press, 1996. In: Currents in Theology and Mission 25/6 (December 1998): 524.
  • The Risen Lord: The Jesus of History as the Christ of Faith, by Margaret Barker. T&T Clark, 1996; Trinity Press International, 1997. In: Currents in Theology and Mission 25/4 (August 1998): 320.
  • Religion and Power: Pagans, Jews, and Christians in the Greek East, by Douglas R. Edwards. Oxford University Press, 1996. In: Journal of Early Christian Studies 5/3 (1997): 464–65.
  • Aspects of Religious Contact and Conflict in the Ancient World, edited by Pieter W. van der Horst. Utrechtse Theologische Reeks 31. Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid, Universiteit Utrecht, 1995. In: Journal of Early Christian Studies 5/2 (1997): 297–98.




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