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Igor Dorfmann-Lazarev

Fellow 04/2019 - 03/2020

Igor Dorfmann-Lazarev

Raum:?SGLG 319

Tel.:?+49 941 943-5973

E-Mail: lazarev@soas.ac.uk



  • 2009: The diploma of Habilitation à diriger des recherches (Accreditation to Supervise Research), awarded by the ?cole pratique des Hautes ?tudes (Sorbonne), Department of Historical and Philological Sciences, Paris. Subject: ‘Development of religious thought in Armenia between the sixth and the eighth century’.Board of examiners: G. D?D?YAN, B. FLUSIN, J.-P. MAH?, P.-H. POIRIER, M. SCOPELLO, C. ZUCKERMAN. The degree is conferred à l’unanimité.
  • 2002: Ph.D. (Dipl?me de docteur), ?cole pratique des Hautes ?tudes (Sorbonne), Department of Historical and Philological Sciences, Paris. Thesis: ‘Deux débats théologiques arméno-byzantins à la fin du neuvième siècle : le concile de Shirakawan ( 862 ) et la correspondance entre Photius et Sahak M?ut ( 882 )’. Supervisor: J.-P. MAH?, fellow of the Institut de France. Board of examiners: B. FLUSIN (president of the jury; Sorbonne), N. GARSO?AN (Columbia University, Emerita), A. LE BOULLUEC (?NS, Paris), A. LOUTH (Durham University, Great Britain). Diploma with distinction: Très honorable avec les félicitations du jury.
  • 1997: Licentiate in ‘History of the Armenian Church’, Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome. Thesis: ‘Armeno-Byzantine Relationships in the Post-Iconoclast Era’. Supervisor: B. L. ZEKIYAN; examiners: M. ARRANZ, R. LAVENANT, R. TAFT. Diploma: Magna cum laude.
  • 1992: BA in Armenian Philology, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Iranian and Armenian Studies. Thesis: ‘Nersēs ?norhali (1102-1173) as Biblical Exegete’ (written in Hebrew). Supervisor: M.E. STONE. Diploma: Magna cum laude.


  • 2012 ? : Associate Researcher at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, Department of the Languages and Cultures of the Near and Middle East.
  • 2016 – 2019: Researcher at the Goethe Universit?t Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Seminar, Department of Ancient History.
  • 2013 – 2015: Visiting Professor in the History of Eastern Christianity at the Bo?azi?i ?niversitesi (Bosporus University), Istanbul, Department of History.
  • 2010 ? 2012: Research Fellow of the A. von Humboldt Foundation at the Martin-Luther-Universit?t Halle – Wittenberg, Orientalisches Institut, Seminar Christlicher Orient und Byzanz.
  • 2009 ? 2012: Senior Lecturer in Armenian History and Civilisation at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, Department of the Languages and Cultures of the Near and Middle East.
  • 2008 – 2009: Lecturer in Byzantine Theology at the Università Sant Anselmo, Faculty of Theology, Rome.
  • 2008 – 2009: Researcher at the Istituto per le ricerche di storia sociale e religiosa, Vicenza (Italy).
  • 2006 ? 2008: Lecturer in Greek and Oriental Patristics at Durham University, Department of Theology and Religion.
  • 2004 ? 2006: Invited lecturer (Ma?tre de conférences invité) in Late Antique and Medi?val History at the Université Paul-Valéry of Montpellier, Faculty of History.
  • 2004 ? 2006: Lecturer in Hebrew Language and Literature at the Università Tor Vergata of Rome, Faculty of Humanities.
  • 2003 – 2004: Lecturer in Patristics at the Institut de théologie orthodoxe Saint-Serge, Paris.
  • 2001 ? 2004: Lecturer in Hebrew Language and Literature at the Università La Sapienza of Rome, Faculty of Oriental Studies.
  • 2001 ? 2003: Lecturer in Ancient Armenian in the Summer schools (Lyon and Digne) of the Académie de Langues Anciennes, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) of France.


  • 26–29.03.2018: Goethe-Universit?t, Frankfurt am Main, and Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften, Bad Homburg. Organisation and direction of the International Conference ‘The Role of Esoteric and Apocryphal Sources in the Development of Christian and Jewish Traditions’ with the participation of thirty scholars representing Universities of eleven nations. Funded by the DFG and the home institutions of several participants. http://www.forschungskolleg-humanwissenschaften.de/downloads/2018,03-26-REAS.pdf
  • 2016: Goethe-Universit?t, Frankfurt am Main. Contribution to the organisation of the International Conference ‘Images of the Good Christian Ruler in the Mediterranean and the Near East (4th–10th Centuries)’, dir. H. LEPPIN.
  • February 2009 ? February 2012: SOAS, University of London. Organisation of series of seminars ‘Armenian-Turkish Encounters’, in collaboration with G. DEDES.
  • 2008 – 2009: Istituto per le ricerche di storia sociale e religiosa, Vicenza. Team project ‘Religion and Society of Kazakhstan. Religious Institutions and Practices in the Formation of a Cultural Identity’. In the framework of this project I prepared a study on the Russian exploration of the Qipchaq Steppes in 16th-19th cc. (see Publications).
  • 2001: Participation in the arch?ological excavations of the Jewish cemetery at Eghegis, Region of Siwnik? (13th-14th cc.), conducted by the Academy of Sciences of Armenia and by the Israel Antiquities Authority under the direction of M. E. STONE, Armenia.
  • 1995 ? 1999: Research Centre ‘Storia, Geofisica, Ambiente’, dir. E. GUIDOBONI, Bologna. Participation in the international research project History of Earthquakes in the Mediterranean Region. The research conducted in the framework of this project was based on historical analysis of late antique and medi?val Armenian, Syriac and Slavonic chronicles.
  • 1990 ? 1994: Laboratory of Pal?ography directed by M.E. STONE, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Iranian and Armenian Studies. Member of research group: research conducted in this Centre consisted of pal?ographical and linguistic analysis of Late Antique and Early Medieval Aramaic, Nabat?an, Greek, Armenian and Syriac inscriptions in the Holy Land and Sinai; and also involved collaboration with the Rock Inscriptions and Graffiti Project (cf. the ‘Preface’, in M. Stone, Rock Inscriptions and Graffiti Project I, Atlanta Ga, 1992)


  • 2018: Seminar ‘Apocryphal Traditions in the Newly-Edited Armenian Corpus of Homilies Attributed to Epiphanius of Salamis’, conducted in the framework of the Leibnitz project ‘Polyphony of Late Antique Christianities’, Historisches Seminar, Department of Ancient History, Goethe-Universit?t, Frankfurt am Main.
  • 2018: Cycle of public lectures: ‘Armenian Christian Tradition from the Origins to the Council of Mantzikert (726)’; ‘The Iconographic Programme of the Church at A?t?amar (915-21) and Armenian Political Theology’; ‘Esoteric Visitors to the Cave of the Nativity According to Armenian Apocryphal Sources’, at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, Catholic University of Leuven.
  • 2016: Paper ‘Changing Colours and Forms: Theophany in the Armenian Script of the Lord’s Infancy’, presented at the opening colloquium of the Leibnitz project ‘Polyphony of Late Antique Christianities’, Historisches Seminar, Department of Ancient History, Goethe-Universit?t, Frankfurt am Main.
  • 2015: Seminar ‘Armenian Language Between Orality and Writing. Introduction into the formation of Armenian culture’, conducted at the Institut für Empirische Sprachwissenschaft, Goethe-Universit?t, Frankfurt am Main.
  • 2011: Series of seminars ‘Armenian Phonetics and History of Armenian Writing’ addressed to the audience of scholars and students of Ottoman Turkish, at the Ottoman and Turkish International Summer School of the Universities of Harvard and Ko?, Istanbul; Cunda, Ayval?k (Turkey).
  • 2011: Seminar ‘Stephen of Siwnik? (c.685 – 735) and the Development of Armenian Theology under Arab Domination’, conducted in the framework of the cycle ‘Alexander-B?hlig-Ged?chtnis-Vorlesung’ of the Seminar für christlichen Orient und Byzanz, Orientalisches Institut, Martin-Lüther-Universit?t Halle-Wittenberg.
  • 2011: Seminar ‘Eve’s Destiny in the Light of the Apocrypha of Adam and Eve and the Armenian Account of Jesus’s Infancy’, conducted at the invitation of the Alttestamentliche Soziet?t, Martin-Luther-Universit?t Halle-Wittenberg.
  • 2011: Series of seminars ‘Yovhannēs ?jnec?i (fl. 717–728) and his Contemporaries’: guided reading and commentary of Armenian theological texts, addressed to PhD students, at the Orientalisches Institut, Martin-Luther-Universit?t, Halle-Wittenberg.
  • 2011: Seminar ‘Stephen of Siwnik? (c.685 – 735): Re-defining Armenian Orthodoxy under Islamic Rule’, presented in the Colloquium Series of the Centre for Eastern Mediterranean Studies, Central European University, Budapest.
  • 2010: Paper ‘Armenology in the Context of Near Eastern Studies in the Twentieth Century: Armenian Christian Tradition and the Studies of the Christian Near East’, presented at the first session of the international workshop ‘The Caucasus and Byzantium from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages’, Centre for Eastern Mediterranean Studies, Central European University, Budapest.
  • 2008: Seminar ‘L’apocryphe arménien d’? Enfance du Seigneur ? : ses sources et son r?le dans la rédaction des hagiographies arméniennes’, conducted at the invitation of the Association pour l'étude de la littérature apocryphe chrétienne, dir. J.-D. KAESTLI, Institut romand des sciences bibliques, University of Lausanne.
  • 2008: Seminar ‘Stephen of Siwnik? (c.680 – 735): Interpretation of the Greek Fathers in Armenia under Arab Domination’, conducted in the framework of the cycle of seminars ‘Professor Albert Van Roey Leerstoel’, dir. P. VAN DEUN, Faculty of Humanities, Catholic University of Leuven.
  • 2006: Seminar ‘Between Antioch, Constantinople and Alexandria: The Development of Armenian Christological Vocabulary Between the Fifth and the Eleventh Century’, conducted at the invitation of the Oxford Seminar of Armenian Studies, dir. Th. VAN LINT, The Oriental Institute, Oxford University.
  • 2005: Seminar ‘Hagiographie arménienne tardo-médiévale’, conducted in the framework of the series ‘La souffrance et la mort : sources, représentations et pratiques dans les religions de l’Antiquité à l’époque moderne’, Centre d’?tudes et de Recherches sur les Civilisations de l’Antiquité Méditerranéenne, Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier.
  • 2005: Seminar ‘Exégèse patristique dans la littérature arménienne médiévale’, conducted in the framework of the series ‘Transmission des textes religieux dans le monde méditerranéen’, Centre d’?tudes et de Recherches sur les Civilisations de l’Antiquité Méditerranéenne, Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier.
  • 2004: Seminar ‘Le lieu de l’?uvre de Grégoire de Nazianze dans la polémique arméno-byzantine’, conducted in the framework of the series ‘Grégoire de Nazianze’, Institut Orientaliste, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve.
  • 2003: Seminar ‘Nonno di Nisibi (ca.795-ca.865) nella storiografia siriaca e armena’, conducted in the framework of the cycle of seminars ‘Christian Hagiography’, dirr. S. BOESCH GAIANO and F. SCORZA BARCELLONA, Universities ‘Tor Vergata’ and Roma-III, Rome.
  • 2003: Seminar ‘Correspondance ecclésiastique arméno-byzantine (VIIIe-IXe ss.)’, in series ‘Historiographie byzantine’, dir. G. DORIVAL, conducted at the invitation of the Centre ‘Textes et documents de la Méditerranée antique et médiévale’, Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence.
  • 1999 / 2000: Series of lectures ‘Introduction into the History and Doctrine of the non-Chalcedonian Churches, V-VIII cc.’, read at the Divinity School, University of Cambridge.





  • Christ in Armenian Tradition: Doctrine, Apocrypha, Art (Sixth–Tenth Centuries) [The Journal of Eastern Christian Studies; monographic issue], (Leuven: Peeters, 2016).
    • Recensions: Cristianesimo nella storia 2018/2, 553-557.
  • Arméniens et Byzantins à l’époque de Photius : Deux débats théologiques après le Triomphe de l’orthodoxie (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 609; Subsidia 117), (Leuven: Peeters, 2004).
    • Recensions: St Vladimir Theological Review 49 (2005), 477-81; Journal of Ecclesiastical History 57 (2006), 566-67; Revue des ?tudes Arméniennes 30 (2005?07), 484-86; Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 152 (2008), 236-38; E?miacin 2009/6, 116-26.

Articles in peer-reviewed periodicals and series

  • ‘Kingship and Hospitality in the Iconography of the Palatine Church at A?t?amar’, in: Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa 52/3 (2016) [ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ e ΙΕΡΩΣΥΝΗ. Studi in memoria di Gilbert Dagron], pp. 479-516; 15 plates.
  • ‘The Cave of the Nativity Revisited: Memory of the Prim?val Beings in the Armenian Lord’s Infancy and Cognate Sources’ (edited texts and critical study), in: Travaux et Mémoires; vol. 18 (2014) [Mélanges Jean-Pierre MAH?; eds. A. MARDIROSSIAN, A. OUZOUNIAN and C. ZUCKERMAN], pp. 285?334.
  • ‘Rückkehr zur Geburtsgrotte. Eine Untersuchung des armenischen Berichts über die Kindheit des Herrn’, in: Theologie der Gegenwart 56/1 (2013), pp. 30?43.
  • ‘Studies of Armenian Christian Tradition in the Twentieth Century’, in: Annual of Medieval Studies at Central European University 18 (2012), pp. 137?152.
  • ‘?Manto terrestre dell’immagine solare?: Note sul linguaggio cristologico di Gregorio di Narek’, in: Orientalia Christiana Analecta 275 (2006) [Saint Grégoire de Narek: théologien et mystique, eds. J.-P. MAHE and B. L. ZEKIYAN], pp. 113–138.
  • ‘Sayat-Nova (c.1712–1795): hortus conclusus di un menestrello del Caucaso’, in: Revue des ?tudes Arméniennes 29 (2003-2004), pp. 89–98.
  • ‘La découverte de la kénose de Dieu par la ? Pensée faible ? : La religion dans l’?uvre de G. Vattimo’, in: Istina 49/4 (2004), pp. 361–377.
  • ???????? ???????????? ????????? ? ??????? ??????????? ???????’ [Syriac Christian Culture and Formation of the non-Chalcedonian Churches], in: Lraber hasarakakan gitut‘yunneri [The Journal of Social Studies] (Yerevan), 2004/2, pp. 84–92.
  • ‘La ? P?que d’?gypte ? et la ? P?que de Jérusalem ? : L’herméneutique de l’Exode dans les traditions chrétienne et rabbinique selon I. Y. Yuval’, in: Istina 48/4 (2003), pp. 359–373.
  • In collaboration with A. Vernitski, ‘The Ambiguity of Religious References in A. Platonov’s Впрок (For Future Use)’, in: Australian Slavonic and East European Studies (Formely Melbourne Slavonic Studies) 17/1-2 (2003), pp. 101–121.
  • ‘Ic?ne, page blanche et le Carré noir : à propos des recherches sur l’iconographie de M.-J. Mondzain’ (discussion), in: Istina 45/ 3 (2000), pp. 269–274.

Contributions to peer-reviewed collective volumes

  • ‘The Messiah Hidden in the Depths of the Sea: Reminiscences of 4 Ezra in the Armenian Script of the Lord’s Infancy’, in: Figures of Ezra (Studies on Early Christian Apocrypha; 13), eds. J. N. BREMMER, V. HIRSCHBERGER and T. NICKLAS, (Leuven: Peeters, 2018), pp. 79–96.
  • ‘Возвращение в рождественскую пещеру: Память первозданного человечества в армянском Писании о детстве Господнем и в родственных источниках’, in: Miscellanea Orientalia Christiana / Восточнохристианское разнообразие, eds. N. N. SELEZNEV and Yu. N. AR?ANOV, (Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities, Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies / Bochum, Ruhr Universit?t, Seminar für Orientalistik und Islamwissenschaft, 2014), pp. 149?184.
  • ‘Travels and Studies of Stephen of Siwnik? (c.685–735): Redefining Armenian Orthodoxy Under Islamic Rule’, in: Heresy and the Making of European Culture. Medieval and Modern Perspectives, eds. A. P. ROACH and J. R. SIMPSON (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013), pp. 355?381.
  • ‘La risposta di Giacomo di Nisibi ad Aristace’ (annotated translation), in: Afraate, Le esposizioni (Testi del Vicino Oriente antico), vol. I, ed. G. LENZI (Brescia: Paideia, 2012), pp. 65–66.
  • ‘La transmission de l’apocryphe de l’Enfance de Jésus en Arménie’, in: Jesus in apokryphen Evangelienüberlieferungen. Beitr?ge zu au?erkanonischen Jesusüberlieferungen aus verschiedenen Sprach- und Kulturtraditionen (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament; 254), eds. J. FREY and J. SCHR?TER (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010), pp. 557–582.
  • ‘Chiese non-calcedonesi’, in: Dizionario del sapere storico-religioso del Novecento, ed. A. MELLONI (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2010), pp. 515–534.
  • ‘L’Ermete armeno: un catechismo. Ermete il Tre-volte-grande ad Asclepio ?Definizioni?’ (annotated translation, introduction, lexicon), in: La rivelazione segreta di Ermete Trismegisto (Foundation ‘Lorenzo Valla’; Scrittori Greci e Latini), ed. P. SCARPI, vol. I, (Milan: A. Mondadori, 2009), pp. 3–23, 393–406.
  • ‘Silence, Intellect and Discourse in the Quest for the True Teaching: Reflections on Hermes Trismegistos’s ?Definitions?’, in: Encounter between Eastern Orthodoxy and Radical Orthodoxy: Transfiguring the World through the Word, eds. A. PABST and CH. SCHNEIDER, (Farnham: Ashgate, 2009), pp. 176–184.
  • ‘Exploration of the Kazakh Steppes and Semire?’e in Russia from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century’, in: Kazakhstan: Religions and Society in the History of Central Eurasia, eds. G. L. BONORA, N. PIANCIOLA and P. SARTORI, (Turin: U. Allemandi, 2009), pp. 179–198.
  • ‘Beyond Empire I: Eastern Christianities from the Persian to the Turkish Conquest, 604-1071’, in: Cambridge History of Christianity, vol. 3 (Early Medieval Christianities), eds. J. M. H. SMITH and T. F. X. NOBLE, (Cambridge: University Press, 2008), pp. 65–85, 658?665.
  • ‘Nazionalismo e religione nella dinamica del Genocidio degli armeni (1915-1916)’, in: Il crimine dei crimini. Stermini di massa nel Novecento, eds. F. BERTI and F. CORTESE, (Milan: Franco Angeli Edizioni, 2008), pp. 64–84.
  • ‘The Apostolic Foundation Stone: the Conception of Orthodoxy in the Controversy between Photius of Constantinople and Isaac Surnamed M?ut (882)’, in: Byzantine Orthodoxies, eds. A. LOUTH and A. CASIDAY, (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006), pp. 179–198.
  • Contributions to the Catalogue of Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Mediterranean Area From the 11th to the 15th Century, eds. E. GUIDOBONI and A. COMASTRI, (Rome: Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia, 2005), passim.
  • ‘The Royal Road and the Via Media at the Armeno-Syro-Byzantine Council of Shirakawan, 862/3’, in: The Armenians in Jerusalem and the Holy Land (Hebrew University Armenian Studies; 4), eds. M. STONE and R. ERVINE, (Leuven: Peeters, 2002), pp. 61–79.

Accepted and forthcoming

  • ‘Eve, Melchizedek and the Magi in the Cave of the Nativity According the Armenian Corpus of Homilies Attributed to Epiphanius of Salamis’ (edited texts and critical study), in: The Protevangelium of James (Studies on Early Christian Apocrypha; 16), eds. J. N. BREMMER et al. (Leuven: Peeters, 2019), 60 pages.
  • ‘Adam in the Church at A?t?amar (915–921) and in a Pseudepigraphal Homily on Genesis: the Creator’s Companion, a King and a Herald of the Things to Come’, in: Von der Historienbibel zur Weltchronik, ed. Ch. B?TTRICH, (Leipzig: EVA, 2019), 20 pages.
  • ‘Concerning Four Kings From the Land of “Deep Ravines, Dense Forests and Dark Thickets”’, in: Images of the Good Christian Ruler in the Mediterranean and the Near East (4th–10th Centuries) (Millennium Studien), ed. H. LEPPIN, (Berlin: De Gruyter: 2019), 50 pages.


  • ‘Robert W. Thomson, Nerses of Lambron. Commentary on the Revelation of Saint John’ (comprehensive review), in: Le Muséon 122/1-2 (2009), pp. 231–236.
  • ‘A. M. Bruni, Теологос: древнеславянские кодексы Слов Григория Назианзина и их византийские прототипы (I codici slavi antichi delle Orazioni di Gregorio di Nazianzo e i loro prototipi bizantini)’ (review), in: Le Muséon 118/3-4 (2005), pp. 401–402.
  • ‘Le génocide des Arméniens dans l’Empire ottoman’ (comprehensive review of: L’actualité du Génocide des Arméniens [actes du colloque organisé à l’Université Paris-Sorbonne en avril 1998], Créteil : ?dipol 1999), in: Istina 46/1 (2001), pp. 32-48.

Entries in encyclop?dia

  • ‘Armenian Literature’, ‘Armenian Monasteries’, ‘Armenian Patristics’, in: Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Christian East, ed. E. G. FARRUGIA, (Rome: Pontifical Oriental Institute, 20152), pp. 200?208.
  • ‘Christianity in Armenia’, ‘Genocide of Armenians’, ‘Gregory the Illuminator’, ‘Mesrop Mashtots’, ‘Moses of Khoren’, ‘Nersês Shnorhali’, in: The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, ed. D. PATTE, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), pp. 73–74, 484, 777, 842, 861.
  • ‘????? ???????? ???????’ [Syrian Orthodox Church], in: K‘ristonya Hayastan. Hanragitaran [Christian Armenia: Encyclop?dic Dictionary], eds. K. KHUDAVERDYAN, M. HASRATYAN and Sh. ADJEMIAN, (Yerevan: Armenian Encyclop?dia Press, 2002), pp. 85–88.
  • Armenian martyrologies from the fourteenth to the eighteenth century: ‘Amenawag di Derjan’, ‘Barunak di Amid’, ‘Gabriele di Galata’, ‘Giovanni di Xlat‘’, ‘Gregorio Cerenc‘’ di Xlat‘’, ‘Gregorio di Karin’, ‘Gregorio III Pahlawuni’, ‘Isacco di Tabriz’, ‘Melchisedec e Karapet di Van’, ‘Mirak‘ di Tabriz’, ‘Paronloys di Teodosia’, ‘Sayat-Nova’, ‘Stefano Vardapet, Pietro di Xizan, Stefano di Sorb’, ‘Yimar di Van’, in: Enciclopedia dei santi: le chiese orientali (Biblioteca Sanctorum Orientalium), eds. J.-N. CANELLAS et al., (Rome: Città Nuova, 1998?1999), vol. I, coll. 135, 369, 951–952, 1126–1127; vol. II, coll. 82, 85, 134–135, 246–247, 477, 538, 788–789, 943–944, 1115, 1359–1360.

Scientific translation and editing

  • Translation from Armenian and editing of: Zh. Khachatrian, ‘Artaxata, Capitale dell’Armenia antica, II s. a.C. – IV s. d.C.’, in: Ai piedi dell’Ararat: Artaxata e l’Armenia ellenistico-romana, ed. A. INVERNIZZI, (Florence: Le lettere, 1998), pp. 95–158.

Popularisation of research

  • ‘? la découverte des Chrétiens des Trois Conciles’, in: Historia (Numéro Thématique) 82 (2003), pp. 60–67. (Synoptic history of the miaphysite churches)
  • ‘Christologie de l’?glise d’Arménie’, in: Le Monde de la Bible 136 (2001), p. 32. (Analysis of the Armenian creedal formul?).
    • Italian version, in: Il mondo della Bibbia 91/1 (2008), p. 32.
  • ‘Présence arménienne en Terre sainte’, in: Le Monde de la Bible 136 (2001), pp. 44–47 (History of the Armenian settlements in the Holy Land).

On-going projects

  • The editing of: Apocryphal and Esoteric Sources in the Development of Christian and Jewish Traditions: Eastern Mediterranean, the Caucasus and Beyond (in the series ‘Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity’), Leiden: Brill; proceedings of an international conference, March 2018 (see below); to be published in 2020.




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