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Kelsie Rodenbiker

Fellow 04/2019

Raum:?SGLG 319

Tel.: +49 941 943-5973

E-Mail: Kelsie.Rodenbiker@glasgow.ac.uk



  • since 1 December 2020?Postdoctoral Researcher on the ERC-funded?project?"Titles in the New Testament" (TiNT) at Glasgow University, School of Critical Studies


  • 2015–2020?Durham University, Integrated Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Theology and Religion - Short Dissertation: “Old Testament Exemplars in the Catholic Epistles,” 2016 (Distinction), PhD Dissertation: “Constructing Christian Tradition: Scriptural Exempla and the Catholic Epistle Collection”
  • 2013 Seattle Pacific University, MA, Theology: Christian Scripture - Thesis: “To Open Eyes That Are Blind” (Isa 42:7): Senses, Idolatry, and Unity in Isaiah
  • 2009 Seattle Pacific University, BA, Theology (major) and Biblical Studies (minor)


Instructor/Lecturer (Seattle Pacific University)

  • University Foundations 2000: Christian Scripture (Spring 2015)
  • University Foundations 2000: Christian Scripture (Autumn 2014)
  • Biblical Texts: Isaiah (Autumn 2014)
  • University Foundations 2000: Christian Scripture (Winter 2014; with Prof David Nienhuis)
  • Biblical Texts: 1-2 Peter (Spring 2013; with Prof David Nienhuis)

Teaching Assistant (Durham University)

  • Gospels and Canon (Prof Francis Watson) - MA module, Department of Theology and Religion, Durham University, 2017–2018
  • Introduction to Biblical Study (Prof Walter Moberly and Rev Prof Anthony Bash) - First Year Module, Department of Theology and Religion, Durham University, 2017–2018
  • Christianity in Context (Dr Krastu Banev) - First Year Module, Department of Theology and Religion, Durham University, 2017–2018
  • Christianity in Context (Prof Michael Snape) - First Year Module, Department of Theology and Religion, Durham University, 2016–2017


  • Research Assistant to Prof Francis Watson, Durham University Department of Theology and Religion, 2017–present.
  • New Testament Seminar Coordinator, Durham University Department of Theology and Religion, 2017–present.
  • Primary Supervisor of a B.A. thesis on Matthew 19, University of Chester, 2017–18.
  • Research Postgraduate Representative: Student-Staff Consultative Committee, Postgraduate Education Committee, and Departmental Board of Studies, Department of Theology and Religion, Durham University, 2016–2019.
  • Administrator and Session Chair for the Connecting Gospels Colloquium (with Prof Francis Watson and Dr Sarah Parkhouse), Durham University, July 2016. Colloquium papers were published as Connecting Gospels: Beyond the Canonical/Non-Canonical Divide OUP (2018), for which I also compiled the bibliography and subject index.
  • Co-Organizer of the Postgraduate Biblical Studies Day (for which we secured the maximum award for funding from CAROD, the Centre for Academic, Researcher, and Organisation Development), Durham University, UK, May 2016.
  • School of Theology Assistant, Seattle Pacific University (research, marking, and publication assistance), 2013–2014.
  • Visiting researcher at Tyndale House Library, Cambridge, UK for MA Thesis Research on Isaiah, Oct–Dec 2012.
  • School of Theology Office Administrator and Assistant to the Dean, Seattle Pacific University, 2010–2012.


  • Nominated by the Department of Theology and Religion (Durham) for Academic Achievement in 2016–2017
  • Faculty of Arts and Humanities (Durham University) research funding, May–June 2019
  • Mary Ward Bursary (the Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University), 2018–19
  • St Jude Bursary (the Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University), 2018–19
  • Capuchin Franciscan Bursary (the Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University), 2018–19
  • Faculty of Arts and Humanities (Durham University) research funding, July–August 2018
  • Catherine McAuley Bursary from the Institute of Our Lady of Mercy (the Centre for Catholic Studies,
  • Durham University), 2017–18
  • Faculty of Arts and Humanities (Durham University) research funding, April 2017
  • Hayes Ministerial Scholarship (Seattle Pacific University), 2010–2011
  • President’s Scholar Award (Seattle Pacific University), 2006–2009
  • Crete Hammersla Christian Service Scholarship Endowment (Seattle Pacific University), 2008–2009
  • Haslam Ministry Scholarship (Seattle Pacific University, 2008–2009
  • Stundon Scholarship (Seattle Pacific University), 2008–2009
  • Alice C. Martin Scholarship (Seattle Pacific University) 2007–2008
  • Mills Scholarship (Seattle Pacific University), 2007–2008
  • McCarty Scholarship (Seattle Pacific University), 2007–2008


  • The Society of Biblical Literature
  • The British New Testament Society
  • The Centre for Catholic Studies at Durham University



  • “Scriptural Exempla and the Dating of James,” forthcoming in Das Baujahr hinter der Fassade: Probleme bei der Datierung neutestamentlicher Pseudepigraphen und neuere L?sungsans?tze (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament I; Mohr Siebeck).
  • “Disputing with the Devil: Jude, Michael the Archangel, and the Boundaries of Canon,” Pages 267–282 in Antike Kanonisierungsprozesse und Identit?tsbildung in Zeiten des Umbruchs. Edited by Marcel Friesen and Christoph Leonard Hesse. Wissenschaftliche Schriften der WWU Münster X: 28. Westf?lische Wilhelms-Universit?t: Münster, 2019.
  • Dragutinovic, Predrag, Tobias Nicklas, Kelsie G Rodenbiker, and Vladan Tatalovic, eds. Christ of the Sacred Stories. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament II: 453. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017.
  • “The Persistent Sufferer: The Exemplar of Job in the Letter of James,” Annali di Storia dell’Esegesi 34.2 (2017): 483–500.
  • [as Kelsie Gayle Job] and Frank Anthony Spina. “Holiness in the Old Testament.” Pages 21–29 in Holiness as a Liberal Art. Edited by Daniel Castelo. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2012.


  • Kelsie G Rodenbiker, review of Darian Lockett, Letters from the Pillar Apostles: The Formation of the Catholic Epistles as a Canonical Collection, Reviews of Biblical and Early Christian Studies [https://rbecs.org/2017/07/18/lpa/] (2017).


  • “What do the Scriptural Exemplars of James Tell Us About the Epistle’s Date of Composition?” Presented at Das Baujahr hinter der Fassade: Probleme bei der Datierung neutestamentlicher Pseudepigraphen und neuere L?sungsans?tze, Gie?en, Germany, 31 May 2019.
  • “Constructing Christian Tradition: Biblical Exempla and the Catholic Epistle Collection.” Presented at the Beyond Canon Seminar, Regensburg, Germany, 11 April 2019.
  • “Canonical Pseudonymity: The Catholic Epistles and the Construction of Apostolic Tradition.” Presented at the New Testament Seminar, Uppsala University, 14 February 2019.


  • “P72 in the Bodmer Miscellaneous Codex: An Antecedent to the Catholic Epistle Collection?” Presented at the Northern Universities Postgraduate Day for Biblical Studies, Durham University, 28 May 2019.
  • “Eusebius and the Construction of the ‘Entestamented’ Boundary.” Presented at the seminar on Rhetorical Practices and Analysis in Athens, Greece with the University of Oslo research school for Authoritative Texts and Their Reception, 18–21 March 2019.
  • “Narrative Exemplars in the Catholic Epistles: a terminological suggestion.” Presented to the International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Helsinki, Finland, 29 July?–3 August 2018.
  • “The Catholic Epistles and the Codex Claromontanus.” Presented at the seminar on Authorship and Intention in Oslo, Norway with the University of Oslo research school for Authoritative Texts and Their Reception, 4–8 June 2018.
  • “Is the Word a Person or a Book? Canonical Contingency, Biblical Inerrancy, and Dei Verbum in Dialogue.”
  • Presented to the Centre for Catholic Studies’ 10th Anniversary conference: Catholic Theology in the Public Academy: Searching the Questions, Sounding the Depths, Durham, UK, 18-20 April 2018.
  • “The Catholic Epistles and the Muratorian Fragment.” presented at the seminar on Power and Authority in Rome, Italy with the University of Oslo research school for Authoritative Texts and Their Reception, 11–15 March 2018.
  • “The Role of the Catholic Epistles in the Formation of the New Testament Canon,” presented at the seminar on Canon and Interpretation in Bergen, Norway with the University of Oslo research school for Authoritative Texts and Their Reception, 16–20 October 2017.
  • “Disputing with the Devil: Jude, Michael the Archangel, and the Limits of Canon.” Canonization and Identity in Times of Change During Antiquity conference, Münster, Germany, 27 May 2017.
  • “Quotation vs. Characterization: The Catholic Epistles and Old Testament Exemplars.” Presented to the Hawarden Seminar on the Old Testament in the New Testament Annual Meeting, Hawarden, UK, 7 April 2017.
  • “The Suffering Christ as the Suffering Servant: Jesus’ Exemplary Legacy in 1 Peter 2:21–25.” Presented to the Northern Universities Postgraduate Day for Biblical Studies, Durham University, UK, 13 May 2016.
  • “Enduring Community in the Catholic Epistles (updated).” Presented to the Café des Theologiennes Postgraduate Seminar, Durham University, UK, 28 October 2015.
  • “Enduring Community in the Catholic Epistles.” Presented to the Muted Voices Conference, Durham, UK, 17 April 2015.


  • Major Research Area: New Testament and Early Christianity
  • Related Research Areas: Canonical process, Pseudepigraphy, Patristics, Parabiblical Literature, Septuagint




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