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Eric Beck

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Fellow 05/2019

Eric Beck

Raum:?SGLG 319

Tel.: +49 941 943-5973

E-Mail: Eric.Beck@theologie.uni-regensburg.de



  • 2014–2018 PhD Early Christianity, University of Edinburgh: Supervised by Paul Foster.
    • Thesis Title: “ Perceiving the Mystery of the Merciful Son of God, an Analysis of the Purpose of the Apocalypse of Peter”
    • My research offered the first detailed comparative analysis of the various recensions of the Apocalypse of Peter and the first thorough exegesis regarding the primary purpose of the text.
  • 2013–2014 MLitt Scripture and Theology, University of St Andrews. Dissertation: “Internal Parallels as Evidence of a Longer Transitio in 2 Peter 3”
  • 2007–2011 BA Biblical Studies, Colorado Christian University
  • 2003–2007 High School Diploma, Plymouth High School


  • 2019–Present Research Fellow, Centre for Advanced Studies “Beyond Canon”, University of Regensburg:?
    • Digitally transcribe manuscripts from images /?Translate Ethiopic texts into English
    • Give lectures/presentations on current state of research
    • Prepare PhD thesis and other materials for publication
  • 2014–2018 PhD Research, University of Edinburgh
    • Compare recensions of a text in order to ascertain the oldest version of the text
    • Translate and utilise texts in languages such as German, Greek, Hebrew, and Ethiopic
    • Attend conferences and give lectures on my findings
    • Gain familiarity with a broad range of ancient documents from different cultures and
    • centuries
    • Take risks by asking questions and proposing answers not yet addressed in scholarship


  • 2019–Present Lay Theological Advisor and Ministry Development Coordinator to the Bishop of Moray, Ross, and Caithness
    • Create and establish Continuing Ministerial Development programmes in the diocese
    • Create and establish lay education and training opportunities in the diocese
    • Work with the Bishop and others, such as the Scottish Episcopal Institute, to identify and address areas where further training is needed in the diocese
    • Teach courses and deliver lectures throughout the diocese
  • 2015–2016 Tutor, University of Edinburgh
    • Facilitate classroom discussion
    • Mark student exams and essays
    • Address student concerns when appropriate
  • 2010–2011 Teacher’s Assistant, Colorado Christian University
    • Deliver classroom lectures whenever the primary lecturer was absent
    • Facilitate classroom discussion
    • Mark student exams and essays
    • Attend and assess student presentations
    • Address student concerns when appropriate


  • 2014: Distinction in Dissertation from the University of St Andrews
  • 2011: Graduated Summa Cum Laude from Colorado Christian University
  • 2011: Outstanding Senior in Biblical Studies, Colorado Christian University
  • 2010–2011: Hebrew National Honours Society (Eta Beta Rho), Colorado Christian University
  • 2007–2011: Deans List, Colorado Christian University
  • 2007: Salutatorian, Plymouth High School



  • “Perceiving the Mystery of the Merciful Son of God: An Analysis of the Purpose of the Apocalypse of Peter.” PhD diss., The University of Edinburgh, 2018 (accepted for publication in Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament Series I by Mohr Siebeck, forthcoming)
  • English translation of the Ethiopic text “The Second Coming of Christ and the Resurrection of the Dead” for a collection of apocalyptic literature in translation by Yale University Press (forthcoming)


  • "Peter—Human,” review of Peter—Apocalyptic Seer: The Influence of the Apocalypse Genre on Matthew’s Portrayal of Peter by John R. Markley. The Expository Times 127, no. 1 (2015): 42-43.
  • "A New Educator’s Handbook,” The Professor’s Puzzle: Teaching in Christian Academics by Michael S. Lawson. The Expository Times 127, no. 7 (2016): 359.
  • "Scripture and Cosmology,” review of Scripture and Cosmology: Reading the Bible Between the Ancient World and Modern Science by Kyle Greenwood. The Expository Times 127, no. 9 (2016): 463.
  • "Interpreting the Bible and the Contemporary World,” review of The Bible in the Contemporary World: Exploring Texts and Contexts—Then and Now by Richard Bauckham, The Expository Times 127, no. 12 (2016): 611.
  • "The Forgiveness of Sins,” The Forgiveness of Sins by Tim Carter, The Expository Times 128, no. 12 (2017): 608.


  • “Will the Real Apocalypse of Peter Please Stand Up?” – Centre for Advanced Studies – Beyond Canon, University of Regensburg, May 2019
  • “The Apocalypse of Peter in Ethiopic Tradition” – Ethiopic Texts in New Testament Studies, held in Durham, England, June 2018
  • “Perceiving the Mystery of the Merciful Son of God: An Analysis of the Purpose of the Apocalypse of Peter” – British New Testament Society Conference, held in Maynooth, Ireland, Sept 2017
  • “Hell in Context: A New Reading of the Apocalypse of Peter” – Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, held in Berlin, Germany, Aug 2017
  • “What the Hell is the Purpose of the Apocalypse of Peter?” – Biblical Studies Research Seminar, held in Edinburgh, Scotland, April 2017
  • “Compassion for the Damned: An Argument Against a Monitory Reading of the Apocalypse of Peter” Workshop on the Greek/Ethiopic Apocalypse of Peter, held in Regensburg, Germany, May 2016


  • British New Testament Society Conference, held in Chester, United Kingdom, Sept 2016
  • British New Testament Society Conference, held in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Sept 2015
  • Muted Voices: Neglected Texts and Early Christian Identities, held in Durham, England, April 2015
  • Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, held in Chicago, USA, Nov 2012
  • Society of Biblical Literature Regional Meeting, held in Denver, USA, Mar 2010
  • Society of Biblical Literature Regional Meeting, held in Omaha, USA, Mar 2009


A researcher and educator specialised in early christianity, both within and beyond the Christian canon. I am interested in developing a career which involves both continuing my research in early christianity, particularly Petrine studies, and improving educational and training opportunities within the Christian church.




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