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Daniel Galadza

Fellow 07/2019 - 03/2022

Daniel Galadza

  • Raum:?SGLG 319

Tel.: +49 941 943-5973

E-Mail: daniel.galadza@univie.ac.at



  • 2014–:?Habilitationsschrift Research Project, Catholic Theology Faculty, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (Title: “We Sing the Praises of His Resurrection”: The Hymnography of Holy Week and Pascha in the Byzantine Rite as Liturgical Theology)
  • 2010–2013:?S.E.O.D., Doctorate in Eastern Church Studies (summa cum laude), Liturgy, Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Rome, Italy (Doctoral thesis: Worship of the Holy City in Captivity: The Liturgical Byzantinization of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, 8th-13th centuries) ?????
  • 2008–2010: S.E.O.L., Licentiate in Eastern Church Studies (summa cum laude), Liturgy, Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Rome, Italy (Licentiate thesis: Liturgical Byzantinization in the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem)
  • 2005–2008: B.Th./S.T.B., Bachelor of Theology (Ecclesiastical and Civil), Eastern Christian Studies, Sheptytsky Institute, Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Canada
  • 2001–2005: Hons. B.A., Bachelor of Arts with Majors in Architecture and Classical Civilization, Trinity College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (Honours thesis: French Rationalism in Russia: The Influence of Viollet-le-Duc and L’art russe on the Revival of a Russian Style in the Late Nineteenth Century)
  • Coursework, Architectural Design, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Providence, RI, USA, 2004


    • 2018: Lecturer, Sheptytsky Institute, University of St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
    • 2016–2017: Visiting Professor, Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome, Italy
    • 2014–present: National Research Partner, Daily Life and Religion: Byzantine Prayer Books as Sources for Social History (“Euchologion Project”), Austrian Academy of Sciences (Project Director: Professor Claudia Rapp)
    • 2013–2018: Post-Doc University Assistant (Assistant Professor), Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology, Historical Theology, Department, Catholic Theology Faculty, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
    • 2009–2011: Graduate Assistant to Professor Robert F. Taft, SJ, Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Rome, Italy
    • 2004–2005: Research Assistant to Professor D. S. Richardson, Department of Art History, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

    Scholarships and Awards

    • 2019–2022: Fellow, Centre for Advanced Studies, Universit?t Regensburg (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Project: “Jenseits des Kanons: Heterotopien religi?ser Autorit?t im sp?tantiken Christentum”)
    • 2016: Full Scholarship, Dumbarton Oaks/Hill Museum and Manuscript Library (HMML) Syriac Summer School, St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN, USA
    • 2012–2013: Full Scholarship, Congregatio pro Ecclesiis Orientalibus, Rome, Italy
    • 2011–2012: Junior Fellowship in Byzantine Studies, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection (Harvard University), Washington, D.C., USA
    • 2011: Modern Greek Scholarship, Apostoliki Diakonia, Athens, Greece
    • 2010: German Language Scholarship, Goethe-Institut, Schw?bisch Hall, Germany
    • 2008–2011: Full Scholarship, Congregatio pro Ecclesiis Orientalibus, Rome, Italy
    • 2009: Modern Greek Scholarship, Apostoliki Diakonia, Athens, Greece

    Academic Associations and Service

    • Consultor (Advisory Board Member), Pro Oriente Stiftung, Vienna, Austria

    • Advisory Board Member, Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies (Fordham University)

    • Board Member, International Society for Orthodox Church Music (ISOCM) (2011–2017)

    • Member, Society of Oriental Liturgy (SOL)

    • Co-Editor of Proceedings, Society of Oriental Liturgy (SOL) (2012–2018)

    • Member, ?sterreichische Byzantinische Gesellschaft (?BG)

    • Member, Society of Biblical Littearture (SBL) and American Academy of Religion (AAR)

    • Member, North American Academy of Liturgy (NAAL)

    • Reviewer, Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies (Sheptytsky Institute)

    • Reviewer, Journal of Early Christian Studies (Johns Hopkins)

    • Reviewer, ?sterreichische Studien zur Liturgiewissenschaft und Sakramententheologie

    • Reviewer, Jahrbuch der ?sterreichischen Byzantinistik (J?B)

    • Reviewer, Dumbarton Oaks Studies and Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Byzantine Studies Department, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection)

    • Reviewer, Religions (Open Access Theology Journal)

    • Postdoc Representative (Substitute), Mittelbauvertretung, University of Vienna (2013–2016)

    Community Service

    • Member, Patriarchal Liturgical Commission of the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church (UGCC) (2018–)
    • Member, Parish Council of Griechisch-katholische Zentralpfarre St. Barbara, Vienna, Austria (2017–2018)





  • Чи туди спрямову?мо ми зусилля л?тург?йно? в?днови?” [Are We Guiding Our Efforts for Liturgical Renewal in the Right Direction?] Патр?ярхат 2 (March–April 2006), 24–25.


  • “Church Singing and Chant in Galicia, 1900-1944. An Historical and Theological Survey,” in Church, State and Nation in Orthodox Church Music. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Orthodox Church Music University of Joensuu, Finland 8 - 14 June 2009, ed. Ivan Moody and Maria Takala-Roszczenko (Jyv?skyl?, Finland: The International Society for Orthodox Church Music, 2010), 88–103.
  • Co-Editor of: Τοξ?τη?: Studies for Stefano Parenti, ed. Daniel Galadza, Nina Glibeti?, and Gabriel Radle (?ν?λεκτα Κρυπτοφ?ρρη? 9, Grottaferrata: Monastero Esarchico, 2010). xxii + 392 pp.
  • “Liturgical Byzantinization in Jerusalem: Al-Bīrūnī’s Melkite Calendar in Context,” Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata III s. 7 (2010): 69–85.


  • Logikē latreia (Romans 12:1) as a Definition of Liturgy,” Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 52:1-2 (2011): 109–124.
  • Liner notes for: Roman Hurko, Liturgy No. 1 (The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom), Bells of Podil Choir, dir. Taras Myroniuk (n.p.: Kyiv, 2011).
  • Review of: Stefanos Alexopoulos, The Presanctified Liturgy in the Byzantine Rite. A Comparative Analysis of its Origins, Evolution, and Structural Components (Liturgia Condenda 21, Leuven: Peeters, 2009), in Theoforum 42:2 (2011): 285–288.


  • Review of: Stefano Parenti, A Oriente e Occidente di Costantinopoli. Temi e problemi liturgici di ieri e di oggi (Monumenta Studia Instrumenta Liturgica 54, Città del Vaticano: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2010), in Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 53:1-2 (2012): 111–115.
  • Review of: Liturgia Ibero-Graeca Sancti Iacobi. Editio – translatio – retroversio – commentarii (Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum 17, Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2011), in Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 53:1–2 (2012), 142–146.


  • Excerpta ex dissertatione ad doctoratum: Worship of the Holy City in Captivity: The Liturgical Byzantinization of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem After the Arab Conquest (8th-13th c.) (Rome: Pontifical Oriental Institute, 2013). 109 pp.
  • “Russia, Ruthenians, and the Russicum: The Life and Work of Ludwig Pichler, S.J.,” in Unity and Variety in Orthodox Music: Theory and Practice. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Orthodox Church Music, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland, 6 – 12 June 2011, ed. Ivan Moody and Maria Takala-Roszczenko (Jyv?skyl?, Finland: The International Society for Orthodox Church Music, 2013), 379?–392.
  • “La tradizione liturgica di Gerusalemme e la distruzione dei luoghi santi,” Rivista Liturgica IV s. 2 (2013): 396–406.
  • “Sources for the Study of Liturgy in Post-Byzantine Jerusalem (638–1187 CE),” Dumbarton Oaks Papers 67 (2013): 75–94.


  • “A Greek Source of the Jerusalem Lectionary: Sinai Gr. N.E. ΜΓ 8 (10th c.),” in ΣΥΝΑΞΙΣ ΚΑΘΟΛΙΚΗ. Beitrage zu Gottesdienst und Geschichte der fünf altkirchlichen Patriarchate, ed. Diliana Atanassova and Tinatin Chronz (Orientalia – Patristica – Oecumenica 6.1, Münster: Lit Verlag, 2014), 213–228.
  • “Prosopography of the Middle Byzantine Period,” Religious Studies Review 40:1 (2014): 9–16.
  • Co-editor of: Rites and Rituals of the Christian East: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy, Lebanon, 10-15 July 2012, ed. Bert Groen, Daniel Galadza, Nina Glibeti?, and Gabriel Radle (Eastern Christian Studies, Leuven: Peeters, 2014). xii + 482 pp.
  • “The Jerusalem Lectionary and the Byzantine Rite,” in Rites and Rituals of the Christian East: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy, Lebanon, 10-15 July 2012, ed. Bert Groen, Daniel Galadza, Nina Glibeti?, and Gabriel Radle (Eastern Christian Studies, Leuven: Peeters, 2014), 181–199.
  • “Distruzione del Santo Sepolcro (1009): la tradizione cultuale gerosolimitana private degli spazi rituali,” in Una Città tra Terra e Cielo Gerusalemme le Religioni – le Chiese, ed. Cesare Alzati and Luciano Vaccaro (Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2014), 265–287.
  • “Questions on the Eastern Churches #25 ‘Some Precisions Regarding Question Box 16 on the Polielej at Matins’,” Eastern Churches Journal 16:1 (2009): 117–120 [appeared in 2014].
  • “Гимнограф?я Святогробського тип?кона Х?? ст.” [Hymnography of the Typikon of the Anastasis (12th c.)], ΚΑΛΟΦΩΝΙΑ: Wissenschaftlicher Sammelband aus der Geschichte der kirchlichen Monodie und Hymnographie 7 (2014): 68–85.


  • “‘Open your mouth and attract the Spirit’: St. Theodore Stoudite and Participation in the Icon of Worship,” in Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Orthodox Church Music, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland, 3 – 9 June 2013, ed. Ivan Moody and Maria Takala-Roszczenko (Joensuu: International Society for Orthodox Church Music, 2015), 441–455.
  • Review of: St. Symeon of Thessalonika, The Liturgical Commentaries, ed. and trans. Steven Hawkes-Teeples (Studies and Texts 168, Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2011), in Orientalia Christiana Periodica 81/1 (2015): 272–276.
  • “Die griechisch-katholischen Kirchen und die liturgische Erneuerung. 50 Jahre nach Sacrosanctum Concilium,” in Erbe und Erneuerung. Die Liturgiekonstitution des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils und ihre Folgen, ed. Hans-Jürgen Feulner, Andreas Bieringer, and Benjamin Leven (Vienna: Lit Verlag, 2015), 95–117.


  • ?“Greco-Catholic Monasticism in Ukraine: Between Mission and Contemplation,” in Monasticism in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet States, ed. Ines A. Murzaku (New York: Routledge, 2016), 372–396.
  • ?“Two Greek, Ninth-Century Sources of the Jerusalem Lectionary: Sinai Gr. 212 and Sinai Gr. N.E. MГ 11,” in Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata III s. 11 (2014), 79–111 [appeared in 2016].
  • “?Les grandes étapes de la liturgie byzantine? de Miguel Arranz, quarante ans après,” in 60 semaines liturgiques à Saint-Serge. Bilans et perspectives nouvelles, ed. André Lossky and Heinzgerd Brakmann (Studia Oecumenica Friburgensia 71, Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2016), 295–310.
  • Co-editor of: Sion, mère des ?glises: Mélanges liturgiques offerts au Père Charles Athanase Renoux, ed. Daniel Findikyan, Daniel Galadza and André Lossky (Semaines d'études liturgiques Saint-Serge Subsidia 1, Münster: Aschendorff, 2016).
  • “A Note on Hagiopolite Epistle Readings in Three Greek Manuscripts from the Sinai ? New Finds ?,” in: Sion, mère des ?glises: Mélanges liturgiques offerts au Père Charles Athanase Renoux, ed. Daniel Findikyan, Daniel Galadza and André Lossky (Semaines d'études liturgiques Saint-Serge Subsidia 1, Münster: Aschendorff, 2016), 149–162.


  • ?“Various Orthodoxies: Feasts of the Incarnation of Christ in Jerusalem in the First Christian Millennium,” in Prayer and Worship in Eastern Christianities, 5th to 11th Centuries, ed. Derek Krueger and Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony (London: Routledge, 2017), 181–209.
  • “Kuba und Kreta. Beobachtungen zur geistlichen ?kumene,” Geist und Leben 90:1 (2017), 51–56.
  • “?Св?т потребу? молитви?. ?нтервю з Блаженн?шим Любомиром про монаше життя в д?аспор? УГКЦ” [“The World Needs Prayer”: Interview with His Beatitude Lubomyr (Cardinal Husar) on Monastic Life in the UGCC Diaspora], Патр?ярхат 3 (May–June 2017), 6–11.
  • “A Note on Johann von Gardner’s Arrangements of Western Ukrainian Liturgical Chants,” in Creating Liturgically: Hymnography and Music Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Orthodox Church Music University of Joensuu, Finland – 8-14 June 2015, ed. Ivan Moody and Maria Takala-Roszczenko (Joensuu: International Society for Orthodox Church Music, 2017), 289–299.
  • “Greek Liturgy in Crusader Jerusalem: Witnesses of Liturgical Life at the Holy Sepulchre and St. Sabas Lavra,” Journal of Medieval History 43:4 (2017), 421-437 (Special Issue: Liturgy and Devotion in the Crusader States; guest editors: Iris Shagrir and Cecilia Gaposchkin).
  • “The Assumptionists and the Study of Byzantine Liturgy,” in L’apport des Assomptionnistes fran?ais aux études byzantines. Une approche critique. Actes du colloque de Bucarest, 25–27 septembre 2014, ed. M.-H. Blanchet and I. A. Tudorie (Archives de l’Orient Chrétien 21, Paris: Institut Fran?ais d’études byzantines, 2017), 233–258.


  • Liturgy and Byzantinization in Jerusalem (Oxford Early Christian Studies, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018). xvi + 437 pp.
  • Co-author of: Claudia Rapp, Eirini Afentoulidou, Daniel Galadza, Ilias Nesseris, Giulia Rossetto, Elisabeth Schiffer, “Byzantine Prayer Books as Sources for Social History and Daily Life,” Jahrbuch der ?sterreichischen Byzantinistik 67 (2017), 173–211, especially “Customized Books: Names, Intercessions, and Commemorations in the Euchologion,” 192–195.


  • “Greek Liturgy in Crusader Jerusalem: Witnesses of Liturgical Life at the Holy Sepulchre and St. Sabas Lavra,” in Liturgy and Devotion in the Crusader States, ed. Iris Shagrir and Cecilia Gaposchkin (London and New York: Routledge, 2019), 61–77.

In Press

  • “Autocephaly and the Diptychs,” in conference proceedings (see below), ed. Laurent Tatarenko and Marie-Hélène Blanchet (forthcoming)
  • (Co-editor) conference proceedings (see below) of Arriving at a Common Narrative: The Lviv “Sobor” of 1946, ed. Adam DeVille and Daniel Galadza (forthcoming)

Selected Presentations


  • April 2, 2009: “Liturgy and St. Paul: λογικ? λατρε?α as λειτουργ?α in Rom 12:1,” paper presented at the Ukrainian Catholic University “In the Footsteps of St. Paul” Student Conference, St. Clement University, Rome, Italy (in Ukrainian).
  • June 9, 2009: “Sacred choral performance and chant in Galicia (present day Ukraine) 1900-1944,” paper presented at the Third International Conference of the International Society for Orthodox Church Music, “Church, State and Nation in Orthodox Church Music,” University of Joensuu, Finland.


  • May 27, 2010: “Liturgical Byzantinization in Jerusalem: A Second Look at Al-Bīrunī’s Melkite Calendar,” paper presented at the Third International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy, Volos Academy of Theological Studies, Volos, Greece.


  • March 11, 2011: “The Liturgical Symbolism of Byzantine Church Architecture and Vestments,” presentation to L’Atelier di teologia “Cardinal ?pidlík,” Centro Aletti, Rome, Italy (in Italian).
  • June 10, 2011: “Russia, Ruthenians, and the Russicum: The Life and Work of Ludwig Pichler, S.J.,” paper presented at the Fourth International Conference of the International Society for Orthodox Church Music entitled “Unity and Variety in Orthodox Music: Theory and Practice,” University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland.
  • October 24, 2011: “Liturgical Byzantinization in the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem,” research report presented to the Fellows of Dumbarton Oaks, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C., USA.
  • December 12, 2011: “The Development of the Liturgical Commemoration of St. John the Baptist in the Byzantine Rite,” paper presented in absentia at the “Seminario in onore di P. Robert Taft, SJ” held at the Pontificio Istituto Liturgico Sant’Anselmo, Rome, Italy.


  • January 6, 2012: “Some Methodological Considerations for the Study of Hagiopolite Liturgy after the Arab Conquest (638 CE),” paper presented at the “Problems in the Early History of Liturgy” seminar, North American Academy of Liturgy Annual Meeting 2012, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  • April 6, 2012: “Monks and Liturgy in Two Palestinian Sources of the Twelfth Century,” presentation at the “Monks, Monasteries, and Monasticism in the Eastern Mediterranean” seminar, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C., USA.
  • July 11, 2012: “Some Observations on the Pericope Order of the Jerusalem Lectionary,” paper presented at the Fourth International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy, Notre Dame University, Louaize, Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon.
  • Invited speaker—September 5, 2012: “Distruzione del Santo Sepolcro (1009): la tradizione cultuale gerosolimitana private degli spazi rituali,” invited paper at the conference “Una Città fra Terra e Cielo: Gerusalemme – le Religioni – le Chiese,” XXXIV settimana europea, Storia Religiosa Euro-Mediterranea (III), Fondazione Ambrosiana Paolo VI, Villa Cagnola, Gazzada, Varese, Italy (in Italian).
  • Invited speaker—September 18, 2012: “Историческое развитие литии: литургические и богословские наблюдения,” invited paper at the conference “Международная научная конференция Християнская аскетика и мистика: западная и восточная традиции в сравнительном освещении,” St. Thomas Institute of Philosophy, Theology, and History, Moscow, Russia (in English).


  • January 28, 2013: Public doctoral thesis defence, “Worship of the Holy City in Captivity: The Liturgical Byzantinization of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem (8th-13th c.),” Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome, Italy (in Italian and English).
  • June 7, 2013: “‘Open your mouth and attract the Spirit’: St. Theodore Stoudite and Participation in the Icon of Worship,” Fifth International Conference on Orthodox Church Music “Church Music and Icons: Windows to Heaven,” University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland.
  • June 27, 2013: “?Les grandes étapes de la liturgie byzantine? de Miguel Arranz quarante ans après,” 60e Semaine d’?tudes liturgiques, Institut de théologie orthodoxe Saint-Serge, Paris, France (in French).
  • October 10, 2013: “Hymnography of the Typikon of the Anastasis (12th c.),” Eighth International Conference “В?зант?йсько-слов’янська гимнограф?я та церковна монод?я,” Ukrainian Catholic University and Lysenko National Music Academy, Lviv, Ukraine (in Ukrainian).
  • October 16, 2013: “The Bible in the Liturgy,” Griech.-Kath. Zentralpfarre zu St. Barbara, Vienna, Austria (in Ukrainian).
  • November 15, 2013: “Die griechisch-katholischen Kirchen und liturgische Erneuerung. 50 Jahre nach Sacrosanctum Concilium,” Alter Wein in neue Schl?uche – 50 Jahre Liturgiekonstitution des II. Vatikanums, Institut für Historische Theologie – Liturgiewissenschaft und Sakramententheologie, Universit?t Wien, Vienna, Austria (in German).
  • December 9, 2013: “The Mystery of the Incarnation in the Scriptures,” Griech.-Kath. Zentralpfarre zu St. Barbara, Vienna, Austria (in Ukrainian).


  • January 3, 2014: “The Byzantinization of the Liturgical Calendar of Jerusalem,” paper presented at the “Problems in the Early History of Liturgy” seminar, North American Academy of Liturgy Annual Meeting 2014, Orlando, Florida.
  • March 26, 2014: “Lent in the Byzantine Tradition,” Griech.-Kath. Zentralpfarre zu St. Barbara, Vienna, Austria (in Ukrainian).
  • June 11, 2014: “The Liturgy of St. James in the ‘Typikon of the Anastasis’ (A.D. 1122): Twilight of a Liturgical Tradition,” paper presented at the Fifth International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy,?Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood, New York.
  • Invited speaker—June 24, 2014: “Various Orthodoxies: Feasts of the Incarnation of Christ in Jerusalem,” invited paper at the conference “Prayer and Worship in Eastern Christianities, 6th to 11th Centuries,” Hebrew University, Givat Ram, Jerusalem.
  • Invited speaker—June 26, 2014: “Liturgy in the Captive Holy City: The Lost Worship Tradition of Byzantine Jerusalem,” invited presentation at the seventeenth public G?rres-Lecture, Jerusalem-Institute of the Go?rres-Gesellschaft, Dormition Abbey, Mount Sion, Jerusalem.
  • Invited speaker—September 26, 2014: “The Assumptionists and the Study of Byzantine Liturgy,” invited paper at the conference “The Legacy of French Assumptionists for Byzantine Studies: A Critical Approach,” University of Bucharest and CNRS UMR Orient et Méditerranée (Paris), Bucharest, Romania.
  • Invited speaker—October 24, 2014: “The Menaion: Historical Development and Contexts of a Liturgical Book. An Introduction for Students of the Martyrdom of Polycarp,” invited presentation at the Neuere Foschungen zur Geschichte des Antiken Christentums Seminar of Prof. Christoph Markschies, Chair of Ancient Church History, Humboldt University, Berlin.
  • Invited speaker—December 16, 2014: “Patriarchs, Caliphs, and Scribes: How Byzantine Jerusalem’s Liturgy Was Lost After the Arab Conquest (A.D. 638),” Vortragsreihe Byzanz in Mainz, Wintersemester 2014/15, Johannes Guttenberg University of Mainz, Germany.


  • February 17, 2015: “The Byzantine Rite Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts,” Griech.-Kath. Zentralpfarre zu St. Barbara, Vienna, Austria (in Ukrainian).
  • Invited speaker—May 20, 2015: “Crusaders, Byzantines, and the Holy City: Liturgy in Medieval Jerusalem,” Mittelaltergespr?ch (with Harald Buchinger and Sebastián E. Salvadó, Universit?t Regensburg, Germany.
  • Invited speaker—May 25, 2015: “Safeguarding Orthodox Musical Traditions in Ukraine: The Example of the Kyiv Caves Lavra and the Lviv Brotherhood,” Safeguarding the Musical Traditions of Eastern Christianity, 24–26 May, Rome Global Gateway, University of Notre Dame, Rome, Italy.
  • June 10, 2015: “Johann von Gardner’s Arrangements of Western Ukrainian Liturgical Chants,” Sixth International Conference on Orthodox Church Music “Creating Liturgically: Hymnography and Music,” 8-14 June 2015, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland.
  • Invited speaker—June 17, 2015: “Katholische Ostkirchen: Was ist das? Am Beispiel der ukrainisch griechisch-katholischen Kirche,” Pro Orient, Otto-Mauer-Zentrum, Vienna, Austria (in German).
  • August 14, 2015: “Studying Byzantine Prayer Books: Taxonomies of Prayers and Manuscripts,” Byzantine Prayer Books in Focus workshop (organized by Prof. Claudia Rapp), XVII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, UK.
  • Invited speaker—September 23, 2015: “The Byzantine Lectionary and Its Constantinopolitan and Jerusalemite Antecedents: A Look at the Johannine Pericopes during the Period of Pascha/Pentecost,” Liturgical Reception of the Bible: Dimensions and Perspective of Interdisciplinary Research Conference of the Novum Testamentum Patristicum, 22–26 September 2015, Haus Werdenfels, Regensburg, Germany.
  • Table ronde participant—November 5-7, 2015: “Autocéphalies: l’exercice de l’indépendance dans les ?glises slaves orientales (Xe-XXe siècle),” colloque international, ?cole fran?aise de Rome, Rome, Italy.


  • January 9, 2016: “Reading the Lives of the Saints in the Byzantine Rite: A Note on the Liturgical Context of the Martyrdom of Polycarp,” paper presented at the “Problems in the Early History of Liturgy” seminar, North American Academy of Liturgy Annual Meeting 2016, Houston, Texas, USA.
  • Invited speaker—March 10, 2016: “Theodore the Stoudite and Byzantine Liturgy: An Analysis of the ‘Stoudite Reform’,” Theodore the Stoudite: his intellectual context, the philosophical and theological significance of his writings conference organized by the 9SALT ERC Project, Vienna, Austria.
  • Invited lecturer—March 11, 2016: “Liturgie und Spiritualit?t der orthodoxen Kirchen,” Theologische Kurse at the Archdiocese of Vienna, Austria (in German).
  • Project member—April 9, 2016: presentation of “List of Prayers” as part of the Daily Life and Religion: Byzantine Prayer Books as Sources for Social History (“Euchologion Project”) during the workshop “In Church and at Home: Byzantine Religious Life, its Sources and their Study,” 7–9 April 2016, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
  • Invited speaker—April 23, 2016: “Jerusalem’s Liturgy and Its Byzantinization,” Dumbarton Oaks Spring 2016 Symposium “Worlds of Byzantium” (Symposiarchs: Elisabeth Bolman, Scott F. Johnson, and Jack Tannous), 22–23 April 2016, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C., USA.
  • Invited participant—April 27, 2016: “Greek Liturgy in Crusader Jerusalem: Witnesses of Liturgical Life at the Holy Sepulchre and St. Sabas Lavra,” Liturgy in the Holy City Workshop, 27–30 April 2016, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., USA.
  • Moderator and organizer—June 2–4, 2016: “Arriving at a Common Narrative: The ‘Lviv Sobor’ of 1946 and Its Aftermath to the Present,” University of Vienna/Stiftung Pro Oriente, Vienna, Austria.
  • Invited speaker—June 20, 2016: “ε?λογημ?νο? ? ?λθ?ν κα? ?ρχ?μενο?: Palm Sunday in Jerusalem According to the Typikon of the Anastasis,” Poetics of Performance Conference, Center for the Study of Christianity/Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University, Givat Ram, Jerusalem, Israel.
  • August 26, 2016: “Autocephaly and the Diptychs,” Thematic Session of Free Communications: “Autocephalies: Exercising Independence in Eastern Slavic Churches (10th–20th c.),” 23rd International Congress for Byzantine Studies, Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Plenary address—September 15, 2016: “Liturgy at Mar Sabas Lavra from its Beginnings to the First Crusade” Sixth International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy, Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Armenia.
  • Guest lecturer—October 31 and November 7, 2016: “Byzantine Liturgical Books” and “The Euchologion,” class of Prof. Claudia Rapp, “Religion und Alltag: Byzantinische Gebetbücher als sozialhistorische Quelle,” Institut für Byzantinistik und Neogr?zistik, University of Vienna.
  • Invited speaker—November 23–25, 2016: “Autocephaly and the Diptychs,” Autocéphalies: l’exercice de l’indépendance dans les ?glises slaves orientales (Xe-XXe siècle), November 23–25, 2016, Institut Pontifical Oriental and ?cole fran?aise de Rome, Rome, Italy.


  • Invited lecturer—February 2–4, 2017: Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Eparchial Sobor on Liturgy and Prayer, Chevetogne, Belgium (in Ukrainian).
  • Invited lecturer—March 18, 2017: “Die Liturgie der ukrainischen griechisch-katholischen Kirche,” Theologische Kurse at the Archdiocese of Vienna, Austria (in German).
  • Invited speaker—April 21, 2017: “After Sacraments: Prayers and Blessings for ‘Various Occasions’ in the Euchologion,” Medieval Rites: Reading the Writing conference, Yale Institute of Sacred Music, New Haven, Conn., USA.
  • July 13, 2017: (with Alex C. J. Neroth van Vogelpoel) “The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom Among the Melkites (8th–13th C.),” Melkite Christianity, 1st–19th Centuries, July 12–14, 2017, ARAM Society, Oxford University, United Kingdom.
  • Invited speaker—September 5, 2017: “Liturgy in the Diaspora,” Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church, Lviv, Ukraine.
  • Invited speaker—October 28, 2017: “The Liturgical Year and Mystagogy into the Paschal Mystery,” Meeting of the Eastern Catholic Bishops of Europe, London, Great Britain (in Ukrainian).
  • Invited speaker—November 25, 2017: “Liturgie der griechisch-katholischen Kirche heute,” Byzantinisches Gebetszentrum, Salzburg, Austria (in German).
  • Invited speaker—December 16, 2017: “Mystagogy, Catechesis, and the Liturgical Year,” Catechetical Commission of the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church, Kyiv, Ukraine (in Ukrainian).


  • January 11, 2018: “Patriarchs, Caliphs, Monks, Scribes, and the Byzantinization of Jerusalem’s Liturgy,” Sheptytsky Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
  • January 11, 2018: Book presentation of Liturgy and Byzantinization in Jerusalem (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018), Sheptytsky Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
  • Invited speaker—January 29, 2018: “Liturgy and the Formation of Identity,” Forum Moving Byzantium, University of Vienna/Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
  • February 16, 2018: Book presentation of Liturgy and Byzantinization in Jerusalem (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018), Kyiv Three Holy Hierarchs Seminary, Kyiv, Ukraine (in Ukrainian).
  • February 24, 2018: “Introduction to the Byzantine Rite,” Patriarch Mystyslav Collegium, Kharkiv, Ukraine (in Ukrainian).
  • April 12, 2018: “?Молитовники? з Америки,” Науково-практична конференц?я ?Нова редакц?я молитовника для в?рних УГКЦ: виклики та перспективи для оновлення?, Patriarchal Liturgical Commission and Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine (in Ukrainian).
  • April 26, 2018: “??холог?онъ или Требникъ: Studying Liturgical Traditions and Their Sources,” Kyiv Three Holy Hierarchs Seminary, Kyiv, Ukraine (in Ukrainian).
  • April 28, 2018: “The Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgy: Liturgy of the Word,” Patriarch Mystyslav Collegium, Kharkiv, Ukraine (in Ukrainian).
  • June 2, 2018: “The Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgy: Liturgy of the Eucharist,” Patriarch Mystyslav Collegium, Kharkiv, Ukraine (in Ukrainian).
  • June 7, 2018: “Church Singing Between Kyiv and Galicia: History, Sources, and Contemporary Issues,” Kyiv Three Holy Hierarchs Seminary, Kyiv, Ukraine (in Ukrainian).
  • June 22, 2018: “Studying the Euchologion: The Liturgical Year as Hermeneutical Key,” international workshop “Studying Byzantine Prayer Books: Manuscripts, Liturgy, and Society,” Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
  • Invited speaker—July 5, 2018: “Sanctorale of Gospel Manuscripts: Constantinopolitan Liturgical Calendars in Gospel Lectionaries,” Towards the Prehistory of the Byzantine Liturgical Year Festal Homilies and Festal Liturgies in Late Antique Constantinople, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.
  • Invited speaker—July 20, 2018: “‘Observing a virtuous life and the monastic rule’: Early Monasticism at the Kiev Caves and St. Theodore the Stoudite’s Writings on Liturgy,” international conference ?Киево-Печерская Лавра – Афон – Иерусалим: единство сквозь века?, Kyiv, Ukraine.
  • Invited speaker—September 6, 2018: “?stliche Liturgien im Westen: Freiheiten?und Herausforderungen?in der?Neuen Welt,” Ex oriente lux? Ostkirchliche Liturgien und westliche Kultur Tagung, Arbeitsgemeinschaft katholischer Liturgiewissenschaftlerinnen und Liturgiewissenschaftler (AKL), Vienna, Austria.


Conferences Organized

  • International Conference—June 2–4, 2016: “Arriving at a Common Narrative: The ‘Lviv Sobor’ of 1946 and Its Aftermath to the Present,” University of Vienna/Pro Oriente Stiftung, Vienna, Austria.
  • International Conference—May 15–17, 2019: “The Lavra of St. Sabas: Liturgy and Literature in Communities and Contexts,” Faculty of Theology, KU Leuven, Belgium.





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