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Benedek Kruchio

Junior Fellow 09/2020 - 08/2021

Benedek Kruchió

Raum:?SGLG 317

Tel.:?+49 941 943-6217

E-Mail: benedek.oswald.kruchio@gmail.com


Education and academic positions

  • 2021– ?St John’s College, University of Cambridge -?Research Fellow (JRF) in Classics
  • 2021–2022 King’s College London?-?Lecturer in Greek and Latin literature, Department of Classics
  • 2020–2021 University of Regensburg?-?Junior Fellow, DFG Centre for Advanced Studies Beyond Canon
  • 2016–2020?St John’s College, University of Cambridge
  • 2017–2020 PhD in Classics, Gates Cambridge Scholar
  • 2012–2016 Humboldt University of Berlin
  • 2016 PhD candidate in Classics (transferred to University of Cambridge)
  • 2014–2015 Humboldt Research Track Scholar (preparing PhD project)
  • 2014 MA in Classics (highest distinction)
  • 2009–2012 University of Vienna,?BA in Classics (highest distinction)

Grants and awards

  • 2022 Shortlisted for the Hare Prize, University of Cambridge (outcome TBD)
  • 2021 Research Fellowship, St John’s College, University of Cambridge
  • 2021 Blackman Prize, St John’s College, University of Cambridge
  • 2020 Junior Fellowship at the Centre for Advanced Studies Beyond Canon, University of Regensburg (invited by Prof. Tobias Nicklas)
  • 2019 Visiting Scholarship at Heidelberg University, Collaborative Research Centre Materiale Textkulturen (invited by Prof. Jonas Grethlein)
  • 2017 Gates Cambridge Scholarship
  • 2016 German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes): research grant for visiting studentship at University of Cambridge
  • 2016 German Academic Scholarship Foundation: PhD scholarship
  • 2015 ?Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst: research scholarship
  • 2014 Humboldt Research Track Scholarship (awarded annually to 5 outstanding students for the preparation of a research project)
  • 2013 Humboldt University of Berlin: Faculty of Classics Scholarship (awarded annually to the most outstanding student of the Faculty)


  • ?Heliodorus’s Aethiopica: multidimensional narratology and ancient reading communities (monograph to be submitted for review to Cambridge Classical Studies, Cambridge University Press, in 2022).
  • ? The lives of Galaction and Episteme: converting the ancient novel in Byzantium (collaborative edition, translation, commentary, and essay collection for Bibliothèque de Byzantion, Peeters Publishers, to be submitted in 2023).
  • ? ‘?Musaeus’s Hero and Leander: a “polymorphous” allegory’ (in preparation).
  • ?‘Merkelbach’s legacy: the Apocryphal Acts of Thomas, Julian’s Or. 7, and Heliodorus’s Aethiopica reconsidered’ (in preparation).
  • ? ‘All the world’s a stage: motivational ambiguity from Dio Chrysostom to The Sopranos’ (in preparation).
  • ? ‘Heliodorus’, Oxford Bibliographies (in preparation).
  • ? ‘The Second Sophistic’, in: Yasunori Kasai (ed.), Ancient Greek and Roman Culture, Tokyo (in Japanese, forthcoming 2022).
  • ? ?‘Heliodorus, Greek novelist’, Oxford Classical Dictionary 5, 2019.
  • ? ‘De pellicula Pygmalionis et Galatheae a Georgio Méliès composita’, Latein in Berlin und Brandenburg 62, 231–233, 2018.
  • ? ‘The dynamics of summing up: a metaliterary reading of Heliodorus 10,36 and 10,39’, in: E. Cueva et al., Re-wiring the ancient novel (vol. 1: Greek novels), Groningen 2018, 153–175.
  • ? ‘What Charicles knew: fragmentary narration and ambiguity in Heliodorus’ Aethiopica’, Ancient Narrative 14, 175–194, 2017.
  • ? ‘Mit Platon durch die Zone: das H?hlengleichnis in Andrej Tarkowskijs “Stalker” (1979)’, Wiener Humanistische Bl?tter 56: 101–124, 2015. ?
  • ? ‘Eine philologische Reise im Mondlicht: Karl Kerényis und Antal Szerbs Deutung der Odyssee’, Wiener Humanistische Bl?tter 51: 90–106, 2011.




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