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Mentoring.UR | Group 10 (2025)


December 2024 - December 2025

Program Schedule

Summer 2024

Call for applications

October 1, 2024

Closing date for applications

October 2024

Selection process

by end of october 2024

Written confirmation to the mentees

12-03-2024, 5 pm

Kick-off event with keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Angelika Lingnau and farewell to the participants of group 9


Career Coaching | Initial workshop for mentees

participation mandatory


Selection of individual mentors, agreements between mentees and mentors

2025, first quarter

Information for mentors (online)

02-10 & 02-11-2025 | 9:00 am -5:00 pm

Career Coaching | Two-day intensive workshop

participation mandatory

February 2025

Introduction to the German Academic System

04-28 & 04-29-2025

Career Coaching: Small Group workshop (1 day, date option)

participation mandatory

2025, 2nd & 3rd quarter

Individual Coaching (1 appointment by arrangement) on specific topics

participation mandatory

09-17-2025, 9:00 am-5:00 pm

Career Coaching | Reflection Workshop

participation mandatory

10-07-2025 | 8:30 am - 12:00 pm

Career Coaching and Mentoring | Closing Workshop

End of 2025

Closing Ceremony for mentees and mentors


Networking events, invitations to various dates and events. Further training courses are being planned. For further information see CoMeNT.UR.

Call for applications

The next call for applications for Mentoring.UR starts in summer 2024. Applications are open to women early career researchers (Privatdozentinnen, Habilitandinnen, Nachwuchsgruppenleiterinnen, Postdoktorandinnen and Doktorandinnen from the third year of their program).

Please find all information in the call for applications:

Call for applications Mentoring.UR 2025 (pdf file, 245 KB)

Poster Call for applications Mentoring.UR 2025 (pdf file, 1.366 KB)

Application requirements

  • Completed academic degree (Masters level)
  • Research project based at the University of Regensburg UR) for the duration of the program
  • Career goal: professorship or other leadership position in or outside academia

Application documents

  • Motivation letter

  • Profile sheet (MS word file, 81 KB)

  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form with list of publications, list of courses taught, overview of third-party funding already obtained, grants, awards and prizes

  • University diplomas

Please send these documents in one pdf file to the Equal Opportunities Coordination Office (mentoring@ur.de) by October 1, 2024.

Program management

Prof. Dr. Miriam Banas
Deputy University Representative for the Equality of Women in Academia and the Arts

Program coordination

Anna Theresa Wolferstetter M.A., Equal Opportunities Coordination Office (mentoring[at]ur.de)

in cooperation with

  1. Universit?t Regensburg
  2. Koordinationsstelle Chancengleichheit

Programm Mentoring.UR

Mentoring.UR 2017-2019 Grafik stildeck