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Focus Subject - Neurobiology

You have to choose the theoretical module and one practical module.

TM? Theoretical Module (12 CP)

Neurobiology Prof. Dr. Veronica Egger

PM? Practical Modules (12 CP each)

Molecular Neurobiology of Behaviour Prof. Dr. Inga Neumann, Prof. Dr. Oliver Bosch
Neurophysiology Prof. Dr. Veronica Egger
Drosophila Neurogenetics (link) Prof. Dr. Bj?rn Brembs

TM Neurobiology


Detailed module description - pdf

Person in charge: Prof. Dr. Veronica Egger

Module contents
  • Interdisciplinary and highly specialized lectures by experts
  • Lectures are inspired by the basic neuroscience curriculum of the former International Master’s Programme in Experimental & Clinical Neurosciences ECN
  • The main topics of the lectures are
    o??? Molecular / cellular neurobiology, neurogenetics
    o??? Neurobiochemistry of neuroactive substances, neuronal plasticity
    o??? Sensory and motor neuroscience
    o??? Behavioural neuroscience
    o??? Mollecular and cellular mechanisms of emotions
  • In the related seminar, recent research-based topics or relevant methods in the field of neurobiology will be presented and discussed
Module components
  1. two lecture series Molecular, Cellular and Systemic Neurosciences MCSN (Neurons and Glia, Neuroplasticity, Neuronal Signaling, Synapse, Receptors, Neuroendocrinology, Behavioural Neurobiology, Sensory and Motor Neurobiology)

MCSN I, WS, Mo 8.30h – 10h
MCSN II, WS, Thu 8.30h – 10h

2. one seminar in the field of neurobiology (for a selection see the course catalog at the university portal)

In the seminar a seminar presentation has to be held and registered in Flexnow as an ungraded study achievement (Studienleistung).

Module examination

30 min oral examination (graded)

The oral examination is held by a pair of two Professors. Possible examiners are Prof. Bosch, Prof. Brembs, Prof. Egger, Prof. Schneuwly and Prof. Wetzel.

Examination dates are offered several times per year.

For the examination you have to register with Prof. Egger (Veronica.Egger@ur.de).

After Prof. Egger has arranged a date, you will be informed per E-Mail.

Please register for the examination in flexnow as well.

PM Molecular Neurobiology of Behaviour


Detailed module description - pdf

Prof. Dr. Inga Neumann, Prof. Dr. Oliver Bosch (link to research group)

recommended knowledge: Lab animal training FELASA B

Module contents
  • Neurobiology of social behaviour and its disorders
  • Neurobiology of emotions and their dysfunctions
  • Performance of various behavioural tests
  • Molecular basis of brain neuropeptide systems
  • Signalling cascades of G-protein-coupled receptors
  • Statistical analysis of the data
  • Presentation and discussion of own experimentally obtained data
  • A list of current research topics can be found on the homepage of the group
Module components

Laboratory course (6 weeks) with seminar: Molecular Neurobiology of Behaviour

Module examination

Portfolio examination (graded)

PM Neurophysiology


Detailed module description - pdf

Prof. Dr. Veronica Egger (link to research group)

Please contact Prof. Veronica Egger (Veronica.Egger@ur.de)

Module contents
Investigation of sensory processing at the cellular and subcellular level, in particular in the first relay station of the mammalian olfactory system, the olfactory bulb. To observe cellular networks and single synapses at work, we use electrophysiological techniques in combination with high-resolution neurophotonics (two-photon Ca2+ imaging, two-photon uncaging).
Our main current projects involve:
1. Function of reciprocal synapses
2. Oscillatory network activity in the olfactory bulb
3. Characterization of subclasses of juxtaglomerular neurons, both dopaminergic? and vasopressinergic
Module components

Laboratory course (6 weeks) with seminar: Neurophysiology

Module examination

Portfolio examination (graded)

PM Drosophila Neurogenetics

Drosophila Neurogenetics (link) Prof. Dr. Bj?rn Brembs