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Master Thesis

The thesis is an examination concluding the scientific education, showing that the student is able to treat a problem within the biological scientific field with scientific methods presenting the results in an appropriate, immaculate and understandable manner.


For topics please search the faculty research page - link

Supervision and Assessment

The thesis has to be assesed by the supervisor (Erstgutachter) and a second assessor (Zweitgutachter). Both have to be a professor or associate professor (Prof. or PD).

One of them, the supervisor or the second assessor, has to be member of the faculty of biology and preclinical medicine.

External master thesis

A master thesis conducted outside of the university has to be approved by the examination board of the faculty. The supervisor of the external thesis has to be a professor or associate professor. A member of the faculty of biology and preclinical medicine (professor or associate professor) has to be the second assessor.

A master thesis at the Klinikum Uni Regensburg is not external as they are part of the medical faculty of the university.

Registration form for external master thesis download (pdf) - in German! / in English!

Registration form download - in German!? / in English!


Requirement for admission are at least 70 credit points, whereas three practical modules and at least two theoretical modules have to be completed. Therefore, when starting the master thesis, one theoretical module and credit points from the skills modules can still be missing.

Duration of the thesis

The duration of the thesis is nine months.

If for a reason, which is not in the responsibility of the student, the duration of the thesis has to be extended, an application for extension has to be submitted at the examination office. Please explain in the application why the duration of the thesis has to be extended.

Application for extension for the deadline/master thesis in Biology: download pdf! (english)

Examination deadlines (Examination regulation § 22)

The master's program should generally be completed at the end of the fourth semester. If the program (incl. the master?s thesis) cannot be completed by the end of the sixth semester, then modules which have not yet been successfully completed and the master's thesis will be considered completed and failed at the first attempt. If those outstanding credits are not completed by the end of the eighth semester, then the master's assessment is considered conclusively failed.

Should a student miss the deadlines for reasons beyond the student's control, then, upon written request, the examination committee will grant an extension. The reasons are to be asserted and supported by the candidate without delay.

Application for extension for the deadline/master thesis in Biology: download pdf! (english)


The master thesis has to be registered at the examination office (Prüfungssekretariat) of the faculty before starting the thesis.

Registration form download - in German!? / in English!

Registration form for external master thesis download (pdf) - in German! / in English!

You can submit the registration form either in German or in English.

Form of the thesis

The master thesis has to be written in English.

Three printed versions and one electronic version (pdf) have to be submitted at the examination office.


The thesis has to include a declaration of the author.

Declaration in English:

"I hereby confirm that the printed copies and the digital version of the thesis submitted are identical; that the thesis is my own work; that I have used only those sources and aids cited; and that I have not already submitted the work to another university to obtain an academic degree. I am aware of the legal consequences of this declaration being inaccurate provided for in accordance with § 26 Para. 5 of the relevant examination regulations." Signature

You can also include the declaration in German:

Eidesstattliche Erkl?rung

"Die vorgelegten Druckexemplare und die vorgelegte elektronische Version der Arbeit sind identisch. Ich habe die Arbeit selbst?ndig verfasst, keine anderen als die angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel benutzt und die Arbeit nicht bereits an einer anderen Hochschule zur Erlangung eines akademischen Grades eingereicht. Weiterhin best?tige ich, dass ich von den in § 26 Abs. 5 der geltenden Prüfungsordnung vorgesehenen Rechtsfolgen Kenntnis habe". Unterschrift.

Declaration of consent to the University Library

Please submit your declaration of consent to publication alongside your master's thesis - even if you do not give your consent.

If you consent to publication, you need to submit four copies of your master's thesis.

Your first examiner must agree to the publication.

declaration of consent to the university library (download - pdf)

After submission of your thesis you can still earn CPs. For example if you prepare a poster about your thesis you can submit it after the submission of your thesis and earn the CPs for the module "communication skills".

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