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Medical Microbiology

You have to choose the theoretical module and the practical module.

TM? Theoretical Module (12 CP)

Medical Microbiology

Prof. Dr. André Gessner

PM? Practical Module (12 CP)

Medical Microbiology Prof. Dr. André Gessner

Registration by the middle of February or August

If you are interested in our modul, please apply formally to the following semester by the middle of February or August, respectively (Benedikt.Asbach@klinik.uni-regensburg.de). Please including an academic record.

Actual information you can find on our institute homepage (www.imhr.de) under the heading "Lehre".


As a rule, 10% of absence without excuse and 10% of absence for good reasons are allowed for events with compulsory attendance. Good reasons have to be claimed without delay against the supervisor of the event. Excessive absenteeism must be made up as far as possible, or the teaching unit is considered not to be attended.

Studierende k?nnen in der Regel je Lehrveranstaltung mit Teilnahmeverpflichtung 10 % der Anwesenheitszeit unentschuldigt und 10 % der Anwesenheitszeit aus triftigen Gründen, die nach ihrem Auftreten gegenüber dem Leiter der Veranstaltung unverzüglich geltend und glaubhaft zu machen sind, fehlen. Darüber hinaus gehende Fehlzeiten müssen wenn m?glich nachgeholt werden oder die Lehreinheit gilt als nicht besucht.

Homepage Medical Microbiology - link!

TM Medical Microbiology


Detailed module description - pdf

Prof. Dr. André Gessner

Module contents
  • Overview of bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses with medical impact
  • Clinical pictures, isolation and cultivation of pathogens
  • Advanced immunology of pathogen-host interactions
  • Therapeutically concepts
  • Presentation and discussion of a research based topic in the field of Medical Microbiology / immunology of infections
Module components

1. Lectures

  • Aktuelle Aspekte zur Infektionsbiologie und Immunologie (only in the? winter semester!)
  • Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Virologie
2. one out of the following seminars:
  • Virology and Medical Microbiology
  • Actual progresses in life sciences

In the seminar a seminar presentation has to be held and registered in Flexnow as an ungraded study achievement (Studienleistung).

Module examination

30 min oral examination (graded)

PM Medical Microbiology


Detailed module description - pdf

Prof. Dr. André Gessner (link to research group)

Module contents
  • Basic microbiological and immunological techniques for isolation, cultivation as well as detection of bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses with medical impact
  • Immunology of pathogen-host interactions
  • Microbiological and immunological techniques on the basis of current projects?
  • Presentation and discussion of clinical cases of infectious diseases
  • Presentation and discussion of own experimental data
Module components

laboratory course (4 weeks) with seminar and advanced laboratory course (4 weeks) with seminar: Medical Microbiology

Module examination

Portfolio examination (graded)