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Evolutionary and Systematic Botany

Focus Subject - Evolutionary and Systematic Botany

You have to choose the theoretical module and the practical module.

TM? Theoretical Module (12 CP)

Evolutionary and Systematic Botany

Prof. Dr. Christoph Oberprieler

PM? Practical Module (12 CP)

Evolutionary and Systematic Botany Prof. Dr. Christoph Oberprieler

TM Evolutionary and Systematic Botany


Detailed module description - pdf

Person in charge: Prof. Dr. Christoph Oberprieler

Module contents
  • Foundations of molecular systematics
  • Foundations and methods of molecular phylogenetics (phylogenomics)
  • DNA taxonomy and barcoding, methods of species delimitation
  • Spatio-temporal interpretation of molecular trees (biogeography)
  • Population genetics and coalescent theory, phylogeography
  • Multivariate statistical analysis of morphological variation, geometric morphometrics
  • Methods of (molecular) evolutionary biology (differentiation, selection)
  • Presentation and discussion of a research based topic in the field of evolutionary and systematic botany
Module components

1. Lecture ?Methods in Evolutionary Biology“ (obligatory); the first part of the lecture is in the winter term (Macroevolutionary Approaches) and the second part in the summer term (Microevolutionary Approaches); only one part has to be visited.

2. Lecture “Plant Speciation” (winter) or “Plant Systematics” (summer)

3. CIP-Pool lab course “Bioinformatic Methods in Evolutionary and Systematic Botany” or Seminar "Plant Evolution" (WS and/or SS)

In the lab course a presentation of lab course excercises has to be held and registered in Flexnow as an ungraded study achievement (Studienleistung).

Module examination

30 min oral examination (graded)

Examiner: Prof. Dr. Christoph Oberprieler

Please get in contact with the examiner to arrange a date of the oral examination, than register the examination in flexnow.

PM Evolutionary and Systematic Botany


Detailed module description - pdf

Prof. Dr. Christoph Oberprieler (link to research group)

Module contents
  • Acquisition of molecular data (sequence data, DNA-fingerprint data) for phylogenetic and population genetic analyses in angiosperms
  • Bioinformatic processing of sequence and fingerprint data
  • Performance of phylogenetic analyses based on Maximum Parsimony (MP), Maximum Likelihood (ML), and Bayesian Inference (BI) methods
  • Performance of population genetic analyses
  • Ploidy analyses of plants using flow cytometry
  • Analysis of morphological data using multivariate statistical methods
  • Presentation and discussion of own experimental gained data
Module components

Laboratory course (6 weeks) with seminar: Evolutionary and Systematic Botany

Module examination

Portfolio examination (graded)