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Dr. Elisabeth Brunner - study coordinator

room DE.1.107
Tel. 0941 943-3298

You can contact me per phone or e-mail any time during the week.

For a consultation in presence you can come to the office at the university during office hours:

  • Wednesday?and?Thursday, 8 am - 1 pm
  • Friday, 8 am - 3 pm

Postal address
Dr. Elisabeth? Brunner
Fakult?t Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin
Universit?t Regensburg
D-93040 Regensburg

position plan - pdf

Further contacts

Examination Office The examination office of the faculty is responsible for all issues concerning credit points and examinations (FlexNow, registration of oral examinations, registration of master thesis, notice of sickness).
Student Council The Student Council helps students resolve issues they encounter during universtiy life, protects their rights and give them a voice in University decision-making.
International Office

The IO is a service point for students from outside of Germany. They help you with questions concerning studying and living in Regensburg. Please contact them before coming to Regensburg.

Neubau Biologie Ma _01_