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Focus Subject - Genetics

You have to choose the theoretical module and one practical module.

TM? Theoretical Module (12 CP)


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Seufert, Prof. Dr. Frank Sprenger

PM? Practical Modules (12 CP each)

Regulation of Cell Division and mRNA Translation Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Seufert
Regulation of Cell Division in Drosophila Prof. Dr. Frank Sprenger


Information about the organization of the module, the times of the lecture and the seminar associated with the module as well as the practical modules, see the latest GRIPS course in the list of Genetics Master module in this list of GRIPS-courses. Usually, we have more students interested in the practical modules than our capacity allows. Based on the applications (see the info inside the latest GRIPS course), participants for the individual practical modules will be allocated to avaiable time slots. Applications are usually collected at the beginning of the Winteresemester and then being allocated for the time period till September next year.

TM Genetics


Detailed module description - pdf

Persons in charge:

Module contents
  • Cell Cycle: common regulatory mechanisms in the control of the cell cycle, DNA-replication, DNA-damage response, mitosis, meiosis, cytokinesis.
  • Translation: Regulation of translation of eucaryotic mRNAs
  • Presentation and discussion of a research based topic from the topics listed above
  • Elaboration and presentation of methods that are used in cell cycle and translational control
Module components
  1. Lecture: Cell Cycle Control in Eucaryotes / Control of Cell Proliferation (No. P-(D)-54402)
  2. Lecture: A lecture in the field of genetics or molecular or cellular biology. Please select a lecture (see the course catalog at the university portal for list of lectures) and confirm with your oral examiner if this lecture would be suitable.
  3. Seminar: Seminar on Current Topics in Cell Cycle and Translation Control / Cell Proliferation Control (No. P-(D)-54428)

In the seminar No. 3 a seminar presentation has to be held and registered in Flexnow as an ungraded study achievement (Studienleistung).

Module examination

30 min oral examination (graded)


The student can choose the examiner.

Please get in contact with the examiner of your choice to arrange a date of the oral examination, than register the examination in flexnow.

PM Regulation of Cell Division and mRNA Translation


Detailed module description - pdf

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Seufert (link to research group)

Please see the lates GRIPS course in this list of Genetics Master GRIPS courses where you find a description of the application procedure and apllication forms. . Download and fill out the application form and send it back to Prof.Seufert

Module contents
  • Analysis of the cell division cycle in budding yeast by use of classical genetic techniques such as mating, sporulation and tetrade dissection as well as cell synchronization, confocal fluorescence microscopy, time-lapse live-cell imaging, flow cytometry and further methods
  • Analysis of the assembly of eIF2 by Cdc123 using PCR-mediated epitope-tagging, Western analysis, co-immunoprecipitation, yeast two-hybrid assays, heterologous expression and affinity-purification of proteins, ThermoFluor analysis and further methods
  • Analysis of the control of mRNA translation by gene reporter assays, RNA preparation, RT-qPCR and RNAseq analysis, polysome profiling and further methods
  • Presentation and discussion of own experimental gained data
Module components

Laboratory course (6 weeks) with seminar: Regulation of Cell Division and mRNA Translation

Module examination

Portfolio examination (graded)

PM Regulation of Cell Division in Drosophila


Detailed module description - pdf

Prof. Dr. Frank Sprenger (link to research group)

Applications: Please see the lates GRIPS course in this list of Genetics Master GRIPS courses where you find a description of the application procedure and apllication forms. Download and fill out the application form and send it back to Prof.Sprenger

Module contents

In a six-week research project the student will work under guidance on a current research topics in the field of cell cycle regulatory processes. He will use, among other things, tissue culture cells (from Drosophila and vertebrates) as well as different developmental stages from Drosophila.

The student will present and discuss the data obtained in the research project as well as the relevant scientific background in a written report and will present and discuss the results in an oral presentation.

Module components

Laboratory course (6 weeks) with seminar: Regulation of Cell Division in Drosophila

Module examination

Portfolio examination (graded)