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Departments, Scientific Institutions, Collaborations, Institutes


Institute of English and American Studies

?Website of the Department of English and American Studies

Chair of English Linguistics

Prof. Dr. Jakob Leimgruber
Website English Linguistics

Chair of English Literature and Cultural Studies

Prof. Dr. Anne-Julia?Zwierlein
Website English Literature and Cultural Studies

Professorship for British Literature- und Cultural Studies

Prof. Dr. Jochen Petzold
Website British Literature and Cultural Studies

Professorship for British Studies

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Kohlmann
Website British Studies

Chair of American Studies

N. N.

Acting: Prof. Dr. Damien Schlarb
Homepage?American Studies

Professorship for American Studies

Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat
Website American Studies

Chair for Foreign Language Education

Prof. Dr. Carola Surkamp
Website Foreign Language Education

Institute of German Studies

Website of the Department of German Studies

Chair of German Linguistics

Prof. Dr. Paul R?ssler

Website German Linguistics

Professorship for German Linguistics

N. N.

Website German Linguistics

Chair of Older German Literature

Prof. Dr. Edith Feistner

Website Older German Literature

Professorship for Older German Literature

N. N.

Website Older German Literature

Chair of Modern German Literature

Prof. Dr. Ursula Regener

Website Modern German Literature

Chair of Modern German Literature

Prof. Dr. Marcus Hahn

Website Modern German Literature

Professorship for Modern German Literature

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Daiber

Website Modern German Literature

Chair of German Language and Literature Education

Prof. Dr. Anita Schilcher

Website Didactics of German Language and Literature

Professorship for German as a Foreign Language

Prof. Dr. Maria Thurmair

Website German as a Foreign Language

Professorship for German as a Second Language

Prof. Dr. Rupert Hochholzer

Website German as a Second Language

Professorship für Multilingualism (Focus: German as Additional Language)

N. N.

Website of the (Junior)Professorship for Multilingualism with focus on German as additional language

Professorship for Multilingualism

N. N.

Institute of Information and Media, Language and Culture (I:IMSK)

?Website of I:IMSK

Chair of General and Comparative Linguistics (AVS)

N. N.
Acting: Prof. Dr. Laura Becker
Website AVS

Chair of Information Sciences

Prof. Dr. Udo Kruschwitz
Website Information Sciences

Professorship for Information Linguistics

Prof. Dr. Bernd Ludwig
Website Information Linguistics

Chair of Media Informatics

Prof. Dr. Christian?Wolff
Homepage?Media Informatics

Professorship for Media Informatics

Prof. Dr. Niels Henze
Website Media Informatics

Chair of Media Sciences

Prof. Dr. Bernhard?Dotzler
Website ?Media Sciences

Professorship for Media Aesthetics

Prof. Dr. Christiane Heibach
Homepage Media Aesthetics

Chair of Comparative Cultural Studies

Prof. Dr. Daniel?Drascek?
Homepage?Comparative Cultural Sciences

Professorship for Comparative Cultural Studies

Prof. Dr. Gunther Hirschfelder
Website?Comparative Cultural Sciences

Professorship for Collective and Cultural Studies

Prof. Dr. Heike Delitz
Website Collective and Cultural Studies

Professorship for Digital Humanities

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Mareike Schumacher
Website Digital Humanities

Institute of Classical Philology

Chair of Classical Philology (Greek Philology)

Prof. Dr. Michael Krewet
Website Greek Philology

Chair of Classical Philology (Latin Philology)

Prof. Dr. Jan-Wilhelm?Beck?
Website?Latin Philology

Institute of Romance Studies

?Website of the Department of Romance Studies

Chair of Romance Studies????????????

Prof. Dr. Maria?Selig
Website Romance Studies

Chair of Spanish and French Cultural and Literary Studies

Prof. Dr. Beatrice Schuchardt
Website?Romance Studies

Professorship for Romance Linguistics

N. N.

Acting: Prof. Dr. Katharina Gerhalter
Website?Romance Linguistics

Chair of French and Italian Literatary and Cultural Studies (Romance Studies)

Prof. Dr. Isabella von Treskow
Website?Romance Studies

Professorship for Romance Studies - Cultural Sciences

Prof. Dr. Ralf?Junkerjürgen
Website?Romance Cultural Studies

Institute of Slavic Studies

Website of Department of Slavic Studies

Chair of Slavic Studies (Linguistics)

Prof.?Dr. Bj?rn?Hansen?
Website?Slavic Linguistics

Chair of Literature and Culturar Studies

Prof. Dr. Mirja Lecke
Homepage?Slavic Literature and Cultural Studies

Professorship for Comparative Cultural Studies

Prof. Dr. Dorothee Gelhard
Website?Comparative Cultural Studies

Professorship for Slavic-Jewish Studies

Prof. Dr. Sabine Koller
Website?Slavic-Jewish Studies

Professorship for Bohemian Studies and West Slavic Studies

Prof. Dr. Marek Nekula
Website Bohemian Studies and West Slavic Studies

Management of Institutes as of October 1, 2024

Department of Classical Studies

Prof. Dr. Michael Krewet
Prof. Dr. Jan-Wilhelm Beck

Department of German Studies

Prof. Dr. Marcus Hahn
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Daiber

Department of English and American Studies

Prof. Dr. Jochen Petzold
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Kohlmann

Department of Romance Studies

Prof. Dr. Ralf Junkerjürgen
Prof. Dr. Maria Selig

Spain Research Center

Prof. Dr. Ralf Junkerjürgen

Prof. Dr. Hubert P?ppel

Department of Slavic Studies

Prof. Dr. Sabine Koller
Prof. Dr. Dorothee Gelhard


Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Marek Nekula

Department of Information, Media, Language, and Culture

Prof. Dr. Heike Delitz
Prof. Dr. Udo Kruschwitz

Scientific Institutions

DIMAS - Department of Interdisciplinary and Multiscale Area Studies

DIMAS was founded in 2022, following on from CITAS. CITAS was founded in 2017 as a platform for coordinating and developing collaborative area studies activities between institutions, projects and colleagues in Regensburg.

DIMAS is continuing this academic tradition with six permanent professorships, postdoctoral and doctoral positions, and an innovative teaching and research programme.?Find out more about the DIMAS here.

Research Center for Cultural and Collective Studies

The research center bundles and promotes activities on "collectivity" and disseminates them through publications:

To name the activities in detail:

  • independent research and teaching based on this research;
  • awarding of doctoral scholarships and
  • organization of symposia on the topic of "collectivity";
  • publication of the Journal of Cultural and Collective Studies (ZKKW);
  • publication of the series "Kultur und Kollektiv" (Culture and Collective).

More information is available here.

Research Center German in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (DiMOS)

DiMOS researches and documents the German language in Eastern Europe within the framework of the historical and current multilingual situation of this region. Close attention is given to the neighboring languages in this area, and we thus collaborate with universities and other scientific institutions on this basis.

More information is available on DiMOS' website.


The Bohemicum – Center for Czech Studies offers Czech language courses, instruction in Czech cultural and areal competencies and conducts research in linguistics, literature and cultural studies. The Bohemicum was awarded the Bridge Builder Prize of the Centrum Bavaria Bohemia for its work in 2015.

For more information visit our website.

Hungaricum - Hungarian Institute (HUI)

The Hungaricum - Hungarian Institute (HUI), was founded in 2015 as the successor to the University of Regensburg's Hungary Center, which was established in 2012. It is part of the focus on East, East-Central and Southeast Europe at the academic location of Regensburg.

The HUI's tasks include in particular:

  • the networking and promotion of teaching about Hungary in Regensburg, especially within the framework of the additional educational program "Hungaricum";
  • the initiation and implementation of research projects related to Hungary;
  • the transfer of knowledge about Hungary to both the university and the broader public.

More information is available here.

Research Networks and Forums

Language and Law

There are manifold and fundamental interrelations and interdependencies between language and law, far too many to be dealt with in isolation by law or linguistics alone. Rather, a multifaceted exchange between the different fields is necessary. Our working group, which includes members of several faculties of the University of Regensburg, is dedicated to this task.

Please visit our website for more information.

Research Group NAMEN

The NAMEN research group was established at the University of Regensburg in 1998 to study etymology, history, and use of proper names. Professors and research assistants from various faculties joined forces to pool their knowledge, to initiate joint projects and firmly to establish onomastics as an interdisciplinary field of research at the University of Regensburg. The NAMEN research group works closely with partners at other universities and scientific institutions in Germany and abroad; in this way, it actively shapes the international research discussion.

Please visit our website for more information.

Research Center "Spain"

The Research Center Spain of the University of Regensburg organizes bilingual readings with Spanish poets under the title “Viaje poético” in cooperation with the Instituto Cervantes Munich.

Please visit our website for more information.

Forum Multilingualism and Regionality (FoMuR)

The Forum Multilingualism and Regionality (FoMuR) was founded in early 2018. It is an interdisciplinary scientific network of the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Regensburg.

For more information, please visit our website.

Forum Middle Ages

The Medieval Center "Forum Mittelalter" is an interdisciplinary medieval research association of the University of Regensburg. The center focuses on scientific exchange and networking of medieval disciplines at the university level, but also on cooperation with regional and international research institutions. Interdisciplinary teaching and study opportunities are as much a part of the profile as regular guest lectures, doctoral workshops and annual conferences. Joint research focuses on urban cultures, institutions and spaces in a comparative pan-European perspective.

Please visit our website for more information.

Regensburg Dialect Forum

The Regensburg Dialect Forum, founded in 2001, is located at the University of Regensburg and serves the scientific study of various aspects of language and dialect.

It consists of a scientific series of publications, edited by Ludwig Zehetner and Rupert Hochholzer, a series of events on various topics as a discussion forum for linguists, dialectologists and interested laypersons, as well as an internet platform.

Please visit our websit for more information.

Regensburg European American Forum (REAF)

The Regensburg European American Forum (REAF) is dedicated to transnational American Studies in research and practice. It serves as the central international and interdisciplinary platform for collaborative research, academic exchange and cooperation, political intervention, and public outreach in the field of European American Studies at the University of Regensburg. Founded in 2008 by the Chair of American Studies, Prof. Dr. Udo Hebel, REAF is operated as a joint venture of the departments of American Studies and International Politics and Transatlantic Relations.

For more information, please visit our website.

Regensburg Association for Advertising Research (RVW)

The Regensburg Association for Advertising Research (RVW) was constituted in 2006 as an association of scientists from various disciplines as well as representatives from the media industry.

The common motivation is an essential interdisciplinary approach to advertising research. The association is also active in the area of university teaching.

The central object of the RVW is the Regensburg Archive for Advertising Research (RAW) of the Regensburg University Library.

The aassociation's aim is to cooperate in the indexing of this archive on a historical and systematic basis, as well as to research advertising in all its forms. Association meetings are a forum for exchange between theory and practice.

For more information, please visit www.werbeforschung.org

Research Center for World Englishes

For the last four hundred years the English language has spread all over the globe and has developed a wide range of regional, social, and stylistic varieties. In the Postcolonial era it has become rooted and acquired new forms and functions, in contact with indigenous languages and cultures, in America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, and Australasia.

In our research we investigate structural properties and uses of some of these "World Englishes", based on fieldwork, digital corpora, and sample texts, and we are interested in the theoretical modeling of the evolutionary processes that have shaped these new varieties. This includes the disciplines of sociolinguistics and the study of pidgins and creoles.

For more information, please visit our website.

Doctoral Program: Promotionskolleg PUR

The ?Promotionskolleg der Philosophischen Fakult?ten“ is the doctoral college of the philosophy faculties. It was founded in 2008 and consists of the faculty of linguistics, literary and cultural studies (Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften = SLK) and the faculty of philosophy, science of art, social sciences and history (Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften = PKGG).

The executive board is composed of the two vice and research deans of the faculties of philosophy and two representatives of the doctoral students.

Our main goals are:

  • Development, coordination and realization of further training measures (e. g. soft skills courses and academic workshops).
  • Organizing scientific colloquiums, lectures and conferences.
  • Interdisciplinary networking of the young researchers.

  • Advice and support of the doctoral students in financing and organizing their doctorate.

For more information on PUR, please visit our website.

Forum Herkunftssprachen (Heritage Languages)

The Forum Herkunftssprachen at the University of Regensburg is a research-focused initiative dedicated to the study and promotion of heritage languages. Its mission is to deepen the understanding of heritage language skills and their social importance. Beyond its research efforts, it is committed to expanding the range of heritage languages offered, fostering linguistic diversity and appreciation.

The Forum also host regular events, including workshops, conferences, and lectures, open to all who are interested.

For more information on the Forum Herkunftssprachen, please visit our website.

Faculty of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Building PT, Zi. 3.0.73
Telephone 0941 943-3591

office hours

Mo - thu     8.30 - 11.30 a.m.
Fr               closed