For more information about Professor Thurmair, visit her website.
You can find the text of the Bavarian Higher Education Act in its current version at the following link (German language only):
Basic Regulations of the University of Regensburg (German language only)
Here you can find the text in its current version for download (German language only):
These funds are allocated by the women’s representative of each faculty.
Women interested in applying should send an informal request to the women’s representative of their faculty.
The current Equality Concept? (2020) of the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Regensburg can be viewed? here as PDF (German language only).
Equal treatment begins by addressing people as peers. This is especially important in a gendered language like German.
You can download a German language flyer on gender-sensitive language here: Flyer.
For more information, please feel free to explore the following links:
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