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REAF Lights

REAF Program and Partner Events Winter 2024/2025

Date Event
Leibniz ScienceCampus Lecture Series


Venue: 2 - 4 pm?(c.t.) in H26


16.10.2024?| Eiki Berg (University of Tartu)
Digging in the Dirt: ‘No War, No Peace and Not Too Much Killing’

23.10.2024?| Robert Uerpmann-Wittzack?(Universit?t Regensburg)
Krieg. Frieden. Sicherheit als Auftrag des V?lkerrechts

30.10.2024 | Harriet Rudolph (Universit?t Regensburg)
Der Westf?lische Frieden (1648) – eine Blaupause für aktuelle Friedens- und Sicherheitskonzepte

06.11.2024?|Generalleutnant a. D. Erhard Bühler (Berlin)
Die Sicherheitsordnung Deutschlands, Europas und der Welt

13.11.2024 | Ruth Ferrero-Turrión (UCM & ICEI Madrid)
The EU as a Peacemaker and Military Power

20.11.2024??| Cindy Wittke?(IOS Regensburg)
Buchvorstellung: Frieden verhandeln im Krieg. Russlands Krieg, Chancen auf Frieden und die Kunst des Verhandelns

27.11.2024 ?| 2024 LSC Annual Conference |?13:00–21:00, S. 214 (!)
Playing War: Simulations, games, exercises, and the representations of military force and violence

04.12.2024 | Guido Hausmann (IOS Regensburg)
Deutschland und die Frage der Staatlichkeit der Ukraine von Brest-Litowsk (1918) bis heute

11.12.2024 | Thomas Steger (Universit?t Regensburg) & Taras Danko (National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute")
The Impact of War on Management and Organizational Practices: A Critical Inquiry

18.12.2024 | Siarhei Bohdan?(Universit?t Regensburg)
Continuation of Foreign Policy with Other Means: Syria's support for armed opposition movements abroad during the Cold War

08.01.2025 | Ralf Junkerjürgen (Universit?t Regensburg)
Die Legion Condor im Kino. Der Film Solange du lebst (Harald Reinl, 1955) im Kontext von Remilitarisierung und Aufarbeitung in der Nachkriegszeit

15.01.2025| Jana H?nke?(Universit?t Bayreuth, Bayerische Wissenschaftsallianz für Friedens-, Konflikt- und Sicherheitsforschung) |?in cooperation with Bayreuth Peace Talks
South-South Security Arrangements and Postcolonial Hierarchies

22.01.2025 | Nikola Gaji? (IOS Regensburg)
(Un)Conditional Europeanisation: Memory politics in Serbia surrounding the Yugoslav wars and EU integration

29.01.2025 | Christian von Soest (G?ttingen / German Institute for Global and Area Studies?–?GIGA Berlin)
Aufstieg eines au?enpolitischen Instruments: Wie Sanktionen wirken

05.02.2025 | Heiner Bielefeldt?(Friedrich-Alexander-Universit?t Erlangen,?Bayerische Wissenschaftsallianz für Friedens-, Konflikt- und Sicherheitsforschung)


For more information, please click here

International Politics Lecture Series

organized by Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling and the Department of International Politics

Venue: 4 - 6 pm in H2


29.10. Die USA vor den Wahlen: Podiumsdiskussion mit Prof. Dr. Gerlinde?Groitl?(Universit?t Freiburg), Dr. Christoph?Haas?(Universit?t Freiburg), Prof. Dr. Volker?Depkat?(UR), Prof. Dr. Stephan?Bierling?(Moderation) (Zoom)?

05.11. 20 - 3 Uhr, Akademische Wahlparty?mit Analysen, Podiumsdiskussion, Musik, Diskussionen im Foyer und Live-Schalte ab 23 Uhr ins CNN-Wahlstudio, 20-3 Uhr,?Audimax,: Uni-Jazz-Orchester, Bewirtung: NMUN Group 2025 Regensburg (alle Gewinne gehen in die Exkursionsfinanzierung)?

26.11. Nato after the US elections: Gastvortrag Prof. Dr. John?Olsen?(Colonel in the Royal Norwegian Air Force and professor at the Norwegian Institute for Defense Studies):??Audimax?

03.12. Der Terrorangriff der Hamas, der Gazakrieg und die US-Wahlen?:Gastvortrag Prof. Dr. Michael Wolffsohn (Universit?t der Bundeswehr/München):??Audimax?

17.12. Nach den US-Wahlen: Europa allein zuhaus??: Gastvortrag Helga?Schmid?(Generalsekret?rin des Europ?ischen Ausw?rtigen Dienstes, 2021-24 Generalsekret?rin der OSZE, Pr?sidentin des European Institute for Peace): Audimax?

Montag 20.01. 17-19.30 Uhr, Inauguration des neuen Pr?sidenten:?Podiumsdiskussion und Live-?bertragung von 17.00-19.30 Uhr?H24 ?

21.01. Der Iran nach den US-Wahlen: Gastvortrag Natalie?Amiri?(langj?hrige Teheran-Korrespondentin der ARD und Moderatorin des Weltspiegel) , Audimax?

28.01. Die westliche Chinapolitik nach den US-Wahlen: Gastvortrag Kai?Strittmatter?(langj?hriger China-Korrespondent der SZ)?


Die Veranstaltungen werden gro?zügig unterstützt von der Friedrich-Naumann/Thomas-Dehler-Stiftung, der Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen sowie der Phoenix academiae e.V..

17 October
Leibniz ScienceCampus, DIMAS, and IOS Workshop

(Un)frozen?Conflicts: Polymorph Aspects of Contested Sovereignty and Multi-Dimensional Borders in Europe and Beyond

Venue: 9 am - 6 pm in BA.806, Bajuwarenstra?e 4, Regensburg

For more information, please click here

26 November
Leibniz ScienceCampus speaker?Series - Intersectionality and Area Studies

Jennifer Ramme (University of Graz)

"Intersectional Critique: Power Dynamics and Cultural Expressions in (Post-)State Socialist Poland"

Venue: 4 pm (c.t.) in Room 017, Altes Finanzamt, Landshuter Stra?e 4


This talk is part of the Series "Intersectionality and Area Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives," which took place during the Summer Semester 2024 and is caught up on this semester due to cancelation. The Series was organized by?Dr. Birgit Hebel-Bauridl, managing director of REAF at UR,?and?Prof. Dr. Natali Stegmann, Professor of East and Central European History at UR. Both coordinators of the Leibniz ScienceCampus Research Module towards multi-polar and multi-scalar Area Studies.


For more information, please click here

30 January
REAF, DIMAS, Leibniz ScienceCampus, and KNOW-IN Partner Event

Prof. Dr. Jeroen Dewulf (UC Berkeley)

"Flying Back to Africa or Flying to Heaven? Competing Visions of Afterlife in the South Carolina Lowcountry and Caribbean Slave Societies"

Venue: noon (c.t.) in ZH4

Supported by the Regensburger Universit?tsstiftung Hans Vielberth


For more information, please click here

REAF Program and Partner Events Summer 2024

Date Event
6 + 7 May?
Leibniz ScienceCampus Workshop and artist talk

Breaking Silos, Building Bridges: Interdisciplinary Collaboration among Scholars, Artists, Curators, and Cultural Agencies for Amplifying Scholarship in the Public Sphere?

led by The Neighbours Collective from the Bulgarian Pavilion at the 2024 Venice Biennale: Dr. Lilia Topouzova, Dr. Krasimira Butseva, Vasil Vladimirov, and Dr. Valentin Kalinov?

6 May: 12 - 4 pm (c.t.) Workshop in Room BA 806?(Bajuwarenstra?e 4)

7 May: 6 - 8 pm (c.t.) Artist Talk "The Making of the Neighbours: The Artist Studio as a Transitory Archive or How to Visualize Silenced Histories?" in H26

organized and offered by the Leibniz ScienceCampus in cooperation with The Center for Commemorative Culture (Zentrum Erinnerungskultur), Leibniz Institute for East?and Southeast European Studies (IOS Regensburg), and Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies (GS OSES UR)

For more information, please click here

International Politics Lecture Series

organized by Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling and the Department of International and Transatlantic Relations

7 May 2024: Dr. Margarete Klein (Forschungsgruppenleiterin Osteuropa und Eurasien, SWP) - "Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine und den Westen?

Venue: 4 - 6 pm (c.t.) in H24


18 June 2024: Stefan Kornelius (Politikchef der Süddeutschen Zeitung) - "Zerfall der Weltordnung? Warum es überall Krisen und Kriege gibt"

Venue: 4 - 6 pm (c.t.) in H24


2 July 2024: Richard C. Schneider (langj?hriger ARD-Büroleiter Israel) - "Wohin entwickelt sich der Mittere Osten? Vom Terrorüberfall der Hamas am 7. Oktober zum Gazakrieg"

Venue: 4 - 6 pm (c.t.) in H24


For more information, please click here

DIMAS Lecture Series

Colonialism: Different Approaches and Different Areas

organized by Dr.?Rike Kr?mer-Hoppe (Regensburg)

Venue: 2 - 3:30 pm (c.t.) in H22


For more information, please click here

Speaker Series
Leibniz ScienceCampus speaker?Series

Intersectionality and Area Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

organized by Dr. Birgit Hebel-Bauridl (Regensburg), Prof. Dr. Dagmar Schmelzer (Regensburg), and Prof. Dr. Natali Stegmann (Regensburg)


Thursday, 13 June 2024: Prof. Dr.?Natali Stegmann (Regensburg) - "Kriegsbesch?digt! Soziale Position und politische Handlungsmacht kriegsversehrter M?nner nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg in Ostmitteleuropa und? auf der internationalen Bühne"

Venue: 4 - 6 pm (c.t.) in S.214


Thursday, 20 June 2024: Jacoba Zapf (Frauenforum Aichach-Friedberg) - "'Die vergessenen Frauen von Aichach':?Die Geschichte der Frauen in der nationalsozialistischen Strafanstalt Aichach. Bericht und Diskussion über die Errichtung eines Mahnmals und historische Aufarbeitung durch die Bürger:innen-Initiative"

Venue: 4 - 6 pm (c.t.) in S.214


Wednesday, 26?June 2024: Dr.?Charlotte Kaiser (Jena) - "Entre fédérastrophobie' et diversité sexuelle. La nation québécoise et la représentation queer dans le cinéma contemporain au Québec"

Venue: 8:30 - 10:00 am in R.006


For more information, please click here

20 June?
Zentrum Erinnerungskultur Podiumsdiskussion?

Liegt die Zukunft der Zeitzeugenschaft im Digitalen??

with Prof. Dr. Anja Ballis (München), Prof. Dr. Wulf Kansteiner (Aarhus), and Prof. Dr. J?rg Skriebeleit (Flossenbürg/Regensburg)

Venue: 7 pm in H24


For more information, please click here

3 July
REAF, Leibniz ScienceCampus and KnowIn Partner Event

Prof. Dr. Jeannette E. Jones (Nebraska-Lincoln)

"Microhistory & the U.S. in the World: The Case of Dr. B. F. Wilson, 1865-1920"

Venue: 5 pm (s.t.) in S.214

4 July?
Leibniz ScienceCampus Guest Lecture

Dr. Jan Hornát (Prag)

"'Responsibilization' as a Tool of U.S. Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: The Case of Small States"

Venue: 2 pm in Room 319, Altes Finanzhaus, Landshuter Stra?e 4

REAF Program and Partner Events Winter 2023/2024

Date Event
Online Lecture Series
Leibniz Science Campus Online Lecture Series

European-American Entanglements in the Modern World

Hosted by the Bavarian Virtual University (vhb)


International Politics Lecture Series

Organized by Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling

Venue: 4-6 pm in H24

31.10.?Gastvortrag Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann?MdB/Vorsitzende des Verteidigungsausschusses: "Sicherheit vor Russland" (hybrid) H24, Diskussion mit Prof. Bierling und dem Publikum

07.11. Podiumsdiskussion "Die USA ein Jahr vor den Wahlen" (via Zoom) Marie-Astrid Langer (San Francisco-Korrespondentin der NZZ), Prof. em. Dr. Beverly Harris-Schenz (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Prof. Dr. Gerlinde Groitl (IP/UR),?Prof. Dr.?Volker Depkat (Amerikanische Geschichte/UR), Moderation: Prof. Bierling

21.11.?Gastvortrag?Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala:?Deutsche Sicherheitspolitik in Zeiten von Krieg und Krisen, H24,?Diskussion mit Prof. Bierling und dem Publikum

28.11. Gastvortrag Prof. em. Dr. Michael Wolffsohn: Zeitenwende im Nahen Osten? Israel zwischen arabischer Akzeptanz und innerer Spaltung, H24,?Diskussion mit Prof. Bierling und dem Publikum

19.12.?Gastvortrag?Toni Hofreiter MdB/Vorsitzender des Europa-Ausschusses: "Warum Deutschland die Ukraine auch mit Waffen unterstützen muss", H24,?Diskussion mit Prof. Bierling und dem Publikum

09.01.?General ret. Ben Hodges/ehem. Oberkommandierender der US-Streitkr?fte Europa: Europe at War (auf Englisch), H24 Gemeinschaftsveranstaltung mit?dem Leibniz-Wissenschaftscampus und Prof. Dr. Gerlinde Groitl, Diskussion mit Prof. Bierling,?Prof. Dr Gerlinde Groitl?und dem Publikum

23.01.?Natalie Amiri (Moderatorin des Weltspiegel/langj?hrige ARD-Korrespondentin Teheran): Der Iran zwischen Revolution und Dauerprotest, H24,?Diskussion mit Prof. Bierling und dem Publikum


Die Gastvortr?ge werden gro?zügig unterstützt von der Friedrich-Naumann-/Thomas-Dehler Stiftung und der?Phoenix academiae e.V

Speaker Series

Security - Strategy - War

Organized by Prof. Dr. Gerline Groitl

Venue: 2-4 pm in VG 2.38 or H24

31.10.2023, 14-16 Uhr: Joachim Krause (ISPK Kiel):?Deutschlands strategische Blindheit und die Rolle der Universit?ten?(ZOOM)

05.12.2023, 14-16 Uhr: Gerlinde Groitl (Universit?t Regensburg):?Russland, China und der revisionistische Angriff auf die liberale internationale Ordnung?(VG 2.38)

19.12.2023, 14-16 Uhr: Lisa Geltinger (Universit?t Regensburg):?Der Iran und seine Proxies im Mittleren Osten?(VG 2.38)

09.01.2024, 16-18 Uhr: Lt. Gen. (ret). Ben Hodges (vorm. Commanding General US Army Europe):?War in Europe: Ukraine?(H24)

16.01.2024, 16-18 Uhr: Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat (Universit?t Regensburg), Prof. Dr. J?rg Skriebeleit (Direktor?Zentrum?Erinnerungskultur UR/KZ-Gedenkst?tte Flossenbürg),?Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling (Universit?t Regensburg):?Universit?ten auf Irrwegen? Postkolonialismus und?Antisemitismus in der Wissenschaft (H24)

30.01.2024, 14-16 Uhr: Hubert Zimmermann (Universit?t Marburg):?Milit?rische Missionen und ihre Rechtfertigungen in Geschichte und Gegenwart?(VG 2.38)

06.02.2024, 14-16 Uhr:?Remko Leemhuis (Direktor AJC Berlin):?Israels Sicherheit als deutsche Staatsr?son (VG 2.38)

November 7

Trump vs. Biden?: Die letzte Schlacht der alten M?nner - Einn Blick auf die USA ein Jahr vor den Wahlen

Mit Marie-Astrid Langer (San Francisco-Korrespondentin der NZZ), Prof. em. Dr. Beverly Harris-Schenz (Univ. of Pittsburg), Prof. Dr. Gerlinde Groitl (IP/UR), Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat (Amerikanische Geschichte/UR), Moderation: Prof. Bierling (IP/UR)

Venue: 16:00 bis 18:00 Uhr c.t. in H2 or?digital via Zoom.


Webinar-ID: 699 0242 3854

Zugangscode: 166172

November 30-December 1
The 2023 Annual Conference of the Leibniz ScienceCampus Regensburg

Sustainability and Firm Performance in Europe and the Americas

Organized by the Leibniz ScienceCampus Regensburg

Venue: room 319, IOS, Landshuter Str. 4, Regensburg

Please register here until November 19

7 February
REAF Guest Lecture

Prof. Dr. Pia Wiegmink (Bonn University)

"Transnational American Studies, German Immigrants, and the Afterlives of Slavery in Queensland"

Venue: 2 p.m. (c.t.) in ZH6

REAF Program and Partner Events Summer 2023

Recurring Partner Events
Leibniz ScienceCampus Speaker Series

(In)Security: Europe and America in the Modern World

organized by Dr. Gerlinde Groitl

Venue: 2 p.m. in DE 2.121 or Zoom

3 May

reaf & Leibniz ScienceCampus & seeffield

Prof. Dr. Jeannette Eileen Jones (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) and international visitors of the project seeFField Prof. Dr. Daniela Koleva (University of Sofia), Dr. Katarina Dam?evi? (University of Tartu) and Dr. Hikmet Kar?i? (University of Sarajevo)

Meet and Greet

Venue: 2 p.m. (c.t.) in SG 2.14

10 May


the chair of American Studies (Julia Faisst, Interim Chair) cordially invites you to:

Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Werner Sollors (Harvard University, honorary doctorate UR)

Guest Lecture funded by the Regensburger Universit?tsstiftung Hans Vielberth

"Goethe and Black America" (Click here for more information.)

Venue: 4 p.m. (c.t.) in H24

10 May
the chair of American Studies (Julia Faisst, Interim Chair) cordially invites you to:

Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Werner Sollors (Harvard University, honorary doctorate UR)

Meet and Greet funded by the Regensburger Universit?tsstiftung Hans Vielberth

Venue: 6 p.m. in SG 2.14

11 May
the chair of American Studies (Julia Faisst, Interim Chair) cordially invites you to:

Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Werner Sollors (Harvard University, honorary doctorate UR)

Roundtable funded by the Regensburger Universit?tsstiftung Hans Vielberth

Roundtable discussion for MA and PhD students

Venue: noon (c.t.) in SG 2.14

17 May

Prof. Dr. Jeannette Eileen Jones (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

Brownbag Lunch Talk

"Recent Direction and Approaches in Transnational Area Studies"

Venue: 2 p.m. in SG 2.14

14 June
REAF, DIMAS, and the Interim Chair of American Studies Prof. Dr. Julia Faisst

Jon Pineda

"Let's No One Get Hurt": Reading and Author Q&A

Venue: 6-7:30 p.m. at the?"Haus der Begegnung" (Hinter der Grieb 8)

16 June
REAF, DIMAS, and the Interim Chair of American Studies Prof. Dr. Julia Faisst

Jon Pineda

Building Images: Creative Writing Workshop for Students and Staff

Venue: 10-12 a.m. in SG 2.14

REAF & Leibniz Science Campus

Prof. Dr. Claudia Sadowski-Smith

Meet & Greet

Venue: noon (c.t.) in 2.14?

4 July


Lesung mit anschlie?ender Diskussion aus Annette Wieviorkas 1945: Als die Amerikaner die Lager entdeckten

mit Alexander Carstiuc und Jonas Empen (?bersetzer), moderiert von Dennis Forster.?

18.15 Uhr in?H26.

Click here for more information.


Stay tuned for updates to our program

REAF Program and Partner Events Winter 2022/2023

Date Event
19 - 21 January?
Leibniz ScienceCampus Regensburg Event

"Unfree Spaces in the Modern World: Resistant Responses, Empowering Acts - An International and Interdisciplinary Workshop"

For more information, please click here

18 January
Coffee With REAF, Ku, and the Leibniz ScienceCampus

Nishani Frazier and Randall Jelks (University of Kansas)

Venue: 2-4 p.m. in SG 2.14

22 November

REAF and Leibniz ScienceCampus Regensburg Meet and Greet

Dr. Vjeran Pavlakovi? (University of Rijeka, Croatia)

Venue: 6 p.m. in SG 2.14
10 November
Leibniz ScienceCampus Regensburg and Graduiertenschule für Ost- und Südosteuropastudien

Jeffrey Olick (University of Virginia)

"The Politics of Regret Revisited"

Keynote Lecture of the 32nd Postgraduate Forum (PGF) of the German Association for American Studies (DGfA/GAAS)

Part of Leibniz ScienceCampus and Graduiertenschule's Research Colloquium

Venue: 7 p.m. in PT 3.0.79 (Gro?er Sitzungssaal)

9 November
Partner Event: REAF & Leibniz ScienceCampus Regensburg & CITAS & Promotionskolleg PUR

Jeffrey Olick (University of Virginia)

Masterclass "Collective Memory between Ethics, Regret and Manipulation"

Venue: 2-6 p.m. in SG 2.14

REAF Program and Partner Events Summer 2022

Date Event

1 June

REAF & Leibniz ScienceCampus Guest Lecture?

Prof. Dr. Claudia Sadowski-Smith (Arizona State University)

"Whiteness and Migration Studies"

Venue: 4-6 p.m. in H14

Every Monday? ??

CITAS / Leibniz ScienceCampus Lecture Series

"Frictions and Transformations of Globalization"

For more information, click here

13 June? ? ?

CITAS / Leibniz ScienceCampus Lecture Series

Prof. Dr. Ben Chappell (University of Kansas)

"What is the 'American Model'? Learning Management and Knowledge Ideologies in a 'Moment of Danger' for Universities"

Venue: 6-8 p.m. in H19

15 June? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??

REAF & Leibniz ScienceCampus Roundtable?

Prof. Dr. Ben Chappel (University of Kansas)

Venue: 12-2 p.m. in V.G. 3.58

27 June

CITAS / Leibniz ScienceCampus Lecture Series

Prof. Dr. Nishani Frazier (University of Kansas)

"The Sounds of Blackness: How Gentrification Silences and Displaces Belonging"

Venue: 6-8 p.m. in H19

29 June

REAF, CITAS & Leibniz ScienceCampus Meet and Greet

Prof. Dr. Ben Chappell (Univerity of Kansas) and Prof. Dr. Nishani Frazier (University of Kansas)

Venue: 6-8 p.m. in S.G. 2.14

11 July

REAF, CITAS & Leibniz ScienceCampus Guest Lecture, hosted by LSC?Visiting Professor Claudia Sadowski-Smith

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Schwab (University of California, Irvine)

"Transspecies Selves"

Venue: 2-4 p.m. in H10

13 July

REAF, CITAS & Leibniz ScienceCampus?Brownbag Masterclass

Prof. Dr. Nishani Frazier (University of Kansas)

"Digital Humanities in the Modern World: Praxis, Ethics, Aesthetics"

Venue: 12-2 p.m. in S.G. 2.14

20 July

REAF & CITAS Meet and Greet

Christopher Sims (Duke University)

Venue: 6-8 p.m. in S.G. 2.14

REAF Program Archive

REAF Summer Program 2016

Guest Lecture
29 April 2016

Prof. Dr. Anne Koenen (Universit?t Leipzig)

"Wings and Roots: Migrating Academics"

Venue: 5:30 pm, Haus der Begegnung

30 April 2016

Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (Johannes Gutenberg-

Universit?t Mainz)

"Transnational Journeys of Life: En Route to Refuge"

Venue: 3:30 pm, Altes Finanzamt

30 April 2016

Prof. Dr. Nina Morgan (Kennesaw State University), REAF Fellow

"Symposium: Panel: American Studies Transnational: Perspectives, Politics, Responsibilities"

Venue: 5-7 pm, Altes Finanzamt

With the friendly support of:?Hans Vielberth University Foundation.

3 May 2016

Prof. Dr. Nina Morgan (Kennesaw State University), REAF Fellow

"Research Roundtable: Projects in Transnational American Studies"

Venue: 4-6 pm, PT?3.2.73

With the friendly support of:?Hans Vielberth University Foundation.

4 May 2016

Prof. Dr. Nina Morgan (Kennesaw State University), REAF Fellow

"Bartleby, the Slacktivist; Citizen-Saboteurs; and Other 'Occupations'"

Venue: 2-3 pm & 3-4 pm (Lecture and Q&A Session), ZH 5

With the friendly support of:?Hans Vielberth University Foundation.

16 June 2016 ? ? ? ?

Prof. Dr. John David Smith (University of North Carolina, Charlotte)

"You turned us loose to the sky....to the wrath of our infuriated masters: Emancipation and Reconstruction Reconsidered"

Venue: 12-2 pm, ZH 6

Inviting Host:?Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat

With the friendly support of the Bavarian American Academy (BAA)

23 June 2016

Prof. Dr. Hubert Zapf (Universit?t Augsburg)

"Literature as Cultural Ecology: Sustainable Texts"

Venue: 10 am-12 pm, H 22

Inviting Host: Prof. Dr. Timo Müller

29 June 2016

Dr. Leopold Lippert (Universit?t Salzburg)

"The Neoliberal Charms of America Abroad, or: Playing Indian in Austria"

Venue: 2-4 pm, ZH 6

In cooperation with the DFG?Research Network "Cultural Performance in Transnational American Studies"

5 July 2016

Prof. Dr. Gary Jacobson (University of California, San Diego)

"And the next president is... Reflections on the US?election campaign 2015/16"

Venue: 4-6 pm, H 2

Inviting Host:?Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling

REAF Winter Program 2016/17

Date Guest Lecture
8 November 2016

U.S. Consul General Jennifer Gavito

Academic Election Party including a discussion between the Consul General, Prof. Dr. Bierling, Prof. Dr. Depkat and Dr. Gerlinde Groitl; Live TV broadcast

Venue: 7.30 pm - 2.30 am, Audimax

Inviting Host: Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling?

29 November 2016

Dr. Sebastian Herrmann (Leipzig University)

"Post-Fact Elections? Reality, Postmodernism, and the US Presidency"

Venue: 12 - 2 pm, ZH 5

29 November 2016

Dr. Margarete Klein (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin)

"Russland - Abkehr vom Westen, Wende nach Osten?"

Venue: 4 - 6 pm, H 2

Inviting Host: Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling

With the friendly support of the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung

6 December 2016

Prof. Dr. George Lipsitz & Prof. Dr. Barbara Tomlinson (University of California, Santa Barbara)

"American Studies as Accompaniment: Why We Can't Wait"

Venue: 2 - 4 pm, ZH 4

Inviting Host: Prof. Dr. Timo Müller

With the friendly support of the Bavarian American Academy (BAA)

6 December 2016

Dietmar Ossenberg (Ex-ZDF-Korrespondent Kairo)

"Krisenherd Mittlerer Osten"

Venue: 4 - 6 pm, H 24

Inviting Host: Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling

7 December 2016

Prof. Dr. George Lipsitz (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Roundtable: "American Studies Today: Projects, Politics, Perspectives"

Venue: 10 am - 12 pm, PT 3.2.73

Inviting Host: Prof. Dr. Timo Müller

13 December 2016

Dr. Theo Waigel (Bundesfinanzminister a.D.)

"Die USA - Ein Eckpfeiler deutscher Au?enpolitik. Eine pers?nliche Bilanz"

Venue: 4 - 6 pm, H 24

Inviting Host: Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling

With the friendly support of the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung

10 January 2017

Dr. Saskia Hieber (Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing)

"Die USA und der Aufstieg Chinas"

Venue: 4 - 6 pm, H 2

Inviting Host: Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling

With the friendly support of the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung

17 January 2017

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Meier-Walser (Akademie Politik und Zeitgeschehen, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung)

"Die USA im Spannungsfeld zwischen Riad und Teheran"

Venue: 4 - 6 pm, H 2

Inviting Host: Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling

20 January


Inauguration of the new U.S. President

Discussion with Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat, Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling, Dr. Gerlinde Groitl and PD Dr. Ingrid Gessner; Live TV broadcast

Venue: 5 - 8 pm, H 24

Inviting Host: Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling

2 February 2017

Prof. Dr. Ilka Saal (University of Erfurt/University of Toronto)

"Collusions of Fact and Fiction: A Historiopoetic Approach to American Slavery in the Works of Suzan Lori Parks and Kara Walker"

Venue: 10 am - 12 pm, PT 2.0.3A

7 February 2017

Prof. Dr. Birgit Hans (University of North Dakota)

Roundtable: "Native American Studies--Projects, Politics, Perspectives"

Venue: 6 - 8 pm, PT 3.2.73

REAF Program Summer 2017

Date Event
11 May

REAF UR@50 Anniversary Lecture

Prof. Dr. John Carlos Rowe (University of Southern California)

"O Carib Isle!" or "Scattered Moluccas"? ?douard Glissant's Pacific Relation

Followed by a Response by Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (Johannes Gutenberg-Universit?t Mainz)

Venue: 12 pm (s.t.), Gro?er Sitzungssaal PT

Chair:?Prof. Dr. Udo Hebel (REAF Founding Director)

17 May

Launch: REAF Career

Dr. Susanne Ehrenreich-Bla?ekovi? (Linde AG)

Dr. Ehrenreich-Bla?ekovi? will talk about her career after she left the University of Regensburg and will answer questions.

Venue: 4.30-6 pm, ZH 6

30 June -1 July


Forschungstage American Studies Regensburg - Augsburg 2017

Research symposium of the departments for American Studies at the University of Regensburg and the University of Augsburg

Venue: Altes Finanzamt - Room 017, Landshuter Str. 4, Regensburg

in cooperation with the Regensburg European American Forum (REAF)

Organization:?Dr. Johanna Hartmann (U Augsburg) and Florian Weinzierl (U Regensburg)

20 July

REAF Lecture

Prof. Dr. David Savran (CUNY)

"The Globalization of the Broadway Musical"

Venue: 12-2 pm, ZH 6

27 July

REAF Lecture

Prof. Dr. Jeannette Eileen Jones (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

"A Proud Yankee in the Sultan's Court: White American Manhood, Race, and U.S. Power in the Indian Ocean"

Venue: 12-2 pm, ZH 6

Sponsored by: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst.

REAF Program Winter 2017/18

Date?? Event
26-28 October

Conference Workshop

"Nation, Nationalism, and Transnationalism Revisited"

Venue: Seminarraum Altes Finanzamt, Landshuter Str. 4, Regensburg

Inviting Host:?Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat (American?Studies)

5 December

REAF UR@50 Anniversary Lecture

Dr. J?rg Skriebeleit (Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial and Museum)

"Taten und Orte - Tatorte: Flossenbürg, München, Fürstenfeldbruck"

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Udo Hebel (President UR; REAF Founding Director)

Venue: 6 pm, Gro?er Sitzungssaal PT

7 December?

REAF Lecture

Dr. Allison Stagg (JFK Institute, Berlin)

"James Akin and 'A Philosophic Cock': Caricature Prints in America, 1800-1820"

Venue: 12-2 pm, ZH 6

Events - International Politics and Transatlantic Relations
21 November


Stefan Kornelius (Leiter Redaktion Au?enpolitik/Süddeutsche Zeitung)

"Deutsche Au?enpolitik in einer Zeit der Krisen und Konflikte"

Venue: 4-6 pm, H2

Inviting Host: Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling (International Poltics and Transatlantic Relations)

12 December

Lecture and Panel Discussion

"Die Krise um Nordkoreas Atom- und Raketenprogramm"

Einführungsreferat:?Prof. Dr. Sebastian Harnisch? (U Heidelberg)

Podiumsdiskussion with?Dr. Saskia Hieber, Dr. Gerlinde Groitl, Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling (Moderation)

Venue: 4-6 pm, H2

Inviting Host:?Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling (International Poltics and Transatlantic Relations)

In cooperation with the Akademie für Politische Bildung in Tutzing

16 January


General Dr. Erich Vad (ehemaliger Milit?rberater von Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel)

"Deutsche Sicherheitspolitik zwischen Afghanistan und Baltikum"

Venue: 4-6 pm, H2

Inviting Host:?Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling (International Poltics and Transatlantic Relations)

30 January

Lecture and Discussion

General Martin Schelleis (Inspekteuer der Streitkr?ftebasis)

"Die Bundeswehr im Auslandseinsatz"

Venue: 4-6 pm, H2

Inviting Host:?Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling (International Poltics and Transatlantic Relations)

REAF Program Summer 2018

REAF draws your attention to a conference organized by REAF Board member Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling and Prof. Dr. Reinhard Meier-Walser (Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung) .

7-8 June


Expertenkonferenz "Au?enpolitik in einer instabilen Welt: Deutschland nach den Bundestagswahlen"

Venue: Gro?er Sitzungssaal des Philosophikums (PT 3.0.79)

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling (REAF?Board, International Politics and Transatlantic Relations) and Prof. Dr. Reinhard Meier-Walser (Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung)


10.00 Uhr Begrü?ung: Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling/Prof. Dr. Reinhard Meier-Walser

Panel I:

10.15 Uhr Globalisierung in Schwierigkeiten?

Prof. em. Dr. Wolfgang Wiegard, langj?hriger Vorsitzender des Sachverst?ndigenrats/Universit?t Regensburg, Mod. Prof. Bierling

Panel II:

14:00 Uhr Der globale Wandel und die Rolle Deutschlands in der internationalen Politik

Prof. em. Dr. Joachim Krause, Direktor des Instituts für Sicherheitspolitik/Universit?t Kiel, Mod. Alexander Schuster MA

Panel III:

16.00 Uhr Deutschlands Ziele in einer neuen EU-Au?en-und Sicherheitspolitik

Dr. Anja Opitz, Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing, Mod. Susanne Prechtl MA


Panel IV:

10.00 Uhr Amerika auf Isolationskurs?

Gru?wort von Prof. Dr. Udo Hebel/Pr?sident der Universit?t Regensburg

Er?ffnungsgespr?ch mit Jennifer Gavito, Generalkonsulin der USA/München, gefolgt von einer Podiumsdiskussion mit Dr. Opitz, Prof. Krause, Dr. Groitl, Prof. Meier-Walser, Mod. Prof. Bierling

Date Event
12 June

Book Project Presentation

"American Exceptionalism" by Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat

Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat in discussion with Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling (Universit?t Regensburg), Prof. Dr. Ben Chappell (University of Kansas), and Prof. Dr. Udo Hebel (Universit?t Regensburg).

Venue: 6 pm Kunsthalle (upper level of the Audimax foyer)

28 June


Dr. Jennifer Reimer (Lise Meitner Fellow at the University of Graz)

"Academic Freedom? The Politics and Practice of Transnational American Studies in Turkey and around the Globe"

Venue: 3-4 pm PT 2.0.4

28-29 June

REAF@10 Conference

Please see our official program!

Venue: PT 3.0.79 (Gro?er Sitzungssaal)

4 July


Prof. Dr. David Savran (City University of New York)

"Playwriting and the American Apocalypse"

Venue: 2-4 pm ZH 6

REAF Program Winter 2018/2019

Date Event?????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ????????????????????
5 November

REAF?Participation in CITAS?Lecture Series

Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat (University of Regensburg, REAF Co-Director)

"American Exceptionalism und die Traditionen U.S.-amerikanischer Au?enpolitik"

Venue: 6-8pm in H4

Organizer: CITAS

14 November

REAF Roundtable

Dr. Jennifer Reimer (Lise-Meitner Fellow at the University of Graz)

"Perspectives and Politics of (Transnational) American Studies"

Venue: 2-4pm in ZH 5

26 November

REAF Career

Ulrike Strauss (Senior Manager Outreach & Engagement Munich Security)

Ms. Ulrike Strauss will provide insights into her work and will answer questions students may have about her field.

Venue: 6pm-8 in PT 3.0.79 (Gro?er Sitzungssaal)

27 November

International Politics Panel

US-Consul General Meghan Gregonis in discussion with Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling and students

"Die US-Kongresswahlen und die Zukunft der transatlantischen Beziehungen"

Venue: 4-6pm in H24

Inviting Host: Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling

15 January

International Politics Panel

"Transatlantic Relations Today"

General ret. Ben Hodges (former Commander of the US Army in Europe/USAEUR 2014-2017) in discussion with Prof.Dr. Stephan Bierling, Dr. Gerlinde Groitl, and students

Venue: 4-6pm in H24

Inviting Host: REAF?Co-Director Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling

21 January

REAF?Participation in CITAS?Lecture Series

Dr. Birgit Bauridl (University of Regensburg, REAF?Co-Director)

"Erinnerung als transnationales Event: Deutsch-amerikanische? Verhandlungsr?ume in Bayern nach 1945"

Venue:?6-8pm in H4

24 January

REAF Lecture

Dr.Katharina Gerund (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)

"Army Wives and the Unit: Military Spouses in U.S.-American TV Series"?

Venue: 2-4pm in ZH 6

January 30

REAF Lecture

Dr. Leonard Schmieding (Münster)

"Populism and Public History: Current Challenges in a Transatlantic Perspective"

Venue: 4-6pm Room TBA
Further Events - International Politics and Transatlantic Relations
6 November

Guest Lecture in International Politics

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Meier-Walser (Leiter der Akademie Politik und Zeitgeschehen der Hanns-Seidel Stiftung)

"Krisenherd Iran. Der Westen und Teheran nach der Kündigung des Atomabkommens durch die USA"

Venue: 4-6pm in H2

Inviting Host: Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling

4 December

Guest Lecture in International Politics

Dr. Margarete Klein (Russland-Expertin der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik)

"Russland-Rückkehr als Gro?macht?"

Venue:4-6pm H2

Inviting Host: Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling

22 January

Guest Lecture in International Politics

General Martin Schelleis (Inspekteur der Steitkr?ftebasis)

"Die Bundeswehr in einer unsicheren Welt"

Venue: 4-6pm in H24

Inviting Host: Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling

29 January

International Politics Panel

Helga Schmid (Generalsekret?rin des Europ?ischen Ausw?rtigen Dienstes) in discussion with Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling and students

"Die EU in einer Welt der Krisen und Konflikte"

Venue: 4-6pm in H24

Inviting Host: Prof.Dr. Stephan Bierling

REAF Program Summer 2019

Date Event
14 May

International Politics Panel

Molly Selvin and David Rubenson, Citizen Volunteers

"Did We Make a Difference? Citizen Volunteers and

the 2018 US-Congressional Election Outcome"

Venue: 10:30-12pm in H21

16 May

Partner Event: CITAS Dialog Series

Madeleine Schwartz, Journalist

"Transatlantic Political and Cultural Relations: A Conversation"

Chaired by CITAS?Manager Dr. Paul Vickers and REAF?Administrative Manager?Tamara Heger

Venue: 6-8pm in H25

Organizer: CITAS

23 May

REAF Lecture

Chris Sims (Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University)

"Photographing America's Post 9/11 Wars: From Guantánamo Bay to Mock Training Villages of Iraq and Afghanistan"

Venue: 2-4pm in PT 2.0.3A

4 June

International Politics Panel

Stefan Kornelius (Au?enpolitikchef der Süddeutschen Zeitung)

"Krisen, Kriege und Konflikte: Die Welt aus den Fugen"

Venue: 4-6pm in H2

25 June

International Politics Panel

Sebastian von Einsiedel (United Nations University Europe)

"Die UN in einer schwierigen Welt"

Venue: 4-6 pm in H2

1 July


Prof. Dr. Timo Müller (University of Konstanz)

"European Whips: Hip Hop's Transatlantic Mobilities"

Venue: 4-6pm in ZH 4

16 July

International Politics Panel

Eric Gujer (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)

"Die Weltlage aus Schweizer Sicht"

Venue: 4-6pm in H2

18 July

REAF?Research Afternoon

Prof. Dr. Jeannette E. Jones and Prof. Dr. Alexander Vazansky (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

Venue:?2:15-5:15pm in PT 3.0.79 (Gro?er Sitzungssaal)

Preliminary Schedule

2:15- Welcome

2:30- Guest Lecture Prof. Dr. Vazansky

3:45- Coffee Break

4:00- Research Roundtable Prof. Dr. Jones

5:15- Reception

REAF Program Winter 2019/2020

Date Event
29 October

REAF Reading in Cooperation with CITAS

Prof. Dr. Joy Castro (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) accompanied by Prof. Dr. Ursula Regener (University of Regensburg)

Works to be read:

-Flash essays from Prof. Castro's creative nonfiction collection Island of Bones

-a selection from Hell or High Water, her literary crime novel set in

New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina

-a new and forthcoming short story, "Betrayed."

Venue: 6:30pm at Haus der Begegnung

30 October

REAF Roundtable

Prof. Dr. Joy Castro (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

"Writing Memoir, Writing Crime: Creative Vision as Sociopolitical Intervention"?

Venue: 4-6pm in ZH6

12 November

International Politics Panel

Thomas Hacker MdB, Christian Sigl M.A. and moderated by

Prof. Dr.? Stephan Bierling (University of Regensburg).

"Brexit: Schrecken ohne Ende?"

In cooperation with the Thomas-Dehler-Stiftung

Venue: 4-6pm in H24

14 November

Teacher Training Conference

Organized by REAF Board Member Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat and Theo Emmer, StD.

18. Kontaktstudium für Geschichts- und Sozialkundelehrer zum Thema "Populismus und Demokratie"

Venue: 9-4:45pm in the Gro?er Sitzungssaal (PT 3.0.79)

For more information concerning the event's schedule please click here.

18 November

REAF @ CITAS Lecture Series

Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat (REAF Co-Board Director)

"American Exceptionalism and the Crisis of American National Identity in the U.S. Today"

Venue: 6-8pm in H14

19 November

International Politics Panel

Dr. Theo Waigel (Bundesfinanzminister A.D.)

"Deutschland in einer schwierigen Welt."

?Venue: 4-6pm in H24

27 November

Partner Event: CITAS Brown Bag Lunch Talk

Prof. Dr. Frank Mehring (Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL)

"Transnational Life Writing: Re-Mapping the Life and Oeuvre of the German-American Painter, Designer and Teacher Winold Reiss"

?Prof. Mehring is a REAF Fellow sponsored by ERASMUS

?Venue:12-2pm in Sammelgeb?ude 214

27 November

REAF Roundtable

Prof. Dr. Frank Mehring (Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL)

Research Roundtable for Masters and PhD students

Prof. Mehring is a REAF Fellow sponsored by ERASMUS

Venue: 2pm-4pm in PT 3.2.73

28 November

REAF Lecture

Prof. Dr. Frank Mehring (Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL)??

"Media, Memory, and Liberation: Marketing American Heroism in Transnational Contexts?"

Prof. Mehring is a REAF Fellow sponsored by ERASMUS

Venue: 2-4pm in the Gro?er Sitzungssaal (PT 3.0.79)

10 December

International Politics Panel

Ulrich Wilhelm, Intendant des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Vorsitzender der ARD und Sprecher der Bundesregierung 2005-2010

"Qualit?tsmedien im Zeitalter von Twitter und Fake News"

Venue: 4-6pm in H2

10 December

REAF?Film Screening and Discussion

?Todeszug in die Freiheit"; a documentary by Andrea Mocellin and Thomas Muggenthaler

The screening will be followed by a discussion with Thomas Muggenthaler

This event will be held in cooperation with IOS.

Venue: H22 at 6pm



Leibniz ScienceCampus

Official Opening of the Leibniz ScienceCampus in Regensburg

Venue: 5pm at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies

13 January

REAF @ CITAS Lecture Series

Dr. Birgit Bauridl (REAF Managing Director)

"Critical Whiteness Studies Transnational: Dynamiken von 'White Supremacy' und 'White Privilege' in Deutschland und den USA"

?Venue: 6-8pm in H14

15 January

Partner Event: CITAS Brown Bag Lunch Talk

Prof. Dr. Pia Wiegmink (University of Regensburg)

Transatlantic Affective Communities in the Abolitionist Gift Book

The Liberty Bell (1839-1859)?

Venue: 12-2pm in Sammelgeb?ude 214

28 January

International Politics Panel

Helga Schmid (Generalsekret?rin des Europ?ischen Ausw?rtigen Dienstes)

"Die EU in einer Welt der Krisen und Konflikte".

Venue: 4-6pm in H24

REAF Program and Partner Events Winter 2020/2021

Date Event



Online Discussion by Leibniz ScienceCampus and CITAS

"The Range and Limits of Travelling Concepts in Area Studies"

Zoom Workshop

Every Monday

CITAS / Leibniz ScienceCampus Lecture Series

Special Relations Revisited: Europa und die USA seit dem 19. Jahrhundert

For more information, click here.

Zoom, 6-8pm



"Amerika w?hlt" - Election Night

Hosted by Prof.Dr. Stephan Bierling, International Politics (REAF Board Member)

5:15-6:30pm "And the Winner is..."

Prof. Dr. Gary Jacobson (University of California San Diego)

8:00-9:30pm "Trump vs. Biden" -?Panel Discussion

Prof.Dr. Udo Hebel (REAF Founding Director, Chair American Studies; President UR)

Prof. em. Dr. Beverly Harris-Schenz (University of Pittsburgh)

Dr. Gerline Groitl (International Politics, UR)



CITAS/Leibniz ScienceCampus Lecture Series

Prof. Dr. Ulf Brunnbauer (Speaker, Leibniz Science Campus, UR)

"Amerika-Auswanderung und (Ost)Europ?ische 'Diasporen' vor dem 1. Weltkrieg."

This session of the Lecture Series will include an Award Ceremony for Area Studies Theses.?

Zoom, 6-8pm



REAF @ CITAS/ Leibniz ScienceCampus Lecture Series

Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat (REAF Board Member, UR)

"Amerikanische Demokratie als politisches Ordnungsmodell von 1789 bis 1848/49."

Zoom, 6-8pm



American Studies @ UR Sustainability Week

Lauren La Fauci (Link?ping University, Sweden)

"Digging Roots: America's Past and Present Environmentalisms."

Zoom, 2-4pm



Guest Lecture in?American Studies

Thomas Stelzl (University Passau)

"American Democracy: A Transatlantic Perspective After the Election."

Zoom, 10am-12pm



American Studies @ CITAS/Leibniz ScienceCampus?Lecture Series

Prof. Dr. Pia Wiegmink (Interim Chair of American Studies, UR)

"The 'Freedom-Loving German' in America: Negotiating Gender, Antislavery and Immigration in 19th Century German American Women's Literature."

Zoom, 6-8pm



REAF in cooperation with Leibniz ScienceCampus and KZ-Gedenkst?tte Flossenbürg

ReMember -?Film Screening and Roundtable Discussion

Zoom, 6pm



CITAS/ Leibniz ScienceCampus Lecture Series

Dr. Katharina Gerund (Former REAF guest, Friedrich-Alexander Universtit?t Erlangen-Nürnberg)

"Unofficial Ambassadors? Military Spouses in the Transatlantic World."

Zoom, 6-8pm



International Politcs Panel Discussion: US Inauguration

Hosted by REAF Board Member Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling (International Politcs, UR)

In discussion with:

Dr. Gerline Groitl (International Politics, UR) and

Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat (REAF Board Member, UR)

Zoom, 5-7:30pm



Guest Lecture in American Studies

Dr. Nele Sawallisch (Katholische Universtit?t Eichst?tt-Ingolstadt)

"'The Pregnant Female Comedian:' Performativity, Corporeality, Charged Humor."

Zoom, 2-4pm



Guest Lecture in American Studies

Dr. Katrin Horn (University Bayreuth)

"Post/Pop/Pointless? Feminism in Contemporary Media Culture."

Zoom, 2-4pm



REAF Lecture

Dr. Nathalie Aghoro (Katholische Universtit?t Eichst?tt-Ingolstadt)

"The Location of Justice: Placemaking and Commemoration from Octavia Butler to Black Lives Matter."

Zoom, 12-2pm

  1. Forschergruppen und Forschungszentren

Regensburg European American Forum