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De Ridder, D., Elgoyhen, A.B., Romo, R., and Langguth, B. (2011). Phantom percepts: tinnitus and pain as persisting aversive memory networks. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108, 8075-8080.

De Ridder, D., Vanneste, S., Weisz, N., Londero, A., Schlee, W., Elgoyhen, A.B., and Langguth, B. (2014). An integrative model of auditory phantom perception: tinnitus as a unified percept of interacting separable subnetworks. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 44, 16-32.

Elgoyhen, A.B., Langguth, B., De Ridder, D., and Vanneste, S. (2015). Tinnitus: perspectives from human neuroimaging. Nat Rev Neurosci 16, 632-642.

Hanslmayr, S., Backes, H., Straub, S., Popov, T., Langguth, B., Hajak, G., Bauml, K.H., and Landgrebe, M. (2013). Enhanced resting-state oscillations in schizophrenia are associated with decreased synchronization during inattentional blindness. Hum Brain Mapp 34, 2266-2275.

Kreuzer, P.M., Poeppl, T.B., Bulla, J., Schlee, W., Lehner, A., Langguth, B., and Schecklmann, M. (2016). A proof-of-concept study on the combination of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and relaxation techniques in chronic tinnitus. J Neural Transm (Vienna) 123, 1147-1157.

Kreuzer, P.M., Schecklmann, M., Lehner, A., Wetter, T.C., Poeppl, T.B., Rupprecht, R., de Ridder, D., Landgrebe, M., and Langguth, B. (2015). The ACDC pilot trial: targeting the anterior cingulate by double cone coil rTMS for the treatment of depression. Brain Stimul 8, 240-246.

Langguth, B., Elgoyhen, A.B., and Schlee, W. (2016). Potassium channels as promising new targets for pharmacologic treatment of tinnitus: Can Internet-based 'crowd sensing' initiated by patients speed up the transition from bench to bedside? Expert Opin Ther Targets 20, 251-254.

Langguth, B., Kreuzer, P.M., Kleinjung, T., and De Ridder, D. (2013). Tinnitus: causes and clinical management. Lancet Neurol 12, 920-930.

Lefaucheur, J.P., Antal, A., Ayache, S.S., Benninger, D.H., Brunelin, J., Cogiamanian, F., Cotelli, M., De Ridder, D., Ferrucci, R., Langguth, B., et al. (2016). Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). Clin Neurophysiol 128, 56-92.

Lehner, A., Schecklmann, M., Greenlee, M.W., Rupprecht, R., and Langguth, B. (2016). Triple-site rTMS for the treatment of chronic tinnitus: a randomized controlled trial. Sci Rep 6, 22302.

Lehner, A., Schecklmann, M., Poeppl, T.B., Kreuzer, P.M., Peytard, J., Frank, E., and Langguth, B. (2015). Efficacy and Safety of Repeated Courses of rTMS Treatment in Patients with Chronic Subjective Tinnitus. Biomed Res Int 2015, 975808.

Poeppl, T.B., Eickhoff, S.B., Fox, P.T., Laird, A.R., Rupprecht, R., Langguth, B., and Bzdok, D. (2015). Connectivity and functional profiling of abnormal brain structures in pedophilia. Hum Brain Mapp 36, 2374-2386.

Poeppl, T.B., Eickhoff, S.B., Fox, P.T., Laird, A.R., Rupprecht, R., Langguth, B., and Bzdok, D. (2015). Connectivity and functional profiling of abnormal brain structures in pedophilia. Hum Brain Mapp 36, 2374-2386.

Poeppl, T.B., Langguth, B., Laird, A.R., and Eickhoff, S.B. (2014). The functional neuroanatomy of male psychosexual and physiosexual arousal: a quantitative meta-analysis. Hum Brain Mapp 35, 1404-1421.

Poeppl, T.B., Langguth, B., Rupprecht, R., Laird, A.R., and Eickhoff, S.B. (2016). A neural circuit encoding sexual preference in humans. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 68, 530-536.

Poeppl, T.B., Muller, V.I., Hoffstaedter, F., Bzdok, D., Laird, A.R., Fox, P.T., Langguth, B., Rupprecht, R., Sorg, C., Riedl, V., et al. (2016). Imbalance in subregional connectivity of the right temporoparietal junction in major depression. Hum Brain Mapp 37, 2931-2942.

Probst, T., Pryss, R., Langguth, B., and Schlee, W. (2016). Emotional states as mediators between tinnitus loudness and tinnitus distress in daily life: Results from the "TrackYourTinnitus" application. Sci Rep 6, 20382.

Schecklmann, M., Engelhardt, K., Konzok, J., Rupprecht, R., Greenlee, M.W., Mokros, A., Langguth, B., and Poeppl, T.B. (2015). Sexual motivation is reflected by stimulus-dependent motor cortex excitability. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 10, 1061-1065.

Schecklmann, M., Landgrebe, M., Poeppl, T.B., Kreuzer, P., Manner, P., Marienhagen, J., Wack, D.S., Kleinjung, T., Hajak, G., and Langguth, B. (2013). Neural correlates of tinnitus duration and distress: a positron emission tomography study. Hum Brain Mapp 34, 233-240.

Schecklmann, M., Lehner, A., Gollmitzer, J., Schmidt, E., Schlee, W., and Langguth, B. (2015). Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation induces oscillatory power changes in chronic tinnitus. Front Cell Neurosci 9, 421.

Shore, S.E., Roberts, L.E., and Langguth, B. (2016). Maladaptive plasticity in tinnitus--triggers, mechanisms and treatment. Nat Rev Neurol 12, 150-160.

Van Doren, J., Langguth, B., and Schecklmann, M. (2015). TMS-related potentials and artifacts in combined TMS-EEG measurements: Comparison of three different TMS devices. Neurophysiol Clin 45, 159-166.

Probst, T., Pryss, R., Langguth, B., & Schlee, W. (2016). Emotional states as mediators between tinnitus loudness and tinnitus distress in daily life: Results from the “TrackYourTinnitus” application. Scientific reports, 6.

Probst, T., Pryss, R., Langguth, B., & Schlee, W. (2016). Emotion dynamics and tinnitus: Daily life data from the “TrackYourTinnitus” application. Scientific Reports, 6.

Schlee, W., Pryss, R. C., Probst, T., Schobel, J., Bachmeier, A., Reichert, M., & Langguth, B. (2016). Measuring the moment-to-moment variability of tinnitus: the TrackYourTinnitus smart phone app. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 8, 294.

Pryss, R., Reichert, M., Herrmann, J., Langguth, B., & Schlee, W. (2015, June). Mobile Crowd Sensing in Clinical and Psychological Trials--A Case Study. In 2015 IEEE 28th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (pp. 23-24). IEEE.

Schickler, M., Reichert, M., Pryss, R., Schobel, J., Schlee, W., & Langguth, B. (2015). Entwicklung mobiler Apps: Konzepte, Anwendungsbausteine und Werkzeuge im Business und E-Health. Springer-Verlag.

Pryss, R., Reichert, M., Langguth, B., & Schlee, W. (2015, June). Mobile Crowd Sensing Services for Tinnitus Assessment, Therapy, and Research. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services (pp. 352-359). IEEE.

Schickler, M., Pryss, R., Reichert, M., Heinzelmann, M., Schobel, J., Langguth, B., ... & Schlee, W. (2016). Using Wearables in the Context of Chronic Disorders-Results of a Pre-Study. In 29th IEEE Int'l Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 20 - 23 June 2016, Belfast.

  1. Fakult?t für Medizin
  2. Lehrstühle und Abteilungen

Zentrum für Neuromodulation

Prof. Dr. med.

Berthold Langguth

PROF. Dr. phil.

Martin Schecklmann



Telefon 0941 941-1256
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