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Highlights of Biomedical Research

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December 2021

Internal Medicine II - Cardiology, Pneumology and Internal Intensive Care Medicine

First author: Dr. med. Maria Tafelmeier

Senior author: Prof. Dr. med. Michael Arzt

Central sleeapnea predicts pulmonary complications after cardiac surgery

Tafelmeier M, Luft L, Zistler E, Floerchinger B, Camboni D, Creutzenberg M, Zeman F, Schmid C, Maier LS, Wagner S, Arzt M.

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November 2021


First author: PD Dr. med. Kerstin Renner

Senior author: Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Mack

Severe T cell hyporeactivity in ventilated COVID-19 patients correlates with prolonged virus persistence and poor outcomes

Renner, K., Schwittay, T., Chaabane, S. et al.

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October 2021

Internal Medicine II - Cardiology, Pneumology and Internal Intensive Care Medicine

First author: PD Dr. med. Julian Mustroph

Senior author: Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Wagner

Loss of CASK accelerates heart failure development

Mustroph J, Sag C.M, b?hr F, Schmidtmann A.L, Shamindra N, Gupta S.N, Dietz A, Towhidul Islam M.M, Lücht C, Beuthner B.E, Pabel S,? Baier M.J, El-Armouche A, Sossalla S, Anderson M.E, M?llmann J, Lehrke M, Marx N, Mohler P.J, Bers D.M, Uns?ld B, He T, Dewenter M,? Backs J, Maier L.S, Wagner S.

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September 2021

Interventional Immunology

First author: Dr. Maria Xydia

Senior author: Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Beckhove

Common clonal origin of conventional T cells and induced regulatory T cells in breast cancer patients

Xydia M, Rahbari R, Ruggiero E, Macaulay I, Tarabichi M, Lohmayer R, Wilkening S, Michels T, Brown D, Vanuytven S, Mastitskaya S, Laidlaw S, Grabe N, Pritsch M, Fronza R, Hexel K, Schmitt S, Müller-Steinhardt M, Halama N, Domschke C,? Schmidt M, von Kalle C, Schütz F, Voet T, Beckhove P.

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August 2021

Trauma Surgery

First author: Jun Zhang

Single cell bioprinting with ultrashort laser pulses: Advanced functional materials.

Zhang J. , Byers P. , Erben A. , Frank C. , Schulte-Spechtel L. , Heymann M. , Docheva D. , Huber H. , Sudhop S. , Clausen-Schaumann H.

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July 2021


First author: Dr. Michael Delacher

Senior author: Prof. Dr. Markus Feuerer

Single-cell chromatin accessibility landscape identifies tissue repair program in human regulatory T cells?

Delacher M, Simon S, Sanderink L, Hotz-Wagenblatt A, Wuttke M, Schambeck K, Schmidleithner L, Bittner S, Pant A, Ritter U, Hehlgans T, Riegel D, Schneider V, Groeber-Becker FK, Eigenberger A, Gebhard C, Strieder N, Fischer A, Rehli R, Hoffmann P, Edinger M, Strowig T, Huehn J, Schmidl C, Werner JM, Prantl L, B Brors B, Imbusch CD, Feuerer M.

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June 2021

Internal Medicine I - Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Infectiology and Rheumatology

First author: Marika Haderer

Senior author: Prof. Dr. med. Martina Müller-Schilling

Novel pathomechanism for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: Disruption of cell junctions by cellular and bacterial proteases

Haderer M, Neubert P, Rinner E, Scholtis A, Broncy L, Gschwendtner H, Kandulski A, Pavel V, Mehrl A, Brochhausen C, Schlosser S, Gülow K, Kunst C, Müller M.

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May 2021

Surgery / Dermatology

First author: Prof. Dr. Dr. James A. Hutchinson

Senior author: Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Haferkamp

Virus-specific memory T cell responses unmasked by immune checkpoint blockade cause hepatitis

James A. Hutchinson, Katharina Kronenberg, Paloma Riquelme, Jürgen J. Wenzel, Gunther Glehr, Hannah-Lou Schilling, Florian Zeman, Katja Evert, Martin Schmiedel, Marion Mickler, Konstantin Drexler, Florian Bitterer, Laura cordero, Lukas Beyer, Christian Bach, Josef Koestler, Ralph Burkhardt, Hans J. Schlitt, Dirk Hellwig, Jens M. Werner, Rainer spang, Barbara Schmidt, Edward K. Geissler, Sebastian Haferkamp

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April 2021

Psychosomatic Medicine

Senior author: Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Ernil Hanson

Effect of therapeutic suggestions during general anaesthesia on postoperative pain and opioid use: multicentre randomised controlled trial

Hartmuth Nowak, Nina Zech, Sven Asmussen, Tim Rahmel, Michael Tryba,?Guenther Oprea, Lisa Grause,?Karin Schork,?Manuela Moeller, Johannes Loeser, Katharina Gyarmati,?Corinna Mittler, Thomas Saller,?Alexandra Zagler,?Katrin Lutz,?Michael Adamzik, Ernil Hansen

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March 2021

Paediatric Haematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation

Senior author: Prof. Dr. med. Selim Corbacioglu

CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing for sickle cell disease and β-thalassemia

Haydar Frangoul, David Altshuler, Domenica Cappellini, Yi-Shan Chen, Jennifer Domm, Brenda K. Eustace, Juergen Foell, Josu de la Fuente, Stephan Grupp, Rupert Handgretinger, Tony W. Ho, Antonis Kattamis, Andrew Kernytsky, Julie Lekstrom-Himes, Amanda M. Li, Franco Locatelli, Markus Y. Mapara, M.D., Mariane de Montalembert, Damiano Rondelli, Akshay Sharma, Sujit Sheth, Sandeep Soni, Martin H. Steinberg, Donna Wall, Angela Yen, Selim Corbacioglu

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February 2021

Experimental Medicine and Therapy

First author: PD Dr. rer. nat. Melanie Werner-Klein

Senior author: Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Klein

Interleukin-6 trans-signaling is a candidate mechanism to drive progression of human DCCs during clinical latency

Melanie Werner-Klein, Ana Grujovic, Christoph Irlbeck, Milan Obradovi?, Martin Hoffmann, Huiqin Koerkel-Qu, Xin Lu, Steffi Treitschke, C?cilia K?stler, Catherine Botteron, Kathrin Weidele, Christian Werno, Bernhard Polzer, Stefan Kirsch, Miodrag Gu?vi?, Jens Warfsmann, Kamran Honarnejad, Zbigniew Czyz, Giancarlo Feliciello, Isabell Blochberger, Sandra Grunewald, Elisabeth Schneider, Gundula Haunschild, Nina Patwary, Severin Guetter, Sandra Huber, Brigitte Rack, Nadia Harbeck, Stefan Buchholz, Petra Rümmele, Norbert Heine, Stefan Rose-John & Christoph A. Klein

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January 2021


First author: Dr. Tobias Welz

Senior author: Prof. Dr. Eugen Kerkhoff

Rab27a co-ordinates actin-dependent transport by controlling organelle-associated motors and track assembly proteins

Noura Alzahofi & Tobias Welz, Christopher L. Robinson, Emma L. Page, Deborah A. Briggs, Amy K. Stainthorp, James Reekes, David A. Elbe, Felix Straub, Wouter W. Kallemeijn, Edward W. Tate, Philip S. Goff, Elena V. Sviderskaya, Marta Cantero, Lluis Montoliu, Francois Nedelec, Amanda K. Miles, Maryse Bailly, Eugen Kerkhoff & Alistair N. Hume?

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UR - University of Regensburg
Faculty of Medicine

University Hospital
Franz-Josef-Strau?-Allee 11
93053 Regensburg