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Highlights of Biomedical Research

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November 2020

Microbiology and Hygiene

First author: Dr. Patrick Neubert

Senior author: Prof. Dr. med. Jonathan Jantsch

NCX1 represents an ionic Na+ sensing mechanism in macrophages

Patrick Neubert, Arne Homann, David Wendelborn, Anna-Lorena B?r, Luka Krampert, Maximilian Trum, Agnes Schr?der, Stefan Ebner, Andrea Weichselbaum, Valentin Schatz, Peter Linz, Roland Veelken, Jonas Schulte-Schrepping, Anna C. Aschenbrenner, Thomas Quast, Christian Kurts, Sabrina Geisberger, Karl Kunzelmann, Karin Hammer, Katrina J. Binger, Jens Titze, Dominik N. Müller, Waldemar Kolanus, Joachim L. Schultze, Stefan Wagner, Jonathan Jantsch

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October 2020

Microbiology and Hygiene / Orthodontics

First author: PD Dr. rer. nat. Agnes Schr?der

Senior author: Prof. Dr. med. Jonathan Jantsch

Osteoprotective action of low-salt diet requires myeloid cell-derived NFATS

Agnes Schr?der,?Patrick Neubert,?Jens Titze,?Aline Bozec,?Wolfgang Neuhofer,?Peter Proff,?Christian Kirschneck,?and Jonathan Jantsch

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September 2020

Microbiology and Hygiene

First author: Gertrud Knoll

Senior author: PD Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Ehrenschwender

NOXA-dependent contextual synthetic lethality of BCL-XL inhibition and "osmotic reprogramming” in colorectal Cancer

Gertrud Knoll, Petra Riffelsberger, Danielle Raats, Onno Kranenburg, Martin Ehrenschwender

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August 2020

Trauma Surgery

First author: Heyong Jin

Senior author: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Denitsa Docheva

Three-dimensional self-assembling nanofiber matrix rejuvenates aged/degenerative human tendon stem/progenitor cells

Heyong Yin, Franziska Strunz, Zexing Yan, Jiaju Lu , Christoph Brochhausen, Stefanie Kiderlen, Hauke Clausen-Schaumann, Xiumei Wang, Manuela E Gomes, Volker Alt, Denitsa Docheva

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July 2020


Senior author: Prof. Dr. Edward K. Geissler, PhD

Regulatory cell therapy in kidney transplantation (The ONE Study): a harmonised design and analysis of seven non-randomised, single-arm, phase 1/2A Trials

Birgit Sawitzki, Paul N Harden, Petra Reinke, Aurélie Moreau, James A Hutchinson, David S Game, Qizhi Tang, Eva C Guinan, Manuela Battaglia, William J Burlingham, Ian S D Roberts, Mathias Streitz, Régis Josien, Carsten A B?ger, Cristiano Scottà, James F Markmann, Joanna L Hester, Karsten Juerchott, Cecile Braudeau, Ben James, Laura Contreras-Ruiz, Jeroen B van der Net, Tobias Bergler, Rossana Caldara, William Petchey,
Matthias Edinger, Nathalie Dupas, Michael Kapinsky, Ingrid Mutzbauer, Natalie M Otto, Robert ?llinger, Maria P Hernandez-Fuentes, Fadi Issa, Norbert Ahrens, Christoph Meyenberg, Sandra Karitzky, Ulrich Kunzendorf, Stuart J Knechtle, Josep Grinyó, Peter J Morris, Leslie Brent, Andrew Bushell, Laurence A Turka, Jeffrey A Bluestone, Robert I Lechler, Hans J Schlitt, Maria C Cuturi, Stephan Schlickeiser, Peter J Friend, Tewfik Miloud, Alexander Scheffold, Antonio Secchi, Kerry Crisalli, Sang-Mo Kang, Rachel Hilton, Bernhard Banas, Gilles Blancho, Hans-Dieter Volk, Giovanna Lombardi, Kathryn J Wood, Edward K Geissler

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June 2020

Center for Clinical Studies

First author: Prof. Dr. med. Michael Koller

Psychometric properties of the updated EORTC module for assessing quality of life in patients with lung cancer (QLQ-LC29): an international, observational field study

Michael Koller, Omar Shamieh, Marianne J Hjermstad, Kjersti Hornslien, Teresa Young, Tara Chalk, Georgios Ioannidis, Amelie Harle, Colin D Johnson, Krzysztof A Tomaszewski, Samantha Serpentini, Monica Pinto, Lotte van der Weijst, Annelies Janssens, Ofir Morag, Wei-Chu Chie, Juan I Arraras, Cecilia Pompili, Wolfgang Jungraithmayr, Marlene Hechtner, Despina Katsochi, Karolina Müller, Laura Gr?fenstein, Christian Schulz, Andrew Bottomley

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May 2020

Internal Medicine III - Haematology and Internal Oncology

First author: Dr. rer. physiol. Christin Riegel

Senior author: Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Edinger

Efficient treatment of murine acute GVHD by in vitro expanded donor regulatory T cells

Riegel C., et al.

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April 2020


First author: Dr. rer. nat. Michael Delacher

Senior author: Prof. Dr. med. Markus Feuerer

Precursors for nonlymphoid-tissue Treg cells reside in secondary lymphoid organs and are programmed by the transcription factor BATF

Delacher M., et al.

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March 2020

Microbiology and Hygiene

First author: Prof. Dr. med. Hans Helmut Niller

Senior author: Prof. Dr. med. Barbara Schmidt

Zoonotic spillover infections with Borna disease virus 1 leading to fatal human encephalitis, 1999-2019: an epidemiological investigation

Niller, HH. et al.

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Februar 2020

Internal Medicine II - Cardiology, Pneumology and Internal Intensive Care Medicine

First author: Dr. med. Simon Lebek

Senior author: Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Wagner

Enhanced CaMKII-dependent late INa induces atrial pro-arrhythmic activity in patients with sleep-disordered breathing

Lebek S, Pichler K, Reuthner K, Trum M, Tafelmeier M, Mustroph J, Camboni D, Rupprecht L, Schmid C, Maier L.S, Arzt M, Wagner S.

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UR - University of Regensburg
Faculty of Medicine

University Hospital
Franz-Josef-Strau?-Allee 11
93053 Regensburg