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Highlights of Biomedical Research

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December 2023

Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine

First author: Dr. med. Julian Konzok

Senior author: Dr. rer. nat. Hansj?rg Baurecht

Effect of 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels on the internalising dimension as a transdiagnostic risk factor: Mendelian randomisation study

Julian Konzok, Sebastian-Edgar Baumeister, Thomas W. Winkler, Michael F. Leitzmann, Hansj?rg Baurecht

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November 2023

Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine

First author: Lilli Arndt

Senior author: Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralph Burkhardt

Trib1 deficiency promotes hyperlipidemia, inflammation, and atherosclerosis in LDL receptor knockout mice

Lilli Arndt,?Ileana Hernandez-Resendiz,?Doreen Moos,?Janine Dokas,?Silvana Müller,?Franziska Jeromin,?Richard Wagner,?Uta Ceglarek,?Iris M. Heid,?Marcus H?ring,?Gerhard Liebisch,?Sonja C. Stadler and?Ralph Burkhardt

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October 2023


First author: Dr. Stefanie Meyer

Identification of high-risk patients with a seven-biomarker prognostic signature for adjuvant treatment trial recruitment in American Joint Committee on Cancer v8 stage I-IIA cutaneous melanoma

Meyer S, Buser L, Haferkamp S, Berneburg M, Maisch T, Klinkhammer-Schalke M, Pauer A, Vogt T, Garbe C.

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September 2023

Internal Medicine III - Haematology and Internal Oncology

First author: cand. med. Lucia Scheidler

Senior author: Prof. Dr. Ernst Holler

Intestinal IgA positive plasma cells are highly sensitive indicators of alloreaction early after allogeneic transplantation and associate with both, graft-versus-host disease and relapse related mortality.

Scheidler L, Hippe K, Ghimire S, Weber D, Weber M, Meedt E, Hoffmann P, Lehn P, Burkhardt R, Mamilos A, Edinger M, Wolff D, Poeck H, Evert M, Gessner A, Herr W, Holler E.

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August 2023

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Microbiology and Hygiene / Dermatology

First author: Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Eckl

Senior author: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang B?umler

Photodynamic inactivation of different pathogenic bacteria on human skin using a novel photosensitizer hydrogel

Eckl D.B., Hoffmann A.K., Landgraf N, Kalb L, B??ler P, Wallner S, Eichner A, Huber H, Hackbarth S, B?umler W.

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July 2023

Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

First author: Michael Heinrich

Suicide risk and mortality among patients with cancer

Heinrich, M., Hofmann, L., Baurecht, H., Kreuzer, P., Knüttel H., Leitzmann M. & Seliger, C.

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June 2023

Microbiology and Hygiene

First author: Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Eckl

Senior author: Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner

Efficacy and synergy with cisplatin of an adenovirus vectored therapeutic E1E2E6E7 vaccine against HPV genome–positive C3 cancers in mice

Boilesen D.R., Neckermann P, Willert T, Dons Müller M, Schr?del S, Pertl C, Thirion C, Asbach B, Wagner R,? Holst P.J.

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May 2023


First author: Bernadett Kurz

Senior author: Prof. Dr. Sigrid Karrer

Association of polymorphous light eruption with NOD-2 and TLR-5 gene polymorphisms

Kurz B, Arndt S, Unger P, Ivanova I, Berneburg M, Hellerbrand C, Karrer S.

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April 2023

Internal Medicine II - Cardiology, Pneumology, Internal Intensive Care Medicine

First authors: PD Dr. med. Julian Mustroph,? Dr. rer. nat. Maria Baier

Senior author: Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Wagner

Empagliflozin inhibits cardiac late sodium current by Ca/Calmodulin-dependent kinase II. circulation

Mustroph J, Baier MJ, Pabel S, Stehle T, Trum M, Provaznik Z, Mohler PJ, Musa H, Hund TJ, Sossalla S, Maier LS, Wagner S.

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March 2023

Mikrobiology and Hygiene

First author: Dr. Matthias Schemmerer

Molecular epidemiology and genotype-specific disease severity of hepatitis E virus infections in Germany, 2010-2019

Mathias Schemmerer,?Jürgen J Wenzel,?Klaus Stark,?Mirko Faber.

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February 2023

Internal Medicine III - Haematology and Internal Oncology

First author: Dr. rer. nat. Raquel Blazques

Senior author: Prof. Dr. med. Tobias Pukrop

Intralesional TLR4 agonist treatment strengthens the organ defense against colonizing cancer cells in the brain

Blazquez R, Chuang H.N.,Wenske B,Trigueros L, Wlochowitz D, Liguori R,
Ferrazzi F, Regen T, Proescholdt M.A., Rohde V, Riemenschneider M.J., Stadelmann C,
Bleckmann A, Bei?barth T, van Rossum D, Hanisch U.K. and Pukrop T.

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January 2023

Internal Medicine II - Cardiology, Pneumology, Internal Intensive Care Medicine

First author: Dr. med. Michael Paulus

Senior author: Dr. med. Alexander Dietl

Tachycardiomyopathy entails a dysfunctional pattern of interrelated mitochondrial functions

Michael Paulus, Kathrin Renner, Alexander Nickel, Christoph Brochhausen, Katharina Limm, Elmar Zügner, Maria Baier, Steffen Pabel, Stefan Wallner, Christoph Birner, Andreas Luchner, Christoph Magnes, Peter Oefner, Klaus Stark, Stefan Wagner, Christoph Maack, Lars Maier, Katrin Streckfuss-B?meke, Samuel Sossalla, Alexander Dietl.

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UR - University of Regensburg
Faculty of Medicine

University Hospital
Franz-Josef-Strau?-Allee 11
93053 Regensburg