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Funding Options

Research Funding by the Faculty

The research funding programme ReForM (Regensburger Forschungsf?rderung in der Medizin) offers young scientists at the UKR institutions the opportunity to conduct their own independent research.

In addition, the Faculty of Medicine would like to attract excellent young scientists for research on the basis of doctoral scholarships.

Research Funding by the University

The University's service centre for administrative and legal issues relating to the acquisition and implementation of externally funded projects (Department IV/5) is located in the administration building on the main campus of the University.

Promotion of Women at the Faculty

The Faculty of Medicine pursues the structural and substantive anchoring of gender equality as an overarching goal. The primary objectives are, on the one hand, to motivate women to strive for an academic career and for leadership positions (gender equality promotion) and, on the other hand, to identify and establish ways to reconcile family and career (family promotion).

Information and offers can be found on the pages of the Equal Opportunities Representative for Women in Science.

Promotion of Women at the University

The University of Regensburg runs a mentoring programme to promote research for highly qualified young female academics.

For more information, please contact the Equal Opportunities & Family Coordination Office (Koordinationsstelle Chancengleichheit & Familie).


UR - University of Regensburg
Faculty of Medicine

University Hospital
Franz-Josef-Strau?-Allee 11
93053 Regensburg