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Research Projects

Here you will find current projects with a funding amount of 500 kEUR or more or with coordination by the University of Regensburg or the University Hospital Regensburg.

DFG Collaborative Research Centres

SFB 960

"RNP biogenesis: assembly of ribosomes and non-ribosomal RNPs and control of their function"
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. H. Tschochner, Faculty of Biology and Preclinical Medicine
Participation: Department of Paediatric Haematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation
Funding from 2011 to 2023

SFB / Transregio 221

"Modulation of graft-versus-host and graft-versus-leukemia immune responses after allogeneic stem cell transplantation“
Regensburg / Würzburg / Erlangen
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. W. Herr, Chair of Internal Medicine III, University of Regensburg
Funding since 2018

SFB 1335

"Aberrant Immune Signals in Cancer"
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. J. Ruland, Munich Technical University
Participation: Chair of Internal Medicine III, University of Regensburg
Funding from 2018 to 2023

SFB / Transregio 374

operated as SFB 1350 in the 1st funding period (2019-2022)
Tubular system and interstitium of the kidney: (Patho-)physiology and crosstalk"
Regensburg / Erlangen
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. R. Warth, Faculty of Biology and Preclinical Medicine
Participation: Chairs of Functional Genomics, Genetic Epidemiology, Internal Medicine II and Department of Nephrology at the University of Regensburg
Funding since 2019

SFB 1371

"Microbiome Signatures - Functional Relevance in the Digestive Tract"
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. D. Haller, TU München
Participation: Chair of Internal Medicine III and Institute of Clinical Microbiology and Hygiene at the University of Regensburg
Funding since 2019

SFB / Transregio 305

"Striking a moving target: From mechanisms of metastatic colonization to novel systemic therapies"
Regensburg / Erlangen
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. C. Klein, Chair of Experimental Medicine and Therapy, University of Regensburg
Funding since 2021

DFG - Research Units and Clinical Research Units

FOR 2407

"Exploring articular cartilage and subchondral bone degeneration and regeneration in osteoarthritis (ExCarBon)"
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. S. Gr?ssel, at the Chair of Orthopaedics at the University of Regensburg
Funding since 2016

FOR 2858

?Role of translocator protein 18 kDa (TSPO) as a diagnostic and therapeutic target in the nervous system“
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. R. Rupprecht, Chair of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University of Regensburg
Funding since 2019

FOR 2959

?Health literacy in early childhood allergy prevention: parental competencies and public health context in a shifting evidence landscape (HELICAP)”
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. C. Apfelbacher, Uni Magdeburg
Participation: Chairs of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine and Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine at the University of Regensburg
Funding since 2019

DFG - Clinical Trials

A phase II trial to assess haploidentical a/? T-depleted stem cell transplantation in patients with sickle cell disease with no available sibling donor - Acronym: T-HAPLO-SCT for SCD
Prof. Dr. S. Corbacioglu, Department of Paediatric Haematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation
Funding since 2019

DFG - Research Training Groups

GRK 2174?

“Neurobiology of Social and Emotional Dysfunctions”
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Inga D. Neumann, Faculty of Biology and Preclinical Medicine at the University of Regensburg
Participation: Chairs of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University of Regensburg
Funding since 2017

GRK 2740

"Immunomicrotope: Microenvironmental, Metabolic and Microbial Signals Regulating Immune Cell-Pathogen Interactions"
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. C. Bogdan, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
Participation: Institute of Clinical Microbiology and Hygiene and Chair of Functional Genomics at the University of Regensburg
Funding since 2022

Priority Programmes and Participations

SPP 2014

"Towards an Implantable Lung"
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. R. Rossaint, University Hospital Aachen
Participation: Chair of Cardiothoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery and Chair of Internal Medicine II at the University of Regensburg
Funding since 2017

SPP 2084

"?BONE: Colonisation and interactions of tumour cells within the bone environment"
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. L. C. Hofbauer, Universit?tsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus der TU Dresden
Participation: Chair of Experimental Medicine and Therapy and Chair of Urology at the University of Regensburg
Funding since 2018

DFG - Reinhart Koselleck Projects

"Reprogramming CD8+ T cell metabolism and fate by MSC mitochondrial transfer "
Prof. Dr. L. Gattinoni, Chair of Functional Immune Cell-Modulation
Funding since 2022

EU Projects

H2020 - EHVA
European HIV Vaccine Alliance
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. R. Wagner, at the Chair of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the University of Regensburg

H2020 - INsTRuCT
Inovative training in regulatory cell therapy
Coordination: Dr. J. Hutchinson, PhD at the Chair of Surgery at the University of Regensburg

Meniscal functionalised scaffold to prevent knee osteoarthritis onset after meniscectomy
Participation: Prof. Dr. P. Angele, am Lehrstuhl für Unfallchirurgie der Universit?t Regensburg

H2020 - UNITI
Unification of treatments and interventions for tinnitus patients
Coordination: PD Dr. W. Schlee, at the Chair of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University of Regensburg

General-purpose virus-neutralizing engulfing shells with modular target-specificity. Participation: Prof. Dr. R. Wagner, at the Chair of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the University of Regensburg

Personalisation of immunosuppression by monitoring viral load post kidney transplantation - a randomized controlled phase II trial
Participation: Prof. Dr. B. Banas, Department of Nephrology at the University of Regensburg

H2020 - BEAt-DKD
Biomarker enterprise to attack DKD
Participation: Prof. Dr. C. B?ger, at the Department of Nephrology at the University of Regensburg

EU-Horizon - IMMUTOL

Advanced antigen-specific dendritic cell-based therapy to reestablish tolerance in immune-mediated diseases
Participation: Prof. Dr. J. Hutchinson, PhDat the Chair of Surgery and Prof. Dr. R. Linker, Chair of Neurology at the University of Regensburg


Artificial intelligence-based decision support system for risk stratification and early detection of heart failure in primary and secondary care
Participation: Prof. Dr. L. Maier, Chair of Internal Medicine II at the University of Regensburg

Research Centres

CCCO - Comprehensive Cancer Center Ostbayern
On 1 July 2016, the University Hospital Regensburg (UKR) and the Caritas Hospital St. Josef founded the Comprehensive Cancer Center Ostbayern (CCCO). The CCCO helps to establish cancer medicine in Eastern Bavaria in accordance with the highest medical standards and to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

CITO - Center of Immunmedicine in Transplantation and Oncology
On 1 July 2022, the Joint Science Conference included the construction of the CITO Excellence Building in the joint funding of research buildings with funding starting in 2023.

Department of Immune Medicine
With the establishment of the Department of Immune Medicine, the university intends to take up new professorships to strengthen research.

JCC José Carreras Centre for Somatic Cell Therapy?
(José Carreras-Foundation)

?Personalized Tumor Therapy
Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine ITEM Division Director:?Prof. Dr. C. Klein, Fraunhofer Institute

LIT Leibniz Institute for Immunotherapy
The Regensburg Centre for Interventional Immunology (RCI) as a central institution of the University of Regensburg and as a partner of the University Hospital was established as a non-university LIT Leibniz Institute for Immunotherapy on January 1, 2022.

RCBE - Regensburg Center of Biomedical Engineering

The ?Regensburg Center of Biomedical Engineering (RCBE) is an inter-faculty and inter-university research institution of the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (OTH Regensburg) and the University of Regensburg/Faculty of Medicine.

The RCBE combines biomedical expertise with engineering, scientific and medical informatics expertise. In terms of research, the RCBE focuses on medical informatics and biomedical engineering, which are reflected in the respective cooperative study programmes.

RCN?- Regensburg Center of Neuroscience
The Regensburg Centre of Neuroscience (RCN) specifically promotes interdisciplinary research and teaching in experimental and clinical neurosciences at the University of Regensburg.

ZHT - Brain tumour centre (Zentrum für Hirntumore ZHT)

Research Collaboratives

FOR-COVID - Bavarian Consortium for Research on the Pandemic Disease COVID-19 (FOR-COVID) :
Project: Expanding immunity against SARS-CoV-2 by vaccination?
Prof. Dr. R. Wagner, Dr. D. Peterhoff, Dr. B. Asbach
funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts (Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, StMWK)

Integrative concept for personalised precision medicine in prevention, early detection, therapy and recurrence avoidance using the example of breast cancer
Prof. Dr. O. Ortmann
funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for Health, Care and Prevention (Staatsministerium für Gesundheit, Pflege und Pr?vention, StMGP)

NAKO - German National Cohort Health Study (Nationale Kohorte, NAKO Gesundheitsstudie)
Multicentre long-term population study at 18 regional study centres in Germany,?
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Dr. M. Leitzmann
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF), the participating federal states and the Helmholtz Association

NUM - Network University Medicine (Netzwerk Universit?tsmedizin NUM)?
National research network of university medicine on COVID-19
PD Dr. F. Hanses, Prof. Dr. D. Hellwig, Prof. Dr. O. Hamer, Prof. Dr. M. Müller-Schilling?
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF)

DIFUTURE - Data Integration fpr Future Medicine - Medical Informatics Initiative.Consortium
Roll-out Partner: Prof. Dr. D. Hellwig
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF)

NanoNeutVir - KMU-Innovative Collaborative Project
NanoNeutVir: Development of nanotechnology-based novel rapid test to detect SARS-CoV-2 immunity
Sub-project: Basic components and procedures for the development and evaluation of rapid tests for quantification
Project leader: Prof. Dr. R. Wagner
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF)

TAhRget? - Targeting AhR-dependent Inflammation for Organ Protection interdisciplinary collaborative project
Modulation of AhR-dependent inflammation and organ protection - metabolomic studies of AhR ligands
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF)

FDLP - International collaborative project
Federated learning in lymphoma pathology: infrastructure, models, augmentation algorithms, detection of high-risk patients
Prof. Dr. R. Spang
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF)

PoCoRe Multicentre Study
Significance of post-COVID syndrome within the rehabilitation programme of the DRV
Project leader: Prof. Dr. T. Loew
funded by the German Pension Insurance (Deutsche Rentenversicherung DRV)

bayresq.net Bavarian Research Network (Bayerisches Forschungsnetzwerk)
Sub-project: Artificial intelligence to identify new antimicrobial metabolites in macrophages to combat multi-resistant bacteria (Metabodefense) ;
Prof. Dr. J. Jantsch, PD Dr. K. Dettmer-Wilde, Prof. Dr. R. Spang
Sub-project:?Identification of commensal bacteria-associated immune checkpoints as novel targets for immunotherapy against multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis strains;
Prof. Dr. Dr. A. Gessner, Prof. Dr. M. Feuerer, Prof. Dr. U. Ritter in collaboration with the FAU Erlangen

BZKF Bavarian Cancer Research Centre (Bayerisches Zentrum für Krebsforschung)
The Bavarian Cancer Research Center (BZKF) consists of the six Bavarian university hospitals in Augsburg, Erlangen, the two sites in Munich, Regensburg and Würzburg and their associated Comprehensive Cancer Centers (CCC). The Comprehensive Cancer Center Ostbayern (CCCO) is one of the participating centres.

CCC Alliance WERA
The CCC Alliance WERA consists of the Comprehensive Cancer Centres in Würzburg (CCC MF), Erlangen (CCC ER-EMN), Regensburg (CCCO) and Augsburg (CCCA).
Funding as an Oncology Centre of Excellence of the German Cancer Aid (Deutsche Krebshilfe)

National Centre of Tumour Diseases (BMBF)
Julius-Maximilians-University and University Hospital Würzburg, Comprehensive Cancer Centre Mainfranken (CCC MF), Friedrich-Alexander-University and University Hospital Erlangen-Nuremberg, University and University Hospital Regensburg, University and University Hospital Augsburg.


Else-Kr?ner-Fresenius Foundation (Else-Kr?ner-Fresenius Stiftung): Research School for Interdisciplinary Translational Immuno-Oncology
Spokesperson: Prof Dr P. Oefner, Functional Genomics

German Cancer Aid Foundation (Stiftung Deutsche Krebshilfe): IMPLEMENT
Model project for the inter-sectoral implementation of comprehensive and quality-assured sports and exercise therapy for cancer
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Dr. M. Leitzmann, Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine

German Cancer Aid?Foundation (Stiftung Deutsche Krebshilfe): REPMET
Reprogramming of tumour metabolism to support checkpoint inhibitor therapy
Project leader:: Prof. Dr. Dr. S. Haferkamp, Dermatology

German Cancer Aid Foundation (Stiftung Deusche Krebshilfe): Targeting microbial metabolites to influence cancer immunotherapies
Excellence funding programme for established scientists as part of the funding priority programme
Prof. Dr. H. Poeck, Internal Medicine III

Jose Carreras Leukaemia Foundation (Jose Carreras Leuk?mie-Stiftung): Development of new prognostic scores and evaluation of new biomarkers of acute graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) after allogeneic stem cell transplantation within the German MAGIC centres
Prof. Dr. E. Holler, Internal Medicine III


UR - University of Regensburg
Faculty of Medicine

University Hospital
Franz-Josef-Strau?-Allee 11
93053 Regensburg