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Advisory guide

Consulting services

The right contact person for my questions

Dear students,

Below, the Institute provides you with a counseling guide so that you know who is responsible for your concern.

In addition, the departments of the Institute will (soon) also provide you with a guide on their websites, so that you can find out who at the departments can help you with which question.

In the counseling guide below you will also find links to forms or information on most topics that will answer many of your questions.

Before contacting the appropriate contact person, we strongly recommend that you read the information.

If you cannot find the information you are looking for or if your request is not listed, the contact person mentioned or the department's student advisory service will be happy to advise you at any time.

Overview Guidance at the University

Coordination of Studies Subject-Specific Guidance at the Chairs Assay Office Foreign Students Office
questions around organizing studies subject-specific questions questions around organizing exams questions around going abroad

combinations of subjects

admission, permits and rebooking execution of admission and rebooking
changing subjects admission for semester(s) abroad going abroad: organization
free-to-choose-ETCS Bachelor Thesis
overlapping exams and courses Bachelor Studies: guidance
suspension Bachelor Studies: admission
hardship cases BAF?G-Expertise
vocational training and orientation
Flexnow: de-/registration for exams Flexnow: technical issues
LSF: offered courses and de-/registration
Master Thesis
Master Studies: guidance
Master Studies: admission
Regularities of Studies and Exams, Module Descriptions

  1. Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture

Institute of Information and Media, Language and Culture


Universit?t Regensburg

Universit?tsstra?e 31

D-93053 Regensburg