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Course Catalogue

The Course Catalogue of the Institute for Information and Media, Language and Culture can be found here in LSF!

Information on course registration can be found below!

Please check the rooms and dates of the courses again before the beginning of the lecture, as changes can occur at short notice!

Course Registration in LSF

The course registration takes place in all courses of the institute online via course management system LSF in which the course catalog is published.

The exact registration periods can be found in the course catalog in LSF at the individual courses.

Please pay attention to the respective registration periods for all courses, as these may differ, especially in the case of imported courses (especially in elective modules).

Exam Registration in Flexnow

The registration and deregistration periods for the exams are usually communicated to you in the events and are indicated in LSF at the respective events.

All B.A. and M.A. students must register for the Flexnow exams in the periods indicated to you in order to be able to provide proof of performance. Acceptance of exams is subject to successful Flexnow registration.

Courses of the Computing Center

IT training during studies and free elective course

The course offer of the Computing Center is announced in LSF. Courses at the data center are generally offered as part of the IT training accompanying the studies and are booked in Flexnow by the data center itself. These courses can be additionally included in the free elective area (20 free credit points). For this purpose, a correspondent application must be submitted to the examination office of your study program.

In principle, it should be noted that, as part of the IT training program, credit points are only awarded for completed modules at the data center. For students who are assigned to the "PA Phil" examinations office for the humanities (except for teaching posts), since November 2020, individual courses in IT training can also be recognized. This also applies to free electives!

The module catalog of the Computing Center is published here.

Recognition of RZ courses in the study programs of the I:IMSK

In the bachelor's subprograms Information Science, Media Informatics and Media Science, individual courses of the computing center are offered in LSF.

Only these courses of the Computing Center are recognized as credits in the courses themselves (and not in the free elective area). These computing center courses are recognized either for compulsory positions (e.g. MED-M02.3) or for the elective area of the subject (e.g. INF-M03.WB; registration under "subject internal performance" in Flexnow). The modules for which the respective data center course is recognized can be found in the module assignment for the respective event in LSF.

A rebooking of these individual data center courses in the free elective area is possible for students who are assigned to the examinations office for the humanities "PA Phil" (excluding teaching staff). Since recognition of individual courses in the free elective area has been made possible here since November 2020.

However, if individual computer center courses are included in the subject studied, they can be additionally booked in the IT training accompanying the course. In this case, however, it is not possible for the corresponding data center module to be recognized for the free elective area.

For individual computer center courses that you would like to include in your course of study, you must register in Flexnow yourself.

For information on Flexnow registration/deregistration times for the computer center courses, please contact the respective lecturer!

In case of problems with Flexnow registration for courses at the data center, Sonja Lemberger is your contact person.

  1. Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture

Institute of Information and Media, Language and Culture


Universit?t Regensburg

Universit?tsstra?e 31

D-93053 Regensburg