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Course Materials

Learning Material

The I:IMSK's study programs use the e-learning platform G.R.I.P.S. or the so-called K-drive to make e.g. sets of slides available online. In some courses, readers are provided in printed form or can be purchased e.g. in the respective secretariat or in the copy store on the university campus.


The G.R.I.P.S. (Joint Regensburg Internet Platform for Students) is the e-learning platform of the University of Regensburg and serves to support teaching. Among other things, sets of slides are provided, organizational matters are discussed and much more. If planned, it is recommended to register for the corresponding events in the e-learning portal for the event in order to have access to teaching materials and news forums.

Please note: In order to be able to obtain the materials, you must in any case authenticate yourself with your NDS account and, if necessary, "register" for the corresponding course on the platform. The respective password will be communicated to you in the respective courses.


K-drive is the abbreviation for course drive.

For example, if you are logged in at the University of Regensburg on a computer in the CIP-Pools with your NDS account, you can reach the K-drive via the drive with the letter "K". The study programs of I:IMSK can be found in the folder "PT" partly under abbreviations like "Infwiss" for Information Science.

Outside the university network, access to the K-drive is also possible via https://netstorage.uni-regensburg.de/NetStorage/ under Registration with the NDS account.

Design guidelines for term papers

Some of the chairs provide guidelines for the formal design of scientific papers. These can be found on the websites of the respective chairs.

If you have any questions regarding the formal design of your thesis, you are welcome to contact the academic advisor or the lecturers at any time.

Course Documents

The central documents for the study planning and organization of the I:IMSK study programs are

  1. Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture

Institute of Information and Media, Language and Culture


Universit?t Regensburg

Universit?tsstra?e 31

D-93053 Regensburg