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Dr.-Ing. Tanja Auge

I am a PostDoc at the chair for?Data Engineering?at the University of Regensburg. Since October 2022 I am focusing on reconstructability/reproducibility and plausibility in the field of data engineering. For this, I am cooperating with researches from different fields at the University of Regensburg as well as international colleges from the US, Germany or Austria.

Before joining University of Regensburg, I was a PhD student at the University of Rostock advised by Andraes Heuer at the Data Research Group. My PhD thesis is available?here. Prior to that, I studied Computer Science (M.Sc.) and Mathematics (M.Sc. and B.Sc.) at the University of Hamburg and the University of Rostock.

In my PhD thesis I combined the Chase -- a family of algorithms for database transformation -- with data provenance and additional annotations to compute an anonymized (minimal) sub-database of an original (research) database for a given evaluation query. To ensure the reproducibility, replicability or plausibility of a query result, the evaluations performed on the original database must also be feasible on the reconstructed sub-database. For this purpose I used a version of Chase&Backchase, an extension of Chase.

Research interests

My interests include a variety of subjects, such as

  • provenance, in particular data provenance
  • research data management
  • Chase algorithm
  • schema evolution

Publications (extraction)

  • Tanja Auge, Sascha Genehr, Meike Klettke, Frank Krüger, Max Schr?der:
    Towards dimensions and granularity in a unified workflow and data provenance framework. (Accepted for Publication)
  • Tanja Auge, Laura Waltersdorfer, Emil Michels, Susanna Feistel, Susanne Jürgensmann, Fajar J. Ekaputra, Meike Klettke:
    Towards an Integrated Provenance Framework -?A Scenario for Marine Data. (Accepted for Publication at TaPP 2024)
  • Tanja Auge, Fajar J. Ekaputra, Susanne Feistel, Susanne Jürgensmann, Meike Klettke, Laura Waltersdorfer:
    Challenges of Tracking Provenance in Marine Data.?IMDIS, 2024 (pdf)
  • Mark Lukas M?ller, Dominique Hausler, Sebastian Strasser, Tanja Auge and Meike Klettke:?
    Heterogeneity in NoSQL Databases: Challenges of Handling schema-less Data.?LWDA, 2023 (pdf)
  • Tanja Auge, Gunnar Bali, Meike Klettke, Bertram Lud?scher, Wolfgang S?ldner, Simon Weish?upl, Tilo Wettig:
    Provenance for Lattice QCD workflows. TaPP, 2023 (DOI)

  • Tanja Auge:
    ProSA - A provenance system for reproducing query results. TaPP, 2023 (DOI)

  • Tanja Auge, Andreas?Heuer:?
    Tracing the History of the Baltic Sea Oxygen Level?Evolution and Provenance for Research Data Management.?BTW, 2021 (DOI)

  • Tanja Auge:?
    Extended Provenance Management for Data Science Applications.?PhD@VLDB, 2020 (pdf)

For further publications see dblp or the list below.


  • ProSA Pipeline — Provenance conquers the CHASE.?University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, School of Information Sciences, 2022

  • Schema Evolution in Research Data. Spring Symposium Databaeses,?2024

Full list of publications

Articles and Workshop papers:

  • Mark Lukas M?ller, Dominique Hausler, Sebastian Strasser, Tanja Auge and Meike Klettke:?
    Heterogeneity in NoSQL Databases: Challenges of Handling schema-less Data. LWDA 2023 (pdf)

  • Tanja Auge:?
    ProSA -?A provenance system for reproducing query results. TaPP, 2023

  • Tanja Auge, Gunnar Bali, Meike Klettke, Bertram?Lud?scher, Wolfgang S?ldner, Simon Weish?upl, Tilo Wettig:?
    Provenance for Lattice QCD workflows.?TaPP,?2023

  • Tanja Auge,?Moritz Hanzig,?Andreas Heuer:?
    ProSA Pipeline: Provenance Conquers the Chase.?ADBIS, 2022 (DOI)

  • Tanja Auge,?Andreas Heuer:?
    Enhanced Inversion of Schema Evolution with Provenance.?
    CoRR?abs/2211.13810, 2022?(pdf)

  • Tanja Auge, Nic?Scharlau, Andreas?G?rres, Jakob, Zimmer, Andreas?Heuer:
    ChaTEAU -?A Universal Toolkit for Applying the?Chase.?
    CoRR?abs/2206.01643, 2022 (pdf)

  • Tanja Auge, Nic Scharlau, Andreas?Heuer:?
    Provenance and Privacy in ProSA -?A Guided Interview on Privacy-Aware Provenance.?DEXA Workshops, 2021. (DOI)

  • Tanja Auge, Nic?Scharlau, Andreas?Heuer:?
    Privacy Aspects of Provenance Queries.?IPAW, 2021 (DOI)

  • Tanja Auge, Andreas?Heuer:?
    Tracing the History of the Baltic Sea Oxygen Level?Evolution and Provenance for Research Data Management.?BTW, 2021 (DOI)

  • Tanja Auge, Erik Manthey, Susanne?Jürgensmann, Susanne Feistel, Andreas?Heuer:?
    Schema Evolution and Reproducibility of Long-term Hydrographic Data Sets at the IOW.?LWDA, 2020 (pdf)

  • Tanja Auge:
    Extended Provenance Management for Data Science Applications.
    PhD@VLDB, 2020?(pdf)

  • Tanja Auge, Andreas Heuer:
    ProSA - Using the CHASE for Provenance Management. ADBIS, 2019 (DOI)

  • Tanja Auge, Andreas?Heuer:?
    The Theory behind Minimizing Research Data -?Result equivalent CHASE-inverse Mappings.?LWDA, 2018 (pdf)

  • Tanja Auge, Andreas?Heuer:?
    Combining Provenance Management and Schema Evolution, Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes. IPAW,?2018 (DOI)

  • Tanja Auge, Andreas Heuer:?
    Inverse im Forschungsdatenmanagement - Eine Kombination aus Provenance Management, Schema- und Daten-Evolution.?
    Grundlagen von Datenbanken, 2018 (pdf)

  • Robin Nicolay,?Nikolaj Troels Graf von Malotky,?Tanja Auge,?Alke Martens:
    Autonomous Semantic Structuring of Lecture Topics -?Synthesis of Knowledge Models.?CSEDU,?2017 (DOI)


  • Tanja Auge:?
    Umsetzung von Provenance-Anfragen in Big-Data-Analytics-Umgebungen.
    Master Thesis, University of Rostock, 2017 (pdf)

Scientific Services

External Reviewer

  • CIKM 2023


  • LWDA 2023 (Track Chair FGDB)

University self-administration

  • Member in the faculty council, representative of the scientific staff, University of Regensburg, Faculty for Informatics and Data Science

  • Representative for the equality of women in academia and the arts, University of

    Regensburg, Faculty for Informatics and Data Science


Lectures and Seminars:


  • ?bungen zu Datenbanken (SS24)


  • ?bungen zu Programmieren I (WS23/24)

  • Seminar Data Engineering (SS23)


Work in Progress:

  • Aufarbeitung von Standards und Methoden im Forschungsdatenmanagement (Bachelorarbeit)
  • Studie zur Anforderungsanalyse für ein eigenes uni-weites Forschungsdatenmanagementsystem (Bachelorarbeit)

open topics:

  • Untersuchung und Systematisierung von Forschungsdatenmanagmentsystemen (Masterarbeit)

Curriculum vitae

Scientific career

June 2023 PhD in Computer Science,
Universiy of Rostock, Germany
February 2023 Research Visit at TU Wien, Austria
since October 2022

Faculty for Informatics and Data Science,
Data Engineering,
University of Regensburg, Germany

August 2022

Research Visit at?School of Information Sciences,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,?USA


PhD student,
Institute for?Computer Science,
Database and Information Systems,
University of Rostock, Germany


Research assistant,
Institute for Computer Science,
Practical Informatics,
University of Rostock, Germany


Graduate student of Computer Science,
University of Rostock, Germany?


Graduate student of Mathematics,
University of Rostock, Germany


Undergraduate student of Mathematics,
University of Hamburg, Germany

  1. Fakult?t für Informatik und Data Science

Lehrstuhl Data Engineering

Dr.-Ing. Tanja Auge

Telefon: 0941 943-68616

E-Mail: tanja.auge@ur.de

Raum 636