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ProSA: Provenance Management using Schema mappings with Annotations

In our project?Provenance Management using Schema mappings with Annotations, we use additional provenance information to determine which part of a huge amount of data is necessary for evaluating a query result in terms of reproducibility, reconstructability and traceability. The determined source data we call?(minimal) sub-database.

In ProSA, we answer questions such as: (i) Where does the data come from, (ii) why, and (iii) how is a query result calculated, by combining the?CHASE?-- a technique for transforming databases -- with data provenance. The same technique allows us to process temporal databases as well. Query evaluation, evolution and their corresponding inverses are processed by the?CHASE, implemented in a separate library called?ChaTEAU.

Note: ProSA was developed at the University of Rostock and is now being further developed at the University of Regensburg.



  • Auge:?ProSA: A provenance system for reproducing query results. WWW (Companium Volumn), 2023 (paper)
  • Auge:?Provenance Management unter Verwendung von Schemaabbildungen mit Annotationen. University of Rostock, Germany,?2023 (pdf)
  • Auge, Hanzig, Heuer: ProSA Pipeline -- Provenance Conquers the Chase. ADBIS (Short Paper), 2023 (paper)
  • Auge, Scharlau, Zimmer, G?rres, Heuer: ChaTEAU -- A Universal Toolkit for Applying the Chase, 2022 (paper)
  • Auge, Scharlau, Heuer: Provenance and Privacy in ProSA -- A Guided Interview on Privacy-Aware Provenance. DEXA Workshops, 2021?(paper)
  • Auge: Extended Provenance Management for Data Science Applications. PhD@VLDB, 2020 (paper)
  • Auge, Heuer: ProSA -- Using the CHASE for Provenance Management. ADBIS, 2019 (paper)

  1. Fakult?t für Informatik und Data Science

Lehrstuhl Data Engineering

Dr.-Ing. Tanja Auge

Telefon: 0941 943-68616

E-Mail: tanja.auge@ur.de

Raum 636