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Jennifer Landes

My research focuses on the design, enhancement, and evaluation of a preprocessing pipeline for eye-tracking data. The pipeline consists of multiple stages, including the detection and treatment of missing values and outliers, data normalization, as well as optional steps such as, smoothing and filtering. The pipeline's evaluation involves applying various methods at each stage and analyzing their impact on classification performance, specifically using a Random Forest classifier.

Research Interests

  • Mathematical models of Maschine Learning
  • Data Science
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Preprocessing



Lectures and Seminars:


  • IT-Grundlagen 1 und Programmierung at Hochschule Neu-Ulm (SS23 - WS24)



  • SS 24: Vorhersage von Betrugsversuchen nach einer Prüfung duch Auswertung von Eye-Tracking Daten mithilfe von Machine Learning in Python (Bachelor Thesis)
  • SS 24: Digitale Integrit?t: Untersuchung von Schummeldynamiken in digitalen Prüfungen durch Eye-Tracking und statistischer Auswertung (Bachelor Thesis)


  • WS22: Untersuchung von T?uschungsverhalten in digitalen Prüfungen - Identifikation von Einflussfaktoren mithilfe von machinellem Lernen (Master's Thesis)
  • SS22: Die Entwicklung eines Chatbot-Prototypes zur automatisierten Beantworung von Studierendenfragen zu Vorlesungsinhalten (Master's Thesis)

Curriculum Vitae

Scientific Career

since 07/2024 Research Assistant with focus on AI, Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena, Germany
since 2023

PhD student at the Faculty for Computer Science and Data Science, Data Engineering Group, University of Regensburg, Germany

2022-2023 Research Assistant with focus on Data Science and AI, Hochschule Neu-Ulm, Germany
2013-2022 Research Assistant, University of Heidelberg, Germany

Graduate student of Business Informatics, University of Mannheim, Germany

2007-2010 Undergraduate student of Business Informatics, University of Mannheim, Germany

  1. Fakult?t für Informatik und Data Science

Lehrstuhl Data Engineering

Jennifer Landes