Zu Hauptinhalt springen

aktuelle Promotionen und Habilitationen

Aktuelle Promotionen

Sonja Bayer???????????????????

Einfluss des famili?ren Kontexts auf die MINT-Interessenentwicklung


Linda Beckerle????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The professional (state) self-concept: The central mediator in the context of occupational stress?

Bernhard Frühwirth

The gender representations of care and STEM occupations in textbooks

Louisa Graeff?

Conditions for successful interconnection of in-school and out-of-school STEM promotion with a focus on gender ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Fabian Heller????????????? ? ? ? ? ?

Role models: When are they (in)effective? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Dr. Marina Kaas

Lurking im virtuellen akademischen F?rderkontext: Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens auf einer Online-Mentoring-Plattform

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Katharina Kaifer????????

Links between fine motor skills and reading across the lifespan ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Viktoria Karle

Effects of fine and gross motor skills on learning to read and write in the context of embodied cognition theory

Shirley Kwok?????

Wellbeing of East-Asian students ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Matthias Mader

Implicit theories on mentoring???? ? ? ???????????????????????????????????????

Steffi Kiener

Stefanie Stiller

Soziotopanalyse im Hinblick auf die akademische Lern-/Leistungsf?higkeit im Grundschulalter

Dr. Claudia Uebler??????

Predicting premature match closure in online mentoring for girls in STEM???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Rebecca Winter

Rebecca Winter

The link between fine motor skills and language - does gesture play a role?

Aktuelle Habilitationen

Dr. Daniel Patrick Balestrini

Assessing environmental background variables important for successful mentoring in talent development and gifted education (e.g., in outlier arts)

Dr. Tobias Debatin

Self-concept and educational choices in STEM: A research
program on developmental aspects, interventions, and gender differences

Ursulafischer Mh

Dr. Ursula Fischer

On the interplay between fine motor skills, finger counting and numerical processing

Michael Heilemann

Dr. Michael Heilemann

Conditions of successful talent development in digital mentoring processes

Dr. Linlin Luo

Effective mentoring for talent development in STEMM

Dr. Benjamin Matthes

  1. Fakult?t für Humanwissenschaften
  2. Institut für Bildungswissenschaft