Martyna’s background is in Literary and Cultural Studies. She was a member of?the Urban Studies Centre at the University of Warsaw and the working group “Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities” (Dariah.Lab) at?the Polish Academy of?Sciences.
She specializes in?20th and 21st-century literature and art, with a focus on?spatial studies, particularly from?ecocritical and geopoetic perspectives. She is the co-author of?the book?The Handshake, dedicated to?Józef Robakowski’s performance (Monopol Foundation, Warsaw 2021), and has served as an editor for several art catalogues.
As a postdoc in “Light On!,” Martyna works on the monograph project tentatively titled?Queer Ecologies in the Shadows: Rediscovering Queer Women Authors in Socialist Poland.
“Typing Beyond Tradition: Women’s Writing Practices and the Challenge to Heteronormative Domesticity in Socialist Poland,”?Connexe. Les espaces postcommunistes en question(s)?2023, 9 (1):?
?Alternatywne tryby tekstualno?ci”, czyli o performatywno?ci wierszy-partytur [‘Alternative modes of textuality’, or the performativity of score-poems], in:?Miro/For 3, ed. Agnieszka Karpowicz, Igor Piotrowski, s?owo/obraz terytoria, Gdańsk 2023.?
“Szafa z kochankami. Praktyki przes?aniania, ods?aniania i zas?aniania historii Obór w twórczo?ci Mirona Bia?oszewskiego” [Lovers in the Closet: The Practices of Covering, Uncovering and Recovering the History of Obory in Miron Bia?oszewski’s Works],?Bia?ostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze?2022 (21).?