Ultrafast Dynamics and High-Harmonic Generation in Solids
When irradiating solids with a laser pulse of frequency ω, the emitted radiation can feature high-harmonic frequencies?nω, n∈N. We simulate high-harmonic generation by electron quantum dynamics to explore exciting physics in exotic materials. [read more]
Molecular Electronics
Molecules represent classes of quantum dots that exhibit unique properties. A profound fundamental interest is especially in molecular systems close to instabilities, because the latter tend to leave a pronounced effects on the transport characteristics. [read more]
Molecular Materials and Transport
Molecular Materials comprise a broad class of solids? including graphene, supramolecular structures and? hypothetical metamaterials. Their cooperative properties are rich, tunable and can often be obtained quantitatively with sophisticated ab intio methods. [read more]
Anderson Transitions and Quantum Criticality in Novel Materials: Topological Insulators, Graphene and Friends
Disorder of some kind is a ubiquitous encounter in any macroscopic solid. From the fundamental point of view it creates novel material classes where interference, quantum phase transitions and the physics of rare events dominate the phase diagrams. [read more]
GW method development
GW is the state-of-the-art method to compute band structures of solids and electronic levels in molecules. Today's largest supercomputers are required, when applying GW to systems with more than hundred atoms. We work on a low-scaling GW algorithm to enable GW for thousands of atoms. [read more]
Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Evers
Dr. Jan Wilhelm
Institute of Theoretical Physics
University of Regensburg
Universit?tsstra?e 31
D-93053 Regensburg
Sabine Lang,
Katja Herrmann-Nadolski