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B.A. (Bachelor of Arts)

The B.A. History of Art provides the foundation for later specialisation in all areas of our discipline. After having completed an elementary study period, you will have gained basic insights into art historical methodology and an overview of Western history of art and architecture. Subsequently, you have the opportunity to specialise within the framework of advanced courses and practical seminars as well as field trips according to your personal interests. The programme is completed after 6 semesters with a final thesis.

At the University of Regensburg, you can enrol for the B.A. History of Art as part of a combinational Bachelor's programme. History of Art courses can be chosen as your first or second major subject or as your minor subject as well. You have the possibility to start the programme in the winter and summer semester. The programme is not subject to admission restrictions. Knowledge of Latin is not required.

Course of Studies and Modular Overview

For your orientation, we have compiled an ideal course of study for students in the Bachelor's first major subject, the second major subject, and the minor subject. Depending on whether you start in the winter or summer semester, the course of study varies.

An overview of the individual modules' structure is given here:

Module Catalogue (valid from winter semester 2017/18)

Course Selection

You can register for courses via SPUR. For most courses, registration is open until the beginning of every lecture period. Then, places are assigned. If you are not admitted directly but were allocated a place on the waiting list, you should nevertheless attend the first session in order to be able to take over a free seminar place if one becomes available.


Registration for examinations takes place via FlexNow. Regarding seminars, you can register and de-register for exams until the last day of the semester (30th September in the winter semester, 31st March in the summer semester). For written and oral examinations, a different date is set and announced on LSF. You can find the exact dates for each semester on the notice board beside the secretary's office. Also, these dates are communicated at the beginning of every semester. After the specified deadlines have passed, individual registration and de-registration for examinations is not possible.

Written assignments must be handed in by the last day of the semester.

A no-show in an examination or the failure to submit a written assignment in time will both result in a "fail". In case of illness on the day of examination, follow the guidelines of the Examination Office for Humanities.

Examinations can usually be repeated up to two times.

Details are regulated by the examination regulations and module handbook:

Overview of Examination Regulations (valid from winter semester 2017/18)

You can transfer courses from one module to another in FlexNow by approval only. Courses the results of which have already been booked in FlexNow can be rescheduled via the Examination Office for Humanities.

For further information regarding the modalities of examination and corresponding application forms, in particular the registration of B.A. theses, please take a closer look at the Examination Office for Humanities' website.


In the History of Art Bachelor's programme, you can include a four-week internship as part of your course of study (KUGBA-M08).

A recognisable connection of your internship to the field of history of art must be given.

For crediting, all internships require the prior approval of the academic advisor. The filled in consent form can be handed in during office hours.

Afterwards, you should register for the B.A. internship in FlexNow.

Please note the information on the internship report?that you have to hand in after the internship's completion.

  2. Faculty of Philosophy, Fine Arts, History and Humanities
