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Prospective Students

Which Skills Should a Student of History of Art Have? Essential Requirements

If you have excellent observation skills and the ability to analyse facts, if you have the capacity to vividly present concepts as well as to recognise and describe historical contexts, then you fulfil the essential requirements for studying history of art.

If you enjoy writing texts and discussing originals on site alike – we would be very happy to welcome you at the Institute of History of Art.

How About a Trial Study?

Are you interested in studying history of art, but not sure yet? If you want to get a first impression of history of art’s contents and event formats, you can subscribe to the online course "Trial Study in History of Art" on the teaching platform GRIPS, which provides virtual access to lectures and seminars for a short period of time.

If you are interested in participating, you are welcome to contact institut.kunstgeschichte@ur.de.

What Does Studying History of Art Offer? Post-graduate Perspectives

The broad range of methodological instruments taught in a history of art's course of study provides the competence to conduct sophisticated analyses of visual environments with all its objects. During your studies you will also become equipped with key skills in processing, elaborating, and communicating visual facts. The skills provided form a broad basis for you to build a career on, both within and beyond the typical professions of the arts and culture sector.

Naturally, the museum continues to be one of the classic professional fields. There, you can dedicate yourself to the task of preserving, collecting, researching, and making works of art accessible to the public.

Yet altogether, there is a variety of opportunities for you to start your post-graduate career in the following fields, local and international alike:

Science (universities, specialized research institutions); state, municipal and private museums; higher and lower landmark authorities; exhibition sector (curatorial work, guided tours, loan traffic, logistics, etc.); insurance (expert witness, claims management regulator, etc.); tourism (tour guide, programme development); cultural sector (event organisation and management, consultant in cultural institutions, employee in libraries and archives); journalism (editor at news agencies, publishing houses, radio, television, online media); art trade (galleries, auction houses, etc.); public relations (in art societies, companies, institutions, associations, foundations, etc.).

Bachelor of Arts: Application, Admission, and Enrolment

At the University of Regensburg, the Bachelor's programme History of Art is not subject to any admission restrictions for enrolling in History of Art neither as first or second major subject nor as minor subject.

Therefore, no special application process is required. Enrolment in time is sufficient for admission to the programme.

Applicants from abroad are welcome. For questions regarding applications from abroad and requirements for admission to the programme, please contact the International Office.?

International students must be aware of the fact the history of art study programme is conducted in German. Therefore, a sufficient level of German is required through the German Language Test for University Admission ("Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang"; DSH).

? ? ?

Application Deadlines?

Bachelor of History of Art ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? No specific application required


Bachelor of History of Art ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? See Registrar's Office Information?

(Applicants from abroad) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

The programme is not subject to admission restrictions.?

? ? ??

Enrolment Deadlines?

Bachelor of History of Art ????????????????????????????????See Registrar's Office Information


Bachelor of History of Art ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? See Letter of Admission

(Applicants from abroad)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Master of Arts: Application, Admission, and Enrolment

The deadline to apply for admission to the Master's programme History of Art is 15th July for the winter semester and 15th January for the summer semester.

To applicate, please submit the following documents:

  • Application for Admission
  • Informative Cover Letter about academic background and the goals one wishes to achieve with the Master's degree programme
  • Proof of a first university degree with at least 180 ECTS
  • "Abitur" or equivalent certificates that testify to the completion of one's secondary education and allow the admission to higher education on university level; a non-certified copy is sufficient

If one did not obtain one's secondary education degree or first university degree at a German-speaking educational institution, it is necessary to contact the International Office for further information concerning the application process.

Please note that further documents are required for administrative reasons, see also the last bullet: German Language Skills

  • Tabular Curriculum Vitae
  • Documents sufficiently proving the following admission requirements being met:
    • Proof of academic achievement in the subject of History of Art: at least 60 ECTS
    • Proof of above-average performance in one's first university degree: in principle, grades have to be "good" at least
    • Proof of English language skills: level B2 CEFR
    • Proof of reading skills in a second modern foreign language: at level B2 CEFR, preferably in French, Italian, Dutch or Spanish
  • German Language Skills?

If one wishes to apply but has not obtained one's secondary education degree or a first university degree at a German-speaking educational institution, one also must prove German language skills.

Skills at the level DHS-2 (similar to C1 CERF) of the German Language Test for University Admission ("Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang"; DSH) or of an equivalent German examination are required.

Admission can also be granted subject to the fulfilment of these requirements until 2nd semester of study. However, a certificate proving the German language skills has to be shown by the first enrolment already.

If one has not yet completed one's first university degree by the application's deadline, it is still possible to apply for a place if one proves to have already taken examinations worth of 150 ECTS in one's first university degree programme.

The certificate of completion can be submitted until 2nd semester.

Please send the application to the following address:

Institut für Kunstgeschichte
Universit?t Regensburg
Universit?tsstra?e 31

93053 Regensburg

Applicants will be notified in writing of the decision on their application for admission.

Re-application for admission is possible.

  2. Faculty of Philosophy, Fine Arts, History and Humanities
