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Research Network KNOW-IN: Knowledge Infrastructures: Circulation, Transfer and Translation of Knowledge across Borders

Project by Dr. Carmen Dexl und Dr. Christian Rei?

This CITAS-funded research network “Knowledge Infrastructures: Circulation, Transfer and Translation of Knowledge across Borders” (short: KNOW-IN) explores the interconnections between infrastructures and knowledge production and the processes of circulation, transfer, and translation they facilitate across and beyond borders. We bring together scholars from multiple disciplinary and institutional backgrounds to build on a set of case studies from a broad variety of historical and cultural contexts to put Area Studies and Science and Technology Studies into a productive conversation.

How do infrastructures create connections that enable the generation, circulation, translation, and dissemination of various forms of knowledge across cultural, regional, or national borders? And conversely, how do these (emerging) forms of knowledge contribute to the construction, stabilization and maintenance of infrastructures? How exactly do infrastructures manifest, for instance as institutions or institutional webs, agents, gatekeepers, routes, and other structures of transfer, translation, and circulation? What role do they play for knowledge production by enabling the transmission of cultural goods and objects, material, people, or ideas, thus creating spaces for inter- and transnational collaborations and alliances or zones for intercultural and intellectual exchange? This is the central set of questions our transdisciplinary network focuses on in its collective research.


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  1. Fakult?t für Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften
  2. Institut für Philosophie