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Master's Program (English)

History of Science

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Our M.A. program presents students with historical knowledge from various disciplines. Thereby a platform within the university is created for historically substantiated reflection about sciences from many different intellectual cultures.

Important Information

Type of Study

Full Time Aptitude Assessment

Required Language Proficiency

Start of Program
English and German Winter or Summer Term (October or April, respectively)

Language of Instruction

Standard Duration of Study
English and German 4 Semesters


Regensburg 120 ECTS

Student Service Fee
€165.00 (Oktober 2022)

Information about the Degree

Goal of the Program

The goal of this program is to convey the contents and methods of the History of Science on an advanced level. This is done in order to prepare the student for various occupations, but also for the possibility of further qualifications in research and academia. The master¡¯s program is based on the specific profile of the Professorship in the History of Science at the University of Regensburg, but is also aligned with the international state of research. The interdisciplinary program is supposed to enable the student to historically analyze scientific knowledge, in the widest sense, as a social system and a cultural phenomenon. While keeping an eye on the current state of research, students will also learn to deal with the material and visual cultures of the sciences, and even learn to handle objects and instruments. The core subjects, specific to the program are organized according to the perspectives ¡°concepts of nature and the ordering of knowledge¡± and ¡°science and society¡±. These two areas are related to each other in a complementary way. One of the unique opportunities for students of the master¡¯s program in Regensburg is an engagement with a student body that derives from both the humanities and the natural and exact sciences. Our students are thus introduced to the other academic cultures and backgrounds which furthers the deeply interdisciplinary aspect of this degree.

Example of program structuring

Program Structure

Generally, our students study a single discipline of their choosing. However, individual academic courses can be structured in a way that the contents of the program can be made up of several fields of study, and thus supporting a more interdisciplinary mode.

List of Program Modules

Example of Program Structure

Language of instruction

The subjects are taught in English and German. Therefore, students should also be comfortable reading in both languages. Additionally, students who wish to write their master¡¯s thesis in the subjects of medieval or early modern History of Science are required to have a Latin certificate.


Further Required Expertise

Modern information society is not only based on science, it is also increasingly dependent on knowledge about science and its various roles. Organization of science and research, the circulation and reception of knowledge in the media and the public, and the evaluation of knowledge and the consequences of science, all require perspectival and contextualized reasoning. Those who have learned to critically and historically analyze knowledge with regard to its social, institutional, political, intellectual, and cultural preconditions, the mechanisms of transition or maintenance of scientific knowledge over time, can follow the consequences and implications of these for a variety of fields, and are exposed to the history of science are ideally suited to fulfil these requirements.

Professional Opportunities

The study of the History of Science critically engages knowledge about science that is increasingly important in society and politics today. Therefore, historians of science would be qualified to work in the fields of scientific communication and public relations, in scientific administration or as scientific journalists for publishers, research libraries, scientific and business archives, or in science and technology museums. The master¡¯s program especially prepares students for subsequent research activities, such as pursuing a doctorate.

Regulations for Studies and Examinations

Examination Regulations

Application and Admission

Admission Requirements

Admission to the master¡¯s program is based on an admission assessment. The assessment requires an undergraduate degree, either in a field of the humanities, such as a historical, cultural or social subject, or in a field of the natural sciences or mathematics. The acquisition of expertise in multiple branches of academia as well as interdisciplinary abilities are part of the program. Due to the varying undergraduate degrees and the variety of subject combinations that they are to be based on, students are required to meet with an authorized teacher of the History of Science for two detailed guidance discussions within the first three semesters.


After a successful admissions assessment for the master¡¯s program in the History of Science you can enroll in the student record office.

Information for enrollment can be found here.

Students who wish to write their master¡¯s thesis in the subjects of medieval or early modern History of Science are required to have a Latin certificate.


Required Documents for Enrollment

Applications should be sent to the Faculty for History of Science:

Professur f¨¹r Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Universit?t Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg

The application must include (it is sufficient for certificates to be sent in copy):

  • Tabular Curriculum Vitae
  • Proof of Higher Education Entrance Qualification
  • Proof of Language Skills
    • Foreign students are further required to show proof of their German language qualifications. For more information, click here.
  • Proof of an earlier degree, proving professional qualification (BA, Magister, diploma, state exam) with a grade of ¡°good¡± or better (on a German grading scale) or equivalent
  • Proof of relevant content of study and extracurricular activities, (also pertinent work experience, internships, etc.) if there is a connection to the intended course of History of Science
  • Letter of Motivation for wanting to study History of Science on a maximum of 3 pages.

Further information regarding application documents for foreign applicants

Application Deadlines

Start in the winter term (starting in October): July 15

Start in the summer term (staring in April): January 15

Further information for foreign applicants


Both internal and external internships, such as in an archival or museum setting may be counted towards the program, as long as they serve a professional field related to the academic degree.

In case of questions, please contact:

Dr. Christian Rei?

Building Philosophie/Theologie, Roomnumber PT 4.3.16

Phone 0941 943 3642

E-mail: christian.reiss@psk.uni-regensburg.de

  1. Fakult?t f¨¹r Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften
  2. Institut f¨¹r Philosophie

Professorship for History of Science

Postal Address:
Universit?t Regensburg
D-93040 Regensburg

Physical Address:
Universit?tsstra?e 31
D-93053 Regensburg