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Dezember 2022

Mikrobiologie und Hygiene

Erstautorin: Clara Magnus

Letztautor: Prof. Dr. med. Barbara Schmidt

Targeted escape of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro from monoclonal antibody S309, the precursor of sotrovimab

Magnus C.L., Hiergeist A, Schuster P, Rohrhofer A, Medenbach J, Gessner A, Peterhoff D, Schmidt B.

Publikation Volltext

November 2022

Innere Medizin II - Kardiologie, Pneumologie, Internistische Intensivmedizin

Erstautoren: Dr. med. Simon Lebek
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Dr. med. Philipp Hegner

Letztautor: Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Wagner

NaV1.8 dysregulates Na and Ca leading to arrhythmias in patients with sleep-disordered breathing

Lebek S*, Hegner P*, Hultsch R, Rohde J, Rupprecht L, Schmid C, Sossalla S, Maier L.S., Arzt M, Wagner S.

*geteilte Erstautorenschaft


Oktober 2022

Innere Medizin III - H?matologie und Internistische Onkologie

Erstautor: Dr. med. Peter Siska

Kynurenine induces T cell fat catabolism and has limited suppressive effects in vivo, eBIOMedicine

Siska P.J, J, Matos C, Singer K, Berger R.S, Dettmer K, Oefner P.J, Cully M.D, Wang Z, QuinnII W.J, Oliff K.N, Wilkins B.J, Christensen L.M, Wang L.W, Hancock W.W, Baur J.A, Levine M.H, Ugele I, Mayr R, Renner K, Zhou L, Kreutz M, Beier U.H.


September 2022


Erstautorin: Antonia F?rch

Letztautor: Prof. Dr. Stephan Schreml

Expression of Proton-Sensitive GPR31, GPR151, TASK1 and TASK3 in Common Skin Tumors

F?rch A, Wallner S, Zeman F, Ettl T, Brochhausen C, Schreml S.


August 2022


Erstautorin: Dr. med. Dr. med. univ. Julia G?tz

Letztautor: Dr. med. Jens Schaumburger

Animal experimental investigation on the efficacy of antibiotic therapy with linezolid, vancomycin, cotrimoxazole, and rifampin in treatment of periprosthetic knee joint infections by MRSA

J. Goetz, V. Keyssner, F. Hanses, F. Greimel, F. Lei?, T. Schwarz, H-R. Springorum, J. Grifka, J. Schaumburger.


Juli 2022

Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie

Erstautor: Julian Triebelhorn

Letztautor: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Wetzel

Induced neural progenitor cells and iPS-neurons from major depressive disorder patients show altered bioenergetics and electrophysiological properties

Triebelhorn J, Cardon I, Kuffner K, Bader S, Jahner T, Meindl K, Rothhammer-Hampl T, Riemenschneider MJ, Drexler K, Berneburg M, Nothdurfter C, Manook A, Brochhausen C, Baghai TC, Hilbert S, Rupprecht R, Milenkovic VM, Wetzel C.H.


Juni 2022


Erstautor: PD Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Christian Kirschneck

Letztautorin PD Dr. Agnes Schr?der

Myeloid HIF1α Is Involved in the Extent of Orthodontically Induced Tooth Movement. Biomedicines

Kirschneck C, Stra?mair N, Cieplik F, et al.


Mai 2022

Innere Medizin II - Kardiologie, Pneumologie und Internistische Intensivmedizin

Letztautor: Prof. Dr. med. Samuel Sossalla

Detrimental proarrhythmogenic interaction of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II and NaV1.8 in heart failure

Bengel P, Dybkova N, Tirilomis P, Ahmad S, Hartmann N , Mohamed B.A, Krekeler M.C, Maurer W, Pabel S, Trum M, Mustroph J, Gummert J, Milting H, Wagner S, Ljubojevic-Holzer S, Toischer K, Maier L.S, Hasenfuss G, Streckfuss-B?meke K, Sossalla S.


April 2022

Neurologie / Mikrobiologie und Hygiene

Erstautor: Dr. med. Bernhard Neumann

Letztautor: Dr. med. Markus Bauswein

Antibodies against viral nucleo-, phospho-, and X protein contribute to serological diagnosis of fatal Borna disease virus 1 infections

Neumann B; Angstwurm K, Linker R.A, Knoll G, Eidenschink L, Rubbenstroth D, Schlottau K, Beer M, Schreiner P, Soutschek E, B?hmer M.M, Lampl B.M.J, Matthias Pregler M, Alexander Scheiter A, Katja Evert K, Zoubaa S,? M.J. Riemenschneider, Asbach B, Gessner A, Niller H.N, Schmidt B, Bauswein M.


M?rz 2022

Innere Medizin III - H?matologie und Internistische Onkologie

Erstautor: Dr. Peter Siska

Letztautorin: Prof. Dr. med. Kathrin Renner-Sattler

Metabolic imbalance of T cells in COVID-19 is hallmarked by basigin and mitigated by dexamethasone

Peter J. Siska, Sonja-Maria Decking, Nathalie Babl, Carina Matos, Christina Bruss, Katrin Singer, Jana Klitzke, Marian Sch?n, Jakob Simeth, Josef K?stler, Heiko Siegmund, Ines Ugele, Michael Paulus, Alexander Dietl, Kristina Kolodova, Louisa Steines, Katharina Freitag, Alice Peuker, Gabriele Sch?nhammer, Johanna Raithel, Bernhard Graf, Florian Geismann, Matthias Lubnow, Matthias Mack, Peter Hau, Christopher Bohr, Ralph Burkhardt, Andre Gessner, Bernd Salzberger, Ralf Wagner, Frank Hanses, Florian Hitzenbichler, Daniel Heudobler, Florian Lüke, Tobias Pukrop, Wolfgang Herr, Daniel Wolff, Rainer Spang, Hendrik Poeck, Petra Hoffmann, Jonathan Jantsch, Christoph Brochhausen, Dirk Lunz,?Michael Rehli, Marina Kreutz, and Kathrin Renner


Februar 2022

Zahnerhaltung und Paradontologie

Erstautor: Xiaojun Mao

Letztautor: PD Dr. Fabian Cieplik

Colonization of Helicobacter pylori in the oral cavity – an endless controversy? Critical Reviews in Microbiology

Mao X, Jakubovics N.S., B?chle M, Buchalla W, Hiller K.A, Maisch T, Hellwig E, Kirschneck C, Gessner A, Al-Ahmad A, Cieplik F.


Januar 2022

Innere Medizin III - H?matologie und Internistische Onkologie

Erstautorin: Dr. med. Elisabeth Meedt

Letztautor: PD. Dr. med. Daniela Weber

Prolonged suppression of butyrate producing bacteria is associated with acute gastrointestinal graft-versus-host disease and transplant related mortality after allogeneic stem cell transplantation

Meedt E, Hiergeist A, Gessner A, et al.




UR - Universit?t Regensburg
Fakult?t für Medizin

am Universit?tsklinikum
Franz-Josef-Strau?-Allee 11
93053 Regensburg