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Guided Clustering

?Combined analysis of a microarray and experimental data

An R package for the joint analysis of clinical microarray profiles and additional per gene measurements.

GuidedClustering - A method for the combined analysis of a microarray and experimental data

GuidedClustering is a method for the combined analysis of a (clinical) microarray data set and experimental data. The experimental data may be a second microarray data set representing a perturbation experiment containing a perturbed ond control group. Alternatively it may be any kind other of data that gives gene wise information about the experimental response.


Genomic data integration using guided clustering
Matthias Maneck, Alexandra Schrader, Dieter Kube and Rainer Spang
Bioinformatics 2011, Epub ahead of Print
[ PMID: 21685050 | doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btr363 ]


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  1. Department of Medicine
  2. Institute of Functional Genomics