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Regensburg Lectures in Medical Bioinformatics 2018

Improving the detection of genomic structural variants... more


Glanzlichter biomedizinischer Forschung Welche und wieviele Bakterien leben gerade in Ihrem Darm?

Die Frage im Titel wird wissenschaftlich und diagnostisch immer wichtiger. Unser Darm ist durch eine komplexe Gemeinschaft von Mikroorganismen besiedelt, dem Darm-Mikrobiom. Die Zusammensetzung dieser Gemeinschaft beeinflusst unsere Gesundheit. ... more


Bioinformatics Course on RNA-Seq analysis

The Bioinformatics course on ‘Analysis of NextGen RNA-Seq data for expression profiling and protein-binding RNAs’ took place from October 10th to 14th at the University of Regensburg. The Graduate Research Academy RNA Biology hosted several renowned experts in the field that delivered fascinating, public lectures addressing state-of-the-art methods for gene expression profiling and RNP analysis.... more


Together with M.Feist (Kube group in G?ttingen), we analyzed interactions of signaling pathways in B cell lymphomas and published in Int. J. Cancer

M. Feist et.al, Synergy of Interleukin 10 and Toll-like receptor 9 signalling in B cell proliferation: implications for lymphoma pathogenesis... more


M.Altenbuchinger and colleagues published results on zero-sum regression for a reference point insensitive analysis in Bioinformatics

Altenbuchinger et.al, Reference point insensitive molecular data analysis.... more


Method Course Oct 16

10- 14 October 2016 | Universit?t Regensburg | Graduate Research Academy RNA Biology... more


M.Pirkl and colleagues introduced Boolean Nested Effect Models (B-NEM) for reconstructing signalling pathways in Bioinformatics

Pirkl et al., Analyzing synergistic and non-synergistic interactions in signalling pathways using Boolean Nested Effect Models... more

  1. Department of Medicine
  2. Institute of Functional Genomics

Statistical Bioinformatics

Prof. Dr. Rainer Spang


University of Regensburg
Am BioPark 9
93053 Regensburg, Germany   

Tel  +49 941 943 5054
Fax  +49 941 943 5020