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compdiagTools - a toolbox for microarray analysis

An R package containing tools for analysis and illustration of microarray experiments.

compdiagTools - Toolbox for performing and illustrating microarray data analyses

compdiagTools is an R-package with a collection of functions which may facilitate performing and illustrating microarray data analyses.

Technical report

A toolbox for performing and illustrating microarray data analyses - user's guide to the R package compdiagTools
Scheid S, J?ger J and Lottaz C
CompDiag Technical Report Nr. 2005/01 Mar. 2005


Download the tared and gzipped source file for compilation or the Windows binary file. In order to install compdiagTools, you need version 3.1 or later of R and various packages from release 2.14 or later of Bioconductor.

→ the current source package
→ the current Windows binary

  1. Department of Medicine
  2. Institute of Functional Genomics