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Computational Science

content of 'B.Sc./M.Sc. Studiengang Computational Science | Informatik in den Naturwissenschaften'


Journal Club

Statistical Bioinformatics - JOURNAL?CLUB [2020]

We meet weekly on Tuesdays, 9:30 in the seminar room of the Institute for Functional Genomics of the University of Regensburg. We discuss progress reports of group members or master students, hold seminars on recent articles on statistical or algorithmical topics related to bioinformatics, and welcome guests at the chair to talk about their current research.

If you are interested to join, please contact Prof. Dr. Rainer Spang.

Please note: Due to the current limitations related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we offer our Journal Club in a digital format until further notice.

Check our current Journal Club schedule.

Genomische Datenanalyse

Information and material for the microarray workshop

Genomische Datenanalyse

Lecture Practical
Room check information in VVZ #57046 check information in VVZ #57046
Tutor Rainer Spang


The workshop provides an introduction to the analysis of genomic data. The analysis of microarray data sets is practiced using the statistical software R and Bioconductor.


Lecture ?Mo-Fr ?10:00h - 12:00h (st)
Practical ?Mo-Fr ?13:00h - 18:00h (st)

Lecture Slides

Day Lecture Practical
1 Introduction A gentle Introduction into R
2 Normalization Quality Control and Normalization
3 Screening Differential Geneexpressionanalysis


5 Classification Classification

More informations and PDF fil

Programming with R


Slides last updated on 2019-07-31 .


  1. Department of Medicine
  2. Institute of Functional Genomics

Teaching Statistical Bioinformatics


Dsc 0016