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AG:ITAS Working Group for Early Career Researchers

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ag:itas has a group on GRIPS where discussions can be initiated and information shared

What is ag:itas?

The Center for International and Transnational Area Studies (CITAS) at the University of Regensburg has created a Working Group (Arbeitsgruppe) for early career scholars. AG:ITAS is open to postdoctoral researchers, doctoral researchers and advanced Master’s students and graduates from all disciplines working on any world region, including but not limited to East and South-East Europe, Western Europe and North America - the core focus at CITAS. The Working Group reflects both the growing significance of area-specific issues in culture, politics and the economy, while also recognizing the need to provide structured support for early career scholars enabling them to develop bottom-up initiatives.


For more information or to express an interest in being involved in AG:ITAS, please contact Dr Paul Vickerscitas@ur.de.


Approach and Formats

The Working Group offers early career scholars a forum for collegial exchanges on their own research, for discussions on current developments in area studies and the related disciplines, and for developing skills and networks supporting academic and non-academic careers. The group will work across a variety of formats, from project presentations and reading sessions to career workshops and networking events. AG:ITAS could become an incubator for future collaborative, multidisciplinary research projects while also enabling participants’ individual research to reach broader audiences by promoting public engagement.


CITAS will host the Working Group’s meetings but, as the name AG:ITAS suggests (Latin: agitas, you move), the idea is for early career scholars to take ownership of the group through bottom-up initiatives.

Collaboration and Network

ag:itas seeks to further not only the development of transregional and comparative area studies at University of Regensburg but also the scope of structured graduate programmes at the university. It thus complements existing structures, such as PUR (Promotionskolleg der Philosophischen Fakult?ten), WIN (Zentrum zur F?rderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses) and the department for personnel development that runs a postdoctoral training programme.

ag:itas and CITAS, meanwhile, have a specific focus on the needs of scholars conducting interdisciplinary transnational, transregional and comparative research.

Berkeley Infobildschirm
Deadline - 3 March 2019

Doctoral Exchange with Berkeley

Together with IOS, the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European studies, CITAS will coordinate Doctoral exchange program in Area Studies. At University of California -?Berkeley the Institute for European Studies is the key partner.

Applications from doctoral students in?Berkeley are now welcome. The deadline is 3 March. You can find the call for applications here. CITAS?is happy to answer any questions.

Winter Semester 2018/19 at UR

Training and support for early career scholars

CITAS?cooperates with PUR (Promotionskolleg der Philosophischen Fakult?ten), WIN (Zentrum zur F?rderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses) and the department for personnel development that runs a postdoctoral training programme in promoting and supporting postgraduate and postdoctoral training and support.

22. November 2018, 11.30-14.00, H39

Research Funding - Compact. Information event

Section IV/5 has organized an event for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers on German and European funding opportunities. The event will be held in German. For more information please see the Flyer.

18.10.18-07.02.19, Thursdays 12:30-14:00, PT 1.06

Interdisciplinary doctoral seminar at PUR

Prof. Dr. Sabine Koller and Prof. Dr. Mark Spoerer have organized this seminar as an opportunity to present research to peers across the disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. You can find more information here on the seminar, including how to register.

For general information on PUR, please see the flyer.

Compass-2646437 1920
Wintersemester 2018/19

Non-academic careers for postdocs and doctoral researchers

This event has been organized by the section for personnel development. A series of workshops and coaching events is on offer to doctoral researchers and postdocs relating to career planning, leadership skills and applications. For more information (in German) please follow the link.

ag:itas Past events

An informal information event was held on 11 July at 14:00 in Sammelgeb?ude 214. Here ideas for how the group could develop in conjunction with CITAS were discussed. An event showcasing graduate research and providing a forum for discussing career options in and beyond academia is planned for the start of the autumn semester.

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Universit?tsstra?e 31
93053 Regensburg
Tel. +49 (0)941 943-5964

Email: citas@ur.de

Sammelgeb?ude, 214