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Useful Links on Area Studies

This page presents some links to newsletters, blogs, journals and organizations that offer more information on developments in area studies in Germany and internationally.


Connections is a peer-reviewed e-journal in the field of area, transnational, transregional, world and global histories, edited on the behalf of the European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH) by Matthias Middell (University of Leipzig) and Katja Naumann (Leipzig Center for the History an Culture of East Central Europe). Connections is a part of the H-Soz-u-Kult, Clio-online and H-Net network, which acts as an information and communication platform. It offers information on conferences, new publications and projects. It sends regular email updates to which you can subscribe here.

TRAFO - Blog for Transregional Research

Trafo offers a platform for scholars in the humanities and social sciences who are interested in questions of transregional research. It is curated by the Forum Transregionale Studien, the Max Weber Stiftung – Deutsche Geisteswissenschaftliche Institute im Ausland and by CrossArea. The blog presents calls for papers, thematic discussions and ongoing research, among other things.

Centre for Area Studies, Leipzig - Electronic Bulletin

This regular bulletin provides information not only on the events taking place at several area studies centres and projects in Leipzig, but also offers information on new publications and forthcoming events taking place elsewhere in Germany.

GIGA - German Institute of Global and Area Studies. Newsletter

GIGA offers a newsletter service offering a tailor-made subscription service to its various publications, including its Working Papers, Focus series and Information service. The information can be tailored according to your particular regional interests.

H-Net Networks

H-Net coordinates many networks with information relating to a range of humanities and social science subjects, including some networks relevant to Area Studies such as H-Africa, H-Borderlands on comparative borderland studies, H-Soyuz on postsocialism, and many more. Subscribers can participate in discussions and receive information on new publications and events.


The online magazine Comparativ is one of the most significant German journals for Area Studies and since 1991 it has been devoted to innovative approaches in transnational, transregional, and global history that focuess on the global condition emerging since the nineteenth century but also on the analysis of former processes of transregional interaction.


Cross Area e.V. is the association for transregional, comparative area studies and global studies in Germany. It organizes an annual conference. The association represents the interests of area studies institutions and research in Germany in some discussions with policymakers and research foundations.

Forum Transregionale Studien

The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien is a platform that promotes the internationalization of research in the humanities and social sciences. The Forum provides scope for collaboration among researchers with different regional and disciplinary perspectives and appoints researchers from all over the world as Fellows.


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